the 100% directionless thread

So today is the 159th anniversary of the 1862 Battle of Puebla where the smaller Mexican army defeated a larger French colonial force. Apparently it wasn't the decisive battle, but was an important morale boosting victory.

And because we turned into a convenient excuse to drink, Cinco de Mayo is a much more recognized holiday in the US than in Mexico itself lol

And yes, I had to look all that up.

Apparently the early 1860s were a big deal in North America, we had our Civil War, the Mexicans were fighting the French at the same time, I can only imagine the Canadians were even more looking south going "Nope" lol
Apparently the early 1860s were a big deal in North America
The Canadians were busy trying to figure out how to confederate, too...1867. They were awfully worried about the U.S. threat.
I'm not 100% on what you're saying, but you literally trade it like any other stock, or you can transfer it to a digital wallet (in which case the wallet software generates a key)
so the main purpose of crypto currency is blockchain- which is basically relying on one another to validate and regulate (getting rid of the treasury etc.).. This is a wickedly simple and boiled down definition so it's not 1000% accurate, but merit remains. That validation is done through cryptography (how confidentiality via computers/networks work), which is further provided through keys

I'm not so sure - where did you find that?
so the same link applies thats listed above^^. While i don't advocate for any "platform" to do cryptocurrency on here is another comparison (a very quick google). So the main premise is having a platform manage keys for you is bad. Having the ability to have it be YOUR key, is the biggest part. See following excerpt from article "After making your purchase, withdrawing your tokens to a more secure hardware wallet is simple. While the usual advice from crypto veterans is never leaving your coins on an exchange"

The overall merit is secure storage of cryptocurrency is the biggest thing. While Robinhood has certainly had its.... trials and tribulations, bottom line is since cryptocurrency isn't regulated theoretically any shop that you use to trade cryptocurrency on could just close up shop and take it with them. Or illustrate they got "hacked" to cash in some cryptocurrencies.

didn't mean to stir the pot was just curious on current platforms now-a-days lol. My bad yall
I plan to get back to reading my EKG book so I can understand the EKGs better when the medics hook them up.
I got it for $30.
If it looks like this,

shock it.

If it looks like this,

pace it.

if it looks like this,

MFB. (Measure for box)
The one I saw looked a bit like this. If I get anymore cardiac calls tonight or in two weeks I’ll do my best to get a copy of the EKG.


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Almost halfway (ok more like a quarter) done this shift and nothing. It’s hard to get cleared when I don’t have any patients to treat.
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Almost halfway (ok more like a quarter) done this shift and nothing. It’s hard to get cleared when I don’t have any patients to treat.
I felt like everytime I got a trainee or ride along, it would suddenly get a lot slower and the calls would get a lot lamer, lol.
First time I was here doing 911 training, the 6 days or so i had, there were 5 calls total if that.
3 hours left and nothing. I’ve got my regular work schedule on top of this. I have to be at the main base in 11 hours for my usual 12 hour shift. I did this to myself though so I shouldn’t complain. I’m more annoyed that I haven’t done anything yet with this shift than anything else. I’m an albino cloud.
The other night, EMS had a third rider Trainee (this time just the one lol). She told us later at the hospital she was on like her 6th shift and they wanted to extend because she hadn't worked a cardiac arrest yet. Well... guess why we were chatting at the hospital? Status post code.... not just any code but what the Medic was calling the worst Megacode she had had in forever....

It's hard to describe, other than the guys heart rhythm could not decide to stay in any single rhythm for more than a couple minutes... including Asystole. He was jumping from flatline in and out of PEA and even V-Fib. He got shocked at least a half dozen times, would convert, and be back in Fib shortly thereafter... but a few times had an extremely Brady rhythm that we could feel a pulse, and they started to try and pace, but couldn't capture and he'd go back to V Fib again... eventually we transported, still working on him.

The whole time his EtCO2 was in the 40s to 50s, even started to kind of breath a little, but more like agonal gasps, but with the ET tube in, he was sucking in enough air by himself to collapse the BVM. Initial intubation they found so much fluid in his airway they think it was basically a crash Pulmonary Embolism (he had eye surgery like a day or so earlier as well).

The medics told us they essentially ran out of their whole ACLS stock on scene (and there must've been a mile worth of monitor print out...)

So yeah, be careful what you wish for!
As long as I’m able to get some PT assessments done, I’m happy.
Seriously considering leaving FD in CA for Wilco if I make it through the rest of the process. Passed written and skills, interview next week!
Last call of the day was a cardiac arrest. Get there and PD was doing compressions. She was grey and extremities were cold. Was told to still hook up AED and do commissions until medics arrived to call. Medics show up and call it. About to head in for my usual shift after three hours of sleep.
Have I ever mentioned how much I hate the van style ambulances at work? I have to sit on the edge of the drivers seat to reach the pedals and even then I can just barely reach them.