The very first thing i would do is offer the female a blanket beause she is probably feeling very vulnerable and blankets always seem to compfort people, its also 1AM and probably chilly outside, i would then compassionately start the sample process explaining to her that we are here to help her. i would obviously ask her if anything hurts and if so where specificly, i would then act accordingly to her response " if her head hurt from being punched or something give her an icepack." i would then ask her if she had noticed any blood, if there is i would then do a trauma assesment based upon symptoms, if her spo2 is ok, her core is stable and she has no symptoms, all you can really do is talk with her and try to provide the best compfort you can in this situation, if S.O. is already on scene then the crime scene is probably already well protected, if you must remove clothing make sure it is placed in an evidence bag, always use BSI in this situation to protect her as well as your self and the evidence against the perpitrator, also, make your own report based on what she tells you and write it down, you may be called in to court better to be safe then sorry if you rely only upon what the sherrif tells you. and she is obviously going to need to be transported to be checked out for internal injurys, have bloodwork done, possibly stitches et... at the hospital.