the 100% directionless thread

@Chimpie are you guys wearing converse? If so thats epic, congrats man!
Aw @Chimpie I am so happy for you and your wife. I truly and sincerely hope that together you two are bestowed all the wonderful benefits of a good life together. I like weddings. I haven't been to many (like 2 or 3) and none of them my own (yet .....) but I am a total and complete sucker for the idea of true love and a soulmate for life.

Either I am a hopeless romantic or very, very naive (not sure which yet!)
Way too much alcohol was consumed at a wedding.

Mixed two types of whiskey and then vodka. About a fifths worth.

Puked all over my car. Laid in the mud. Neighbor saw my butt.

Not my proudest moment.
At least you didn't have to drive home!
In order:
I love the dress!
She is tall!
Love love love the shoes. Brilliant idea
Beautiful bride
I like that flower arrangement with the big vase and water
The pics of the father hugging the both of you :'( almost teared up
The happy couple!!!


It almost makes me wanna get married one day...almost
In order:
I love the dress! She's beautiful, right?
She is tall! 6'2 Only an inch shorter than me. Means I can put stuff on the top shelf with no worries. :)
Love love love the shoes. Brilliant idea We agree, 100%. We looked damn good in them.
Beautiful bride I agree. :)
I like that flower arrangement with the big vase and water They did a great job.
The pics of the father hugging the both of you :'( almost teared up It definitely was emotional.
The happy couple!!! I'm happier than I ever thought I could be.

there was the post your pic thread where someone assumed you were a 17 year old girl. So we've only gone down a year :p

yes! If I could just turn 21 every birthday that would be awesome.

I have had many 21st birthdays.
Before 21st bday ^^^^

After 21st bday ^^^
I'm already past the first one. I just like good beers. I've been brewing my own for a year now since it's too much of a pain in the... yknow.. to get someone to buy a decent beer that's my age.
My mom thinks my grandfather's stories of brewing moonshine in west Virginia were a bad influence on me... nah..
Don't even start! I've yet to have my first 21st. Still 5 months out. And counting. Hahaha

I thought you were older than me... I turn 21 next month.
I thought you were older than me... I turn 21 next month.
Nope. I'm an October baby. 4 days before Halloween.
as much as I want to be enlisted, at this point I'm really hoping I don't ship before then.
Nope. I'm an October baby. 4 days before Halloween.
as much as I want to be enlisted, at this point I'm really hoping I don't ship before then.

Turn 21 in basic... that would blow.
Anddddd I feel old.
Turn 21 in basic... that would blow.
I turned 21 less than a month after I deployed to Iraq.....(though our terp had a bottle of Jack that he gave me a shot for my b-day lol, but otherwise instead of 9 weeks I had 9 months before I could legally partake)