the 100% directionless thread

Well, just saw this on my FB feed.

People like me, they really like me!

On another note. An hour early to base station. Yeah con-ed!
I feel like I haven't been on this thread as much since I discovered the chat room lol

But anyways I just got back from filling out apps to Mt SAC Paramedic program :)
I just had a very weird dream.....something about Jabba the Hutt trying to take my government travel card because somehow it was a sonic screwdriver o_O???
Dude, that is like the best combination of dreams ever!
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! Stay safe out there if you're working today.
Happy turkey day! I'm gonna go grt a beer now and toast all y'all working today ;)
Going to be honest, that's pretty much my pose right now. I'm on duty, but at home right now and just got a WaWa turkey bowl as I turned on the TV to watch football.

I miss turkey bowls. And I miss working days at 108. That's a great station.
Happy thanksgiving, at work for the next couple days. Need the OT