the 100% directionless thread

That's pretty cool.

I too have a pretty awesome plan. Probably not quite as detailed but a couple friends and I have a general idea of who, what, where, when and how. I'd have a grand old time with zombies. Just like Call of Duty!

At work this winter, several of us (when bored) would have hour-long discussions on this. As a result, we have a number of detailed plans for long-term survival... and I do mean "LONG TERM"! Most people focus on "what type of gun is best for killing Zombies", but there is so much more to consider.

For every one of my GIS classes, I have to do an end-of-the-semester project. For instance, last semester I mapped out a criminal investigation / 5 day search for SO Investigators and created a map book for further investigative purposes. This semester I just finished up a county wide jurisdictional analysis for Rope Rescue Services, revealing jurisdictional boundaries based on local policy for wilderness versus urban rope rescue and basic versus technical rope rescue (using proximity to roadways and angle of terrain). Next semester I HAVE to create a county-wide Zombie Survival Map. That site is good, but I am finding issues with it; things that they did not factor in that I will... of course, I will not reveal my personal plan for fear that my select group arrives at out secure location and find 500 people with iPods squatting in my compound!
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If I bring beer can I come to the compound? I guess I can leave my iPod at home... :rofl:
If I bring beer can I come to the compound? I guess I can leave my iPod at home... :rofl:

You have to have skills necessary to the long-term success of our new society... bringing beer? NO... Knowing how to make beer? YES.

I have a guy who knows how to make bio-diesel... the idea is that for every Zombie we kill, we can brew half a gallon of fuel. See... that is a skill that can be far more valuable than being able to shoot in a long-term survival situation. Other factors we have addressed long term (not survival, but new way of life): Water (we have a location with a secure supply), power (solar), remote defense with a walled perimeter, food (canned only works for the first year, better have a long term plan), etc...

I really CAN NOT wait!!!
I have realized it's easier to bring my medical director a milk shake and ask for forgiveness, than it is to ask for permission. :P
You have to have skills necessary to the long-term success of our new society... bringing beer? NO... Knowing how to make beer? YES.

I have a guy who knows how to make bio-diesel... the idea is that for every Zombie we kill, we can brew half a gallon of fuel. See... that is a skill that can be far more valuable than being able to shoot in a long-term survival situation. Other factors we have addressed long term (not survival, but new way of life): Water (we have a location with a secure supply), power (solar), remote defense with a walled perimeter, food (canned only works for the first year, better have a long term plan), etc...

I really CAN NOT wait!!!

I can brew beer too. That's about all I got for ya though....
I have realized it's easier to bring my medical director a milk shake and ask for forgiveness, than it is to ask for permission. :P

New signature.

Thank you very much.


Sorry BBG :/
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The guy sat on a 3 inch screw. We got him in the back of the ambulance before we started our assessment. The screw was still in his butt. And of course he didn't want to get transported.

So that was an awkward call to medical control to get clearence to remove the screw. I've taken screw out of wood before but it's alot different when it's flesh.

"Sat on," right :P

That's what they all say :rofl:
Okay... had to take a break from finishing up school work for the semester to post this link. Despite the fact that I primarily use GIS for Public Safety and Emergency Service applications, the people who made this GIS Database and Map are BRILLIANT!!! This is a Zombie Survival Map. The parameters for the creation of this data set may be in dispute by some, but the premise is AWESOME!!! The maps lays out areas of higher danger as well as locations for supplies, such as guns, food, gas, etc. Shopping Malls (Dawn of the Dead) are also highlighted, as well as locations for medical professionals; not hospitals (high danger areas), but the residences of Doctors and Nurses (if their residence location was available for the database) so that you can "target" who you want in your survival group. Personally, I have already selected locations to take refuge at, shops to raid in the first 3 months, a place to set a permanent settlement once the dust starts to settle, and some of the people I need in the group to ensure our survival... and of course, my choice in armaments...

Check it Out...

CROSSBOW? Ahh damnit just another zombie discussion. I thought this was the big one :/
CROSSBOW? Ahh damnit just another zombie discussion. I thought this was the big one :/
Who needs crossbows?
It's called style?

Style be damned... after a ton of research and debate with friends that will be part of the new civilization that we create in the post Zombie Apocalyptic World, two weapons cam to mind as primary:

Glock 17
9mm Beretta

Now, I know that the debate rages on what is the best weapons to take out zombies, and I agree that there are a wide range that have applications in certain situations, however overall, the criteria we set for weapons were met by these two handguns... however, there are still those in my group that preach .40, .357, 12g, and 30-06... but after some objective discussion, we had to go with the 2 handguns that best met the criteria we felt was important.
Style be damned... after a ton of research and debate with friends that will be part of the new civilization that we create in the post Zombie Apocalyptic World, two weapons cam to mind as primary:

Glock 17
9mm Beretta

Now, I know that the debate rages on what is the best weapons to take out zombies, and I agree that there are a wide range that have applications in certain situations, however overall, the criteria we set for weapons were met by these two handguns... however, there are still those in my group that preach .40, .357, 12g, and 30-06... but after some objective discussion, we had to go with the 2 handguns that best met the criteria we felt was important.

I really think that in the interest of simplicity we will be ok with the 12 g, 9 mm Beretta, and MP4 the hubby is always looking into.

I really like the beretta, and I hope the zombies run away when I rack the shotgun cause I don't want to get any pellets in the plaster.
You have to have skills necessary to the long-term success of our new society... bringing beer? NO... Knowing how to make beer? YES.

I have a guy who knows how to make bio-diesel... the idea is that for every Zombie we kill, we can brew half a gallon of fuel. See... that is a skill that can be far more valuable than being able to shoot in a long-term survival situation. Other factors we have addressed long term (not survival, but new way of life): Water (we have a location with a secure supply), power (solar), remote defense with a walled perimeter, food (canned only works for the first year, better have a long term plan), etc...

I really CAN NOT wait!!!

It can get very tedious defending potatoes. How much are you planning to pay the night watchmen?
Got a carol from my mom while in school. Little sister is in the hospital, c. Diff that ran borderline septic
Trail run? Why yes, yes I will :D Oh summer, how I love thee :p
It's raining here...and like 50 :/

85 and not a cloud in the sky! I'd go for a ride today too if it weren't for a race on Saturday :D
Lucky :(