We are an ALS-unit and we are dispatched to a residential fire, where a resident has been rescued by bystanders. We find a 35yo male with signs and symptoms of chemical and thermal inhalation injury: The patient is awake, with a GCS of 3/6/5, he is hoarse, has 1st and 2nd degree burns to the face, burned nosehairs and black soot particles in the nose and on the lips and tongue. He is coughing, has a sore throat, an inspiratory stridor, is anxious and in respiratory distress. Auscultation also reveals wheezing bilaterally. He saturates 77% on room air, 85% on 15L per NRB.
We decide that this patient needs to be intubated and we call for back-up of a HEMS-based CCT-team, with an emergency physician onboard who can perform an RSI. The first available HEMS-unit is 25 minutes away due to weather conditions. The nearest trauma center with burn care capabilities is 35 minutes away.
My question to you: while awaiting the RSI, would you consider one of the following treatments to avoid or at least delay full respiratory failure. Please motivate your choice:
1. nebulization with a B2-agonist and a bronchospasmolyticum (in our case a combi of Albuterol and Ipratropiumbromide)
2. nebulization with epinephrine 5mg
3. nebulization with a corticosteroid (in our case Budesonide)
4. IV corticosteroid (in our case Hydrocortisone 200mg)
5. assisted ventilations with a BVM with PEEP (eventually under sedation with Midazolam as needed)
6. A combination of these options?