the 100% directionless thread

Heard that one is actually nice. I liked the one at Victoria Gardens as well.

It is. Plus its right across from Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
It is. Plus its right across from Ben & Jerry's ice cream.
Ah yes, nothing like over-indulging on some "Cherry Garcia" after one too many half yards.

@NysEms2117 you know you're more than welcomed to fly your East Coast a-s on over!
@VentMonkey I might actually have to be flying over soon in all honesty, My boss, myself, and a SPO are sorting some things out and California incarcerates the most people, so they're parole system by default has to be massive, trying to see how to improve ours..
@VentMonkey I might actually have to be flying over soon in all honesty, My boss, myself, and a SPO are sorting some things out and California incarcerates the most people, so they're parole system by default has to be massive, trying to see how to improve ours..
By "ConAir-ing" ours to NY;).
oh, i was debating not responding to this... but yes, lol. Looks like we'd be heading into either orange county or ventura county. Haven't the slightest where they are or whats in them, but i may be there nonetheless lol

on a completely different note. You folks in cali had a sheriffs deputy executed recently too sadly :(.
Both counties equal traffic. Sadly we've had to many cops and deputies killed here recently.
Both counties equal traffic
Is there a massive prison in either one of them? or a big group of state buildings? because sadly those are were id spend my days lol
oh, i was debating not responding to this... but yes, lol. Looks like we'd be heading into either orange county or ventura county. Haven't the slightest where they are or whats in them...
They're two of the nicer Southern California counties. Orange County is the home of this little place called Disneyland. Anyhow, you know how to get a hold of me if need be.
Is there a massive prison in either one of them? or a big group of state buildings? because sadly those are were id spend my days lol

Don't really know. I'm not in OC or Ventura Co. much. Riverside Co. on the other hand has Ironwood State Prison and Chuckwalla Valley State Prison.
Don't really know. I'm not in OC or Ventura Co. much. Riverside Co. on the other hand has Ironwood State Prison and Chuckwalla Valley State Prison.
Funny, they seem to "bury" a lot of prisons in the Central Valley as well:cool:.
Don't really know. I'm not in OC or Ventura Co. much. Riverside Co. on the other hand has Ironwood State Prison and Chuckwalla Valley State Prison.
i wanna say kern state, because its a IV MAX sec. If kern is close to orange or ventura.
Chino is terrible.
With relativity short ETA's it hardly seems prudent.
Yes, though Denver is fairly large geographically. We have RSI in Colorado Springs (2nd biggest city) but there are only four(ish) hospitals so transport times are longer and the AMR crews cover most of El Paso County, which is enourmous.
Yes, though Denver is fairly large geographically. We have RSI in Colorado Springs (2nd biggest city) but there are only four(ish) hospitals so transport times are longer and the AMR crews cover most of El Paso County, which is enourmous.
Are these counties geographical layouts such that HEMS are activated in the outskirts of each county respectively?

And if so, is this when, or why an RSI would take place (aside from perhaps patients in Colorado Springs/ El Paso being RSI-d before the HEMS agency arrived)?