the 100% directionless thread

Genetics homework is quite boring, thank you.
Funny. my life's work is healing people. my life's play is blowing them up.
xbox or ps3?
CapitalPnshment on xbox
xbox or ps3?
CapitalPnshment on xbox

cool cool flood8 on xbox. i'll add you up as soon as i get back from the store with my new addiction.

vitamin water zero : recoup. oh the peachy goodness. i just love me some artificial peach flavoring.

oh darn. too late to buy beer. MAN wtf. nightshift has me ruined. i'm wide awake at post-midnight.

i'll hit ya up here in a bit!
cool, its all about vitamin water revive, and tiger milk protein *candy* bars.
Is it sick that I am praying that one of of those 10's-of-thousands of tourists invading my county this weekend jack themselves up good enough to require swiftwater rescue, technical rescue, or a nice wilderness medical rescue? I am staying sober and available like I do on every holiday and I would like to be rewarded for my dedication. -_-
Is it sick that I am praying that one of of those 10's-of-thousands of tourists invading my county this weekend jack themselves up good enough to require swiftwater rescue, technical rescue, or a nice wilderness medical rescue? I am staying sober and available like I do on every holiday and I would like to be rewarded for my dedication. -_-

Its such a strange juxtaposition. Being the healer... hoping someone get's hurt!

I usually put it like this... "i don't want someone to have a bad day... i just want to be there when they do!"

on an unrelated side note, and since i was going to post this anyway.

Shadowed in an ICU two weeks ago... and saw dude nasally intubated with an EIGHT!

Ok, given he was an african american (please forgive my sterotyping of his large nostrils) and he was a large man... but OMFG an 8 in the nose! ouch ouch ouch.

poor dude's PMH: Victim of an assault with placement of a steel plate 2nd to head trauma. This admission: Took a baseball bat to the head that DEFORMED the plate in his head!!!!!

this guy must be a REALLY nice guy, to take a baseball bat to the head on two separate occasions.
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cool, its all about vitamin water revive, and tiger milk protein *candy* bars.

oh i haven't tried those yet. I usually shy away from protein supplements as i'm an avid carnivore. unless i'm on a climbing trip, then i'll definitely take at least one for the day.

i'm waiting on my wife to finish a movie on the tv now before i can play mw2. She came home from her cousin's while i was out getting the beverages and now she's "finishing" the twilight movie. it's all freaking drama in the living room. i haven't gotten into the series yet, so i'm ignoring it. But from the storylines i'm hearing, i'm thinking that the grand finale battle is about to happen. lame lame!
i just realized that i have emtlife open in two browser windows and had a reply to the same thread going in each window.

freaking stupid move end. E N D!!!1!!!
My station is like...60 degrees inside. It's a cooler in here. I'm freezing, I have my bunker jacket on. I wonder how much the fireys pay for their electric's July, in Texas.
Its such a strange juxtaposition. Being the healer... hoping someone get's hurt!

I usually put it like this... "i don't want someone to have a bad day... i just want to be there when they do!"

Ya, but whe I see small children playing near class 3 rapids, running at 3500 cfs, at 42 degrees, without parental supervision "because it is vacation and the effing forest is a giant playground where no bad can happen to flatlanders without a clue"... is it bad that I think: "I sure hope one of these morons drown and give me something to do"? :P j/k... kinda...
Ya, but whe I see small children playing near class 3 rapids, running at 3500 cfs, at 42 degrees, without parental supervision "because it is vacation and the effing forest is a giant playground where no bad can happen to flatlanders without a clue"... is it bad that I think: "I sure hope one of these morons drown and give me something to do"? :P j/k... kinda...

Dude, if he drowns, you have nothing to do but a body recovery. Where is the fun in that? I'd go for a near drowning or a strait up immersion/hypothermia w/ some highly technical swiftwater work and the Air Force SAR/MEDEVAC bird. Sweetness.

Side note: M-res-Q, do y'all have military air available to you for stuff, or does the SO handle all of it. If we have need of a true SAR bird we call the USAF SAR 60 out of Spokane. I suppose in theory we can also call WA DNR and get one of their Jet Rangers or Hueys.
Side note: M-res-Q, do y'all have military air available to you for stuff, or does the SO handle all of it. If we have need of a true SAR bird we call the USAF SAR 60 out of Spokane. I suppose in theory we can also call WA DNR and get one of their Jet Rangers or Hueys.

