Starting P90x ... i remain confident that we can finish the 90 days.


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I'll post here from time to time with updates. I am most excited about the nutrition planning that comes with the box. (not the ridiculous supplements and energy drink / bars they try to sell you , but the actual... what do i cook planning)

a new fad workout, i guess it is supposed to last for 90 days but i dunno. the only diet/ workout that can do that works is: THE ONE THAT YOU STICK WITH.
its an incredibly hyped up 90 day workout challenge.

i'm sure that I could make up my own workout to follow for 90 days and have similar results, but there's always the motivation factor. I'm sure you have flipped past the infomercial... i've seen it on tv and I just have whatever comes in over the rabbit ears.
Diet/workout challenges NEVER work long term. It doesn't matter how long they are, 9 days, 9 months, 9 years! Once you deviate (Get in the "Look at all the weight I lost... I can have a bigger peice of cake!" mentality.) you're going to balloon right back up. Your body isn't meant to lose massive amounts of weight.

Instead of doing 90 day challenges, work on life long lifestyle changes to live healthier and not just skinnier.
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i appreciate the advice, but this isn't a "massive weight loss" type of challenge. This is more of a tone-up type of thing. i don't have tons of weight to lose, but i am interested in returning to the body i had 10 years ago~

This is also not just something that will be put away when it is over - and hopefully with the nutrition tools, I will have an arsenal of recipes that I like and be able to make the lifestyle change that I am looking for in the kitchen.

I have heard of crossfit, once we finish this program i will definitely look at supplementing some of those workouts... rather than buying the next set of P90x dvd's.

You see this dvd set is a "graduation from nursing school oh look you have time to work out again because you aren't studying for a living anymore" celebration.

I like this idea more than crossfit because its actually something to watch while i do the workout...somehow its more movtivating to have the visual stimulus.

1 word.

is torrent a crossfit workout?

or do you mean stealing the p90 videos?

No not stealing. but i highly suggest you look at one of the DVD's either through torrent, yahoo video, google video or whatever video source you like to go to before spending the money there asking for the set. It's nothing more then hyped up resistance exercises and a stretching video. Just dont want to see you get taken without knowing what they really are.

I appreciate the advice, but this was given to me as a gift :)
My husband has the P90X also. He loves it. He just does the work outs and not the diet plan. I was thinking about starting it also. It looks fun. Will be a nice change from doing the elliptical and bowflex all the time.
I am actually starting it myself hopefully next week, once I recieve it and have a couple days of planning and preparation. I am really exicted! :P
I often stumble across the infomercial when channel surfing late at night at work. I will say this: It definitely has some of the craziest freaking before-and-after shots I've ever seen. So much so that I'm actually tempted to try it.
My husband has the P90X also. He loves it. He just does the work outs and not the diet plan. I was thinking about starting it also. It looks fun. Will be a nice change from doing the elliptical and bowflex all the time.

So it is not required to do the diet too?
Diet/workout challenges NEVER work long term. It doesn't matter how long they are, 9 days, 9 months, 9 years! Once you deviate (Get in the "Look at all the weight I lost... I can have a bigger peice of cake!" mentality.) you're going to balloon right back up. Your body isn't meant to lose massive amounts of weight.

Instead of doing 90 day challenges, work on life long lifestyle changes to live healthier and not just skinnier.

It isn't just a typical "do this workout, and eat these foods" program. The weight loss isn't massive as in a gastric bypass surgery, or even a starvation diet (akin to the velocity diet). You eat right and's actually pretty similar to 'The Biggest Loser' minus the 6-8 hours a day of working out. The workouts are intense and vary after 3-4 weeks, but not any more intense than a basic training workout similar to what we do in the military (which for some is intense). Combined with this is the diet plan that gives you better food choices to make so you can easily transition this into a lifestyle change. You work in steps and easily learn to accomodate different types of foods into a diet that you can manage. Yes, they do have meal plans, but the overall goal is to get you to eat a balanced ratio of carbs to fruits to proteins to fats to get the idea. It's goal-oriented, and set for long-term success vice short term results.

I understand your concern that if you have the same "eat cake" mentality that you will never lose it...but this isn't about cutting anything. You just have to learn to portion that into your daily intake. And after doing the program for 90 days, it's pretty easy to lead a healthier lifestyle.

To the OP - It's easy to do the program for a week or two and then start to slack. If you're committed to the program, be sure to budget the hour/hour and a half time into your day to do the workouts. It's no different than if you're doing any type of workout. I have done the program with a buddy in the military, and it is pretty brutal for the first few weeks. Be sure you have some sort of baseline fitness level before doing this program. If you've been relatively sedentary prior to starting this program, I recommend doing some of the Cardio X routines for a bit to get your fitness level up. Drink plenty of water, get plenty of rest, and stay focused. Once you get done with the first week, it's downhill from there. Good luck.
thanks for the encouragement. We are doing the "lean" workout which is a little more cardio oriented before we go on to the full on p90x. Its been a good transition. The awesome thing is, i'm doing yoga again. honestly i've never been fitter than when i did yoga 4 times a week, road my bike to work everyday and rockclimbed in my free time. It feels good to get down low into the warrior poses although i have to admit, i was cursing him the first time i tried the video... "%^#QW^&%^@ ANOTHER FREAKING VINYASA??@@TQT$T^^^@@!!!" But now i'm rolling with it, i skip some of the pushups and i still can't get back into crane, but, its coming back. we'll see what its like in another 120 days or so! For those of you who are tempted to try it, the hardest part is, as murph pointed out, budgeting in that hour workout everyday. An hour really isn't that much, but it becomes alot when you are sitting there thinking... i can't eat dinner till 10:00 if i work out?!!
I've done this program (mostly) but I haven't had time to do a consistent ninety days of training as the program is intended. I always do the Cardio-X 3 times a week though.
It's been over 90 days... how did it go?

Got any of the famous P90x Before/After pics?
i got waylayed about halfway through. Wife and i both got sick and stayed sick for about 2 and a half weeks. I'm waiting until after i test for nursing licensure (on next tuesday) to start again. I have stayed pretty consistent in doing the cardio workouts 1-2 x a week and hiking about 6 miles. I saw another one of their infomercials late the other night and got inspired again. I know I can do this. The workouts do go quickly once you start them