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Woot! I finally got one! I got me a PS5!!
I was following in stock alerts and they were saying they expected Target to go live with them like 5am eastern time, which luckily for me is like 11pm haha. Plus I'm on my 4 day so I didn't have to worry about being up too late. So I had logged in, cc out and ready. 11 comes and goes, out of stock, so I head to bed
2am, still only half asleep, get the chime, "In stock now!" Only available for in store pickup (I guess each store only got like a handful of each, but is a nice way to avoid some jerkoff buying 20 all at once with some bot). Had it added to cart, CC info, everything good to go, but idk, was probably a ton of traffic, the website wasn't letting me checkout right away. Someone on the Twitter thread suggested keep hitting the check out button till I get a confirmation.
A little leary about possibly getting a bunch of charges all at once that way, I did refresh, see it was still listed as in stock, so what the hey. Was doing that, got a text from my bank about possible fraud, they denied a $500 charge (me tryna buy the PS5!), responded saying that was me, it was good, still had to keep hitting the checkout button, but a few minutes later it went through, and I got the order confirmation!
And I just got home with the PS5 after picking up in store huzzah!
(I'm still slightly irked, that shoulda been right after they went on sale drama 5 months ago, not now, but oh well, I finally got one, and didn't have to pay some stupid azz scalper or off a shady Chinese auction website lol)
I was following in stock alerts and they were saying they expected Target to go live with them like 5am eastern time, which luckily for me is like 11pm haha. Plus I'm on my 4 day so I didn't have to worry about being up too late. So I had logged in, cc out and ready. 11 comes and goes, out of stock, so I head to bed
2am, still only half asleep, get the chime, "In stock now!" Only available for in store pickup (I guess each store only got like a handful of each, but is a nice way to avoid some jerkoff buying 20 all at once with some bot). Had it added to cart, CC info, everything good to go, but idk, was probably a ton of traffic, the website wasn't letting me checkout right away. Someone on the Twitter thread suggested keep hitting the check out button till I get a confirmation.
A little leary about possibly getting a bunch of charges all at once that way, I did refresh, see it was still listed as in stock, so what the hey. Was doing that, got a text from my bank about possible fraud, they denied a $500 charge (me tryna buy the PS5!), responded saying that was me, it was good, still had to keep hitting the checkout button, but a few minutes later it went through, and I got the order confirmation!
And I just got home with the PS5 after picking up in store huzzah!
(I'm still slightly irked, that shoulda been right after they went on sale drama 5 months ago, not now, but oh well, I finally got one, and didn't have to pay some stupid azz scalper or off a shady Chinese auction website lol)