Californian, Lost in Texas
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So, as the new school year is about to start, I find myself coming up on a personal crossroads in the not-terribly-distant future.
So I've managed to find my way to a literally-perfect school schedule for attacking a Master's by being one of the only people who likes 12-hour posting shifts at my employer (which lets me essentially design my own schedule)- to the point where I won't do most 24s because there's real and relevant fatigue problems and I'm one of those snowflakes that believes in sleeping at fairly regular, lengthy intervals and doesn't like working stand-up 24s routinely. I don't make bad money doing this, and I am an in-charge paramedic in a busy, relatively high-functioning 911 EMS system, but I also feel that there isn't a whole lot of room for advancement (particularly if I maintain my fixation on not working stand-up 24s), and as much as I love what I do, I also want to use some of this fancy book learning and be a better leader than I've had. I've heard a lot of good things about a few local and regional agencies that do pay better and care for their people to a greater extent than my current (already decently-high-functioning) employer, but as great as they sound (and their solutions to fatigue, pay and lifestyle are legitimately better), I don't know if I want to go through the hoopla of NEOP and clearing again at a "better" agency for essentially the same job, in slightly better conditions. On the other hand, I like my current job, I love what I do, and at least one of these alternates not only pays more and has some vastly better policies (for example, they don't write sick employees up for being sick); they have college-incentive pay, Powerloads + vents and county benefits, and if I want to be a field medic, they're pretty sweet- to the point where I think that I could see it being a career place. It's not terribly far from where I am either, so moving wouldn't be required. On the other hand, my heart really isn't in this area, and I miss desert skies, seasons, family & friends, and places that aren't swamps. There's a fear of getting so comfortable at Potential Local Alternative Employer that I settle for PLAE, and I don't know if I want to do that. (Complicating the issue is that multiple good PLAEs are hiring or soon will be and I've been approached by multiple PLAEs about applying).
However, I want to run somewhere, and do it well, and that's not likely to happen in a large agency anytime soon, especially without running somewhere smaller first. At Current Employer, I have essentially no chance at promotion, due to my aversion to 24s and a long and very-interested list of people more senior than I, and I'm fairly OK with that, because I really don't want to be a field supervisor outside of clinical issues and operations and such- I want to be the director, the head honcho or at least a medium-size neck or upper chest honcho, etc, and I've seen that there's not a need to do years as a supervisor to find a position as a director- it would be a transitional role, and Current Employer's supervisors are essentially terminal positions due to the glacial pace of managerial turnover. I could see myself as a very happy camper as a senior medic or a CCT medic, a la the MedStar CCP program or something, but those positions also tend to take years to get through and don't address much of my desire to direct an organization. At Alternative Employers In the Area, I would make a little more money and have slightly better equipment than I do now, but I don't know if I could continue to work with my school schedule to the same extent that I can now, but it would still essentially be more of the same, with the added stress of having to go through clearing again and still not getting to run somewhere- plus, it would be yet another job on the resume, and I do think there's something to be said for longevity at a place (not to mention the ethics of starting somewhere you have every intention of moving on from in a lot less time than the 'decades' they want to hear and legitimately work hard to help you achieve).
I know my best shot at running someplace is to find somewhere smaller, likely-rural, and stepping right in and I'm OK with that and the work it requires, so I kind of have a guess as to where the next real stop on the career train is- but I am sort-of confused as to which route I ought to take to get to that point. In either event, school is the priority- a master's in healthcare administration (finance, business, practices, management, etc) and maybe building it out to an MBA, plus a bachelor's in education, plus paramedic with all of its assorted hanger-on certifications, and a solid decade of 911/IFT experience ought to make me at least reasonably competitive for running places- but the school is going to be over in around 18 months, which is totally doable at Current Employer and would still have me as a fairly new employee at PLAE when I start looking in earnest for a leadership role. A lot of me wants to stay at Current Employer until it's time to get off the train and run somewhere, but a lot of me also wants to try PLAE-flavored Kool-aid and extra $$$ and somewhat better treatment for the short-term. Any advice?
