the 100% directionless thread

Anyone there? :unsure:
my first real day off since the 11th of november and i have absolutely no idea what to do... i have tomorrow off too. so far ive been on here about 60 times, browsed galls and the 5.11 site, went to the amr online store cause i need outerwear, and watched the history of the sinking of the titanic. i think im gonna go get some candy soon.. what a life hahaha
So it appears that my FTO period will be over in the next week or so...good lord I'm terrified.
So it appears that my FTO period will be over in the next week or so...good lord I'm terrified.

Your terrified, heck I'm moving can't believe they would clear you.

My mind... it is blown.

I'm sure. It's the 2555 that's odd to me :rofl:
I'm sure. It's the 2555 that's odd to me :rofl:

It's simple duh! She's a time traveler. I can't believe I'm the only one that figured that out.
Note to self: never drink a Monster on an empty stomach. (yes I already know they are unhealthy lol)
This vehicle is driven over 7,500 miles per year, 3-9 miles to work/school, unmarried male age 36, good driver rate.

I need to get married strictly for the tax and insurance breaks :(
This vehicle is driven over 7,500 miles per year, 3-9 miles to work/school, unmarried male age 36, good driver rate.

I need to get married strictly for the tax and insurance breaks :(

Me too! Let's get hitched.

Youre like the male version of pan am right? I could dig it...

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