Sent home for unsafe working conditions

Vladamir von bone

Forum Probie
Today at work I did my normal routine of getting to work early prepping for my day my clock in time came and I got rite to it got my check outs and paper work and was told I'd be riding in a unit that was listed out of service I asked if it was fixed and told no (nothing ever gets fixed properly around here ) I asked to speak to the ops manager who put it out of service about it but was told he was out on a detail I told dispatch I politely refuse to run in the unit fearing for my safety as well as my partner and patients the dispatcher called ops who told us we are not to drive that rig and put us in another one after being assigned a new unit the owner of the company asked what we were doing we told him ops put us in a different one to which he said he didn't approve the switch so get I politely said no on the grounds it's unsafe for the crew and patient the owner then told me well if I don't switch back in the unit I was assigned too then I need to go home which I did. Last week when two of my co-workers of different races as me refused they were quickly placed in a different rig not threatened to be sent home or have any action taken against them

I plan to file a complain with my EMS agency and OSHA for being forced into unsafe working conditions

Is the the rite course of action
When you file your complaint make sure you check your spelling.
And also, why play the race card?
But otherwise yes. The OP should definitely report a company that tries to force him/her to take an unsafe rig onto the road, especially if they then punish him for refusing.
Alright, now that we've pointed out the grammar errors, let's hear some comments about his situation.
Why was the unit out of service though?
It was taken out of service for being severely miss aligned instead of having hands at 10 and 2 you have to have them at 12 and 745 to even remotely go straight the powering steering reservoir has a leak you put the fluid in at he start of the shift by the end is bone dry and the steering wheel is beastly on the column one good tug and it'll cone rite off
Why was the unit out of service though?

Ding ding ding ding, we have a WINNER!

My last residency interview the program director told me that I had the best answer he heard to a chain of command question in 5 years. "Chief resident is abusing his position and doing things like futzing with the schedule, what do you do?"

I made him first define futz.
Let me ask this question first...

Do you think it is the best idea to come to a semi-anonymous internet forum and state that you are going to file an OSHA complaint against your employer?