So I've managed to find my way to a literally-perfect school schedule for attacking a Master's by being one of the only people who likes 12-hour posting shifts at my employer (which lets me essentially design my own schedule)- to the point where I won't do most 24s because there's real and relevant fatigue problems and I'm one of those snowflakes that believes in sleeping at fairly regular, lengthy intervals and doesn't like working stand-up 24s routinely. I don't make bad money doing this, and I am an in-charge paramedic in a busy, relatively high-functioning 911 EMS system, but I also feel that there isn't a whole lot of room for advancement (particularly if I maintain my fixation on not working stand-up 24s), and as much as I love what I do, I also want to use some of this fancy book learning and be a better leader than I've had. I've heard a lot of good things about a few local and regional agencies that do pay better and care for their people to a greater extent than my current (already decently-high-functioning) employer, but as great as they sound (and their solutions to fatigue, pay and lifestyle are legitimately better), I don't know if I want to go through the hoopla of NEOP and clearing again at a "better" agency for essentially the same job, in slightly better conditions. On the other hand, I like my current job, I love what I do, and at least one of these alternates not only pays more and has some vastly better policies (for example, they don't write sick employees up for being sick); they have college-incentive pay, Powerloads + vents and county benefits, and if I want to be a field medic, they're pretty sweet- to the point where I think that I could see it being a career place. It's not terribly far from where I am either, so moving wouldn't be required. On the other hand, my heart really isn't in this area, and I miss desert skies, seasons, family & friends, and places that aren't swamps. There's a fear of getting so comfortable at Potential Local Alternative Employer that I settle for PLAE, and I don't know if I want to do that. (Complicating the issue is that multiple good PLAEs are hiring or soon will be and I've been approached by multiple PLAEs about applying).
However, I want to run somewhere, and do it well, and that's not likely to happen in a large agency anytime soon, especially without running somewhere smaller first. At Current Employer, I have essentially no chance at promotion, due to my aversion to 24s and a long and very-interested list of people more senior than I, and I'm fairly OK with that, because I really don't want to be a field supervisor outside of clinical issues and operations and such- I want to be the director, the head honcho or at least a medium-size neck or upper chest honcho, etc, and I've seen that there's not a need to do years as a supervisor to find a position as a director- it would be a transitional role, and Current Employer's supervisors are essentially terminal positions due to the glacial pace of managerial turnover. I could see myself as a very happy camper as a senior medic or a CCT medic, a la the MedStar CCP program or something, but those positions also tend to take years to get through and don't address much of my desire to direct an organization. At Alternative Employers In the Area, I would make a little more money and have slightly better equipment than I do now, but I don't know if I could continue to work with my school schedule to the same extent that I can now, but it would still essentially be more of the same, with the added stress of having to go through clearing again and still not getting to run somewhere- plus, it would be yet another job on the resume, and I do think there's something to be said for longevity at a place (not to mention the ethics of starting somewhere you have every intention of moving on from in a lot less time than the 'decades' they want to hear and legitimately work hard to help you achieve).
I know my best shot at running someplace is to find somewhere smaller, likely-rural, and stepping right in and I'm OK with that and the work it requires, so I kind of have a guess as to where the next real stop on the career train is- but I am sort-of confused as to which route I ought to take to get to that point. In either event, school is the priority- a master's in healthcare administration (finance, business, practices, management, etc) and maybe building it out to an MBA, plus a bachelor's in education, plus paramedic with all of its assorted hanger-on certifications, and a solid decade of 911/IFT experience ought to make me at least reasonably competitive for running places- but the school is going to be over in around 18 months, which is totally doable at Current Employer and would still have me as a fairly new employee at PLAE when I start looking in earnest for a leadership role. A lot of me wants to stay at Current Employer until it's time to get off the train and run somewhere, but a lot of me also wants to try PLAE-flavored Kool-aid and extra $$$ and somewhat better treatment for the short-term. Any advice?