I'm not the Mountain Man but I will tell you out here we regularly get help from the National Guard and/or Army. They write it off as training. We've also had media helicopters and medical helicopters help with searching.
Dude, if he drowns, you have nothing to do but a body recovery. Where is the fun in that? I'd go for a near drowning or a strait up immersion/hypothermia w/ some highly technical swiftwater work and the Air Force SAR/MEDEVAC bird. Sweetness.

Side note: M-res-Q, do y'all have military air available to you for stuff, or does the SO handle all of it. If we have need of a true SAR bird we call the USAF SAR 60 out of Spokane. I suppose in theory we can also call WA DNR and get one of their Jet Rangers or Hueys.

Actaully, our waters are so cold, fast, and removed from a fast emergency response (especially with heavy snow melt) that statistically speaking if we get called out it is probably gonna be a swiftwater search and recovery; some of these operations have lasted over a year and in a few cases the remains are still MIA after 20+ years. If it is to be a Swiftwater Rescue, the victim has to be able to get themselves out of the water in less than 90 seconds. Past that, hypothermia and the natural obsticles in the water will turn it into a recovery. For every rescue we perform, we will see 8-10 search and recovery operations. Sad, but true. However, from a rescuer perspective, recovery operations are often more involved and require a lot more swiftwater and technical ropes skill because instead of performing the operation once to rescue them, we are doing evolutions over and over in a continued search. As far as kids go, sad fact is that in swiftwater conditions "Children Do Not Float". Adults can get lucky (there is no such thing as a fighting chance since fighting swiftwater conditions is pointless unless you are trained to work with the water) but children sink fast.

As far as the use of helos go. Our Team started air operations training with the US NAvy back in the late 70's / early 80's and for years contracted out with a local company. They provided the helicopter and pilot... we provided trained searchers, rescuers, and medics to fly. Money is tight now-a-days and even though I LOVE the little Lama (not so much with the Bell 212), it costs too much for the county to contract out on anything past the REALLY big calls. If we need a helo we have multiple agencies around that can assist. The California Highway Patrol has about a dozen birds in the state that we can call; and rountinly do. Yosemite can render Mutual Aid. One of the Valley Counties has a new helo that they are really happy to get in the air. And we can, only when all other options are exhausted (by law), request the Military. The National Guard is the first option, but we also have the Marine Mountain Warefare Center nearby that can also assist. The Air Ambulances in the area have also done aerial fly bys on searches if they are in the area already, but the CHP birds (staffed with one medic) tend to do 90% of the flying now-a-days.
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Finally back in Denver :)
I'm not the Mountain Man but I will tell you out here we regularly get help from the National Guard and/or Army. They write it off as training. We've also had media helicopters and medical helicopters help with searching.

Media bird? What's that? Lol. We never even have them come into the county I swear.

And we have called our med helo (Northwest Medstar) for searches and boy, do they get mad! We were told once basically "we are not a SAR agency if you need search and rescue you call the Air Force. Sorry, you can't get a bird."

So if we are lucky well get the SAR 60 out of Fairchild AFB. I have not yet worked with the Air Force myself, but summer is just starting. :-) And I was gone last summer, so I of course missed all the good SAR calls.

We shall see.


You have sure got a heck of alot of birds available to y'all. We have the one 60 out of Fairchild, two WA DNR Cobras and two WA DNR Hueys. I suppose if we really were hurting we could get at the USFS Jet Ranger Helitak bird, but that is a good two hours out. I guess a former County Sheriff owned his own fixed wing and he used to go and fly SAR missions with several deputies and County SAR folks for eyes.

We are a mostly agricultural community, so we don't have too many hikers and stuff like that getting lost. We do get our share, but most people don't go out of their way to come hike and such here.
What do you guys do to burn time while on shift? Being on oil stand by, I can't sleep per AMR policy, so I have to stay away the entire 12-16 hours. I just downloaded SimCity for my iPhone and searching for some time consuming games for my netbook (has to be direct download).