the 100% directionless thread

Well I had someone in my EMT class that could control their gag reflex too. She took the biggest OA she could find and put it in.

I'm pretty good at controlling mine. I'm actually tempted to try this to see if I can...
Oh dear lord jesus. I couldn't log into my schedule. I thought I had been fired, turns out my password had to be reset. Aaah the ten minutes of panic! It doesn't help that I mess up with every single patient, have messed up in big ways more than once, recently caused a lawsuit, had a nurse complain about me because I got a little short when she tried to send a patient on a psych transfer with a BP in the 230s and poked a hole in her theory that she had given him clonidine at 2:30 (we had been there with my partner in the room, since 2:15), and am pretty sure that they're going to eventually fire me. Hahaha.

But, bright side, get to do a ride along with air care. Yaay! No desire to do flight, but I think it would be a really good experience!

Now.. wish I'd hear back from those 911 companies I applied to.
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Oh dear lord jesus. I couldn't log into my schedule. I thought I had been fired, turns out my password had to be reset. Aaah the ten minutes of panic! It doesn't help that I mess up with every single patient, have messed up in big ways more than once, recently caused a lawsuit, had a nurse complain about me because I got a little short when she tried to send a patient on a psych transfer with a BP in the 230s and poked a hole in her theory that she had given him clonidine at 2:30 (we had been there with my partner in the room, since 2:15), and am pretty sure that they're going to eventually fire me. Hahaha.

But, bright side, get to do a ride along with air care. Yaay! No desire to do flight, but I think it would be a really good experience!

Now.. wish I'd hear back from those 911 companies I applied to.

Good luck Sasha.

please tell me you were in a second story build and not a single story


I keep wondering where these stairs came from. :wacko:
I can finally drive again. I'm going to BLS ALL my patients so my partner can take them and I don't have to do a report. baahahahahaha.

STEMI? That's not a STEMI you were just moving during the 12 lead. You're fine, here meet my EMT partner :)
Good Lord my Bday snuck up on me, its this Sunday and instead of getting to sleep in like I want to I have to get up early to go get my Mom from the airport so she can spend my day with me. Is it just me or shouldnt have someone else in my family offered to pick her up? LOL
My boots are covered in crusty mud. Going to be awhile cleaning them this morning because I was too oblivious to just wash them off before they dried.

Good Lord my Bday snuck up on me, its this Sunday and instead of getting to sleep in like I want to I have to get up early to go get my Mom from the airport so she can spend my day with me. Is it just me or shouldnt have someone else in my family offered to pick her up? LOL

Happy birthday!
I was driving home after a 12hr clinical in the ER, passing by a pickup on the highway going about 65. All of a sudden I hear a loud roaring and my car vibrates, and my first thought is "Holy hell thats a loud pickup"

Shortly did I realize that my right rear tire blew up... on the highway... going highway speeds.
I think it has been ordained that I'm going to have vomit on me all night tonight. I'm on uniform number 3 now. I'm usually really good at avoiding this, but we've had a few calls where the entire crew got splattered.

Shortly did I realize that my right rear tire blew up... on the highway... going highway speeds.

Never good...
I think it has been ordained that I'm going to have vomit on me all night tonight. I'm on uniform number 3 now. I'm usually really good at avoiding this, but we've had a few calls where the entire crew got splattered.

Never good...

I'm an expert at avoiding body fluids. I usually have to change uniforms because I spilled fruit punch or changing out the main O2 left some kind of rusty paint smeared on my shirt.
I was driving home after a 12hr clinical in the ER, passing by a pickup on the highway going about 65. All of a sudden I hear a loud roaring and my car vibrates, and my first thought is "Holy hell thats a loud pickup"

Shortly did I realize that my right rear tire blew up... on the highway... going highway speeds.

Same thing happened to me a few years ago... I thought it was a helicopter.
Dang, I've been gon a while, leave for a week and look what I miss. Like 200 new posts.

Well, I am so darn busy, I somehow got behind in my Fire Drpartment Administration classes (maybe that is because it is like eating sawdust!) and ILS class is over in a week and a half, so the whole class is freaking about the practicals and test. (But I guess that happens every class!) I'll have to try to stay on top of stuff better. But now I'm turning in 'cause this is my first night at home in the past 8 days and my bed looks really good right now.

Oh I forgot, YANKS BRING THE SEIRES TO A TIE! YIPPIEE!!!! five more game and we got it! Go New York!
I like Pizza...
Why must my asthma pester me in class. Nothing worse then having five sets of medic eyes laser in on you.
Why must my asthma pester me in class. Nothing worse then having five sets of medic eyes laser in on you.

Reminded me of a story my EMT teacher told us one day in class.

He and his medic friends would go out for breakfast once a month, and there'd be like 20 of them. One day they were eating and one of the medics started coughing violently as if he was choking. My teacher said all you could hear was a gigantic roar of all the chairs backing up when all the medics stood at the same time, and the coughing medic had the widest eyes and yelling "No!" because he knew what was coming next :P
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Reminded me of a story my EMT teacher told us one day in class.

He and his medic friends would go out for breakfast once a month, and there'd be like 20 of them. One day they were eating and one of the medics started coughing violently as if he was chocking. My teacher said all you could hear was a gigantic roar of all the chairs backing up when all the medics stood at the same time, and the coughing medic had the widest eyes and yelling "No!" because he knew what was coming next :P


I tried to run. But I got o2 anyway. :lol: