Tell us the Times you've "F***** up" on a call

A laldy once faked a stroke and I called a stroke alert. Seizures yes I expect that but the stroke got me messed up until the ER doctor recognized her, she got 2 IVs and rapid transport well then I felt dumb.
Had a guy do this to me once. ED gave him a sandwich and he left. Failed every stroke diagnostic in the book so I called it, can't say I regret it
A laldy once faked a stroke and I called a stroke alert. Seizures yes I expect that but the stroke got me messed up until the ER doctor recognized her, she got 2 IVs and rapid transport well then I felt dumb.

I took a drunk lady in as an emergent stroke patient. Slurred speech and new onset coordination deficits, last normal time within the last 30 minutes. Partner says she "might have gotten into some alcohol" but didn't actually see her drinking. Patient swears up and down she hasn't had a drop to drink. Took her into the ED and she blew a 275. 🤷‍♂️
Oh trust me. ive gotten plenty of **** too.

Heres another i forgot about!
Gave Versed & went code for a lady having an APPARENT psudo seizure.
She was DAMN good at it, extremely convincing, took sternal rubs like a champ. History of brain tumor's, it all added up. Seemed very straight forward.

Enroute it tipped me off a bit that Her SP02 was high 90's and she seemed to be maintaining her own airway but didnt really think much of it.
Get to the ER and shes still seizing. Im thinking full status obviously at this point. Nurse asks me her weight and estimates....too high of weight apparently.

the Pt WHILE FULL TONIC ACTIVITY Raises her goddamn hand, And does a thumbs down sign to indicate a lower weight than the one the nurse estimated. Wow. Fully unresponsive for me enroute! this lady was a CHAMP.

Apparently she pulled this successfully with 3 other medics, Every one of them treated her the exact same way and gave versed.

Did the lady fake the seizure because she wanted the pain killer medication administered to her because she was addicted to it?

If not, why did she fake it?
Did the lady fake the seizure because she wanted the pain killer medication administered to her because she was addicted to it?

If not, why did she fake it?
While I'm not the person you're asking, MOST of us on the board here have seen patients do exactly this. I'll answer your question more generally: they do it for lots of reasons. They do it for meds, a sandwich, a place to sleep, some attention (from who varies...), and so many more reasons. Some people are very good at faking seizures. Most aren't.
While I'm not the person you're asking, MOST of us on the board here have seen patients do exactly this. I'll answer your question more generally: they do it for lots of reasons. They do it for meds, a sandwich, a place to sleep, some attention (from who varies...), and so many more reasons. Some people are very good at faking seizures. Most aren't.
You forgot one of the more common reasons to fake a seizure....Incarceritis
You forgot one of the more common reasons to fake a seizure....Incarceritis
No. I just didn't list it... ;)

That being said, Incarceritis has so many symptoms... 😂
Handcuffs seem to be the prerequisite symptom
Not quite: The application of handcuffs is often the trigger for incarceritis. The actual cause of incarceritis is, of course, some kind of criminal activity which results in the therapeutic application of handcuffs, which triggers the release, and potential release, of a wide variety of symptoms all related to the affliction known as incarceritis...
No. I just didn't list it... ;)

That being said, Incarceritis has so many symptoms... 😂
It’s been probably 20 years now, but I’ll never forget the dude in the back of a cop car tell me “man, I think I’m about to have a seizure!” - proceeds to flop around for a few seconds, then wakes completely up and says “did you see my seizure??”

Some days I miss the circus of inner city fire/ems..
It’s been probably 20 years now, but I’ll never forget the dude in the back of a cop car tell me “man, I think I’m about to have a seizure!” - proceeds to flop around for a few seconds, then wakes completely up and says “did you see my seizure??”

Some days I miss the circus of inner city fire/ems..
And that highlighted 2 of them. 😂
hey @CCCSD, why don’t you come and berate these people?? We all make mistakes, and you come and tell me off for a mistake, then just keep quiet when people in here talk about major medication errors. I don’t know what you have against me.
hey @CCCSD, why don’t you come and berate these people?? We all make mistakes, and you come and tell me off for a mistake, then just keep quiet when people in here talk about major medication errors. I don’t know what you have against me.
Knock it off or become the focus of my complete and undivided attention
It’s been probably 20 years now, but I’ll never forget the dude in the back of a cop car tell me “man, I think I’m about to have a seizure!” - proceeds to flop around for a few seconds, then wakes completely up and says “did you see my seizure??”

Some days I miss the circus of inner city fire/ems..
I remember seeing that in college.... apparently the drunk girls seizures were triggered by saying the word seizure outloud!
What did I do?
short answer: if you have issues with another poster, report it to the moderators, don't try to start a fight in a thread.

Also stating you made a mistake is a lot different than asking a question that 1) is an agency-specific question that should be addressed to your supervisor 2) is something that should have been covered in your original EMT class.

I'm sure you could message @ffemt8978 privately and he would gladly discuss with you what his concerns were.
short answer: if you have issues with another poster, report it to the moderators, don't try to start a fight in a thread.

Also stating you made a mistake is a lot different than asking a question that 1) is an agency-specific question that should be addressed to your supervisor 2) is something that should have been covered in your original EMT class.

I'm sure you could message @ffemt8978 privately and he would gladly discuss with you what his concerns were.
Me asking about a mistake is not an agency specific thing. Also, I’m pretty sure the the medications that the other people made errors with should have been covered in medic (or whatever level) school.
What did I do?
I responded to your DM, but publicly I'm going to say my post was intended to nip a problem in the bud before I had to start handing out forum vacations. It was what it said it was...a warning to keep in line with our rules.

The reason I'm commenting publicly is so that others know when a Community Leader tells you to knock it off, that's it. don't cross that line and continue on.