Stethoscope - The Mega Thread

I have a multitude of Littman Classic SE II's that I have liberated during my Army time. But 2 weeks before I got out I stumbled upon an unsecured Cardiology III during a medical coverage. My dear lord...even for my deaf *** the difference is remarkable.
The newest "gadget" I have seen (on an ER nurse) is this:
It clips on to your belt, and holds the bell and earphones onto your belt.

Has anyone else seen this in use? What do you think?
I have one but if you sit down in weird angles it pops out of the holster. Good idea but not that practical
It's the same concept as that but the problem I had was that the bell kept falling out. Wonder if that design would be different

I've never had the bell come loose, though I have had the flap catch in tight quarters a handful of times. You hear the velcro pulling very clearly though, so its extremely rare that I rip it open all the way.

I'd recommened it. My partners that keep scopes around their neck get them caught all the time... usually on the patient as the stretcher is being unloaded :)


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I have a Littman Cardio III and love it. It is pricey but worth the investment.
I've heard (no pun intended) that the cardiology III is nicer than the classic II because it has two tubes instead of one. It sounds (no pun intended) that the Classic III has the same two tube design.

I'm wondering if for half the price, the classic III is a solid scope. I'm a bit deaf and currently have a $20 ADC that, while worlds better than the stuff on the rig, is still not cutting it.
I have a little trouble hearing normally but this works well for me. Much better than what we have on board and had in class.
I'm using Littman III, my second one actually. The last one lasted for nearly 8 years, so I can't complain about the quality:)
I have a Littman Cardio III and love it. It is pricey but worth the investment.
I had one for about 18 years. Then a couple days ago, I misplaced it somewhere and can't find the darned thing. Believe me, I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of it! So... I replaced it with a new Cardio IV. I'm looking forward to trying out my new steth the next time I go to work. I've had my old one for so long that if my old one pops up from wherever it's hiding, I won't feel at all bad about getting the new steth.
I've heard (no pun intended) that the cardiology III is nicer than the classic II because it has two tubes instead of one. It sounds (no pun intended) that the Classic III has the same two tube design.

I'm wondering if for half the price, the classic III is a solid scope. I'm a bit deaf and currently have a $20 ADC that, while worlds better than the stuff on the rig, is still not cutting it.
The term you are looking for is chest piece, not tubes. As far as I know, littman doesnt make a scope with dual tubing.
The term you are looking for is chest piece, not tubes. As far as I know, littman doesnt make a scope with dual tubing.
The higher end scopes have dual lumens encased in a single tube.
The higher end scopes have dual lumens encased in a single tube.
Yep. I just replaced my Littmann Cardiology III with a Cardiology IV. Why? My III pulled a vanishing act after 18 years. That being said, the new stethoscope definitely is an upgrade from my (literally) old one. Yes it was a little expensive but it was definitely time to replace the old one.
After 15 years my Master Classic II has bit the dust. Which Littmann should I replace it with for 911? I have only owned and used a Master Classic II my entire career so I'm not sure how the others compare.
1. Another Master Classic II
2. Classic III
3. Cardiology IV
After 15 years my Master Classic II has bit the dust. Which Littmann should I replace it with for 911? I have only owned and used a Master Classic II my entire career so I'm not sure how the others compare.
1. Another Master Classic II
2. Classic III
3. Cardiology IV

The Cardiology series are well worth the investment in my opinion. I have both the Master and IV. The IV is a fantastic stethoscope but for EMS work I prefer the Master. The dual head on the IV has it's advantages however I never really utilized it and it is fairly bulky, occasionally gets caught on lines and tubes. The acoustics were on par with the Master and if I was in-hospital I definitely would use it.
After 15 years my Master Classic II has bit the dust. Which Littmann should I replace it with for 911? I have only owned and used a Master Classic II my entire career so I'm not sure how the others compare.
1. Another Master Classic II
2. Classic III
3. Cardiology IV

Littmann scopes are loud but aren't very clear. I prefer the Harvey DLX. Good weight metal chest peice, a real bell for heart tones, tubing that is decently thick, tubing that doesn't instantly harden from oils or cleaning products, and adjustable ear tubes.

For a run of the mill scope that you don't care if you lose get an ADC 603.
The newest "gadget" I have seen (on an ER nurse) is this:
It clips on to your belt, and holds the bell and earphones onto your belt.

Has anyone else seen this in use? What do you think?
I have two of these, only thing is with all the other things on my belt my pants are in danger of falling down with the extra weight.
:cool: Just ended up with a Cardiology IV. Limited Edition polished copper bell with black accents. I will not lie, it's the sexist stethoscope I have ever seen in my life. The doctors are sure to high five me and call me a hero and the nursing staff will cry and have syncopal episodes when I walk into the ED with it. I'm sure of it...