the 100% directionless thread

So I've been thinking about taking a new job. Better hours, better pay, better scheduling, better equipment, just a better situation all around.
Only downside is (and it's a big one) a 1hr 45min commute each way for 12s. Part of me thinks I can make it worth while at 40mpg, but then I think I'm just crazy.
If you're talking about what I think you're talking about, you could always relocate closer to the city.
My black clouding one of the bases I've been frequenting lately has been paying off. Lesson of the day was how much simply talking to the patient can change the situation, even more so than medication in this instance (psych). Nice to have a good moment where I understand what I am doing to balance out the stupid medic student moments I have from time to time. :D Definitely picked up a few do's and dont's through trial and error on that call.
Yeah, I did the long commute for a while. For anyone that knows Washington state, Bremerton to Yakima. 187 miles each way. And no, I didn't take the ferry, I drove around. And yes, I went over Snolqualmie pass in winter.

It was 48 hour shifts and I only did it once a week.
I used to do 720 miles round trip every shift... But then again it was seven on seven off. But then I was doing 400 miles a week for 48 or 72 a week
T- 11hrs till my much needed "mini" vacation.
Just cuz!
A CSP Trooper was struck by a drunk driver last week, leaving behind her husband in daughter. Certainly the saddest picture I've seen in some time.
Welcome back! How's your leg?
Haha quite the memory you have!! It's back to normalish.. Full ROM just learning to trust it again! Hope everything is well with you.

Tragic news about that trooper. Hope the drunk suffers or is burning in the holes of hell.
I just had a very weird dream.....something about Jabba the Hutt trying to take my government travel card because somehow it was a sonic screwdriver o.O???