only fair way is to divide the squad into paired up teams, you can let who wants to partner up with whoever they want. make it so each team works one weekend in rotation. if you have enough teams, they will only be on call like one weekend every other month.
Heck, if you have enough, one team on Sat, another on Sun, don't know about your state, but a full crew in MN is only 2.
say you have 20 emt's,, that's 10 teams, 52 weeks in a year,, 5 weekends a year they will be oncall..
stress to the members, that is is a volly, but if nobody volly's, the service just might go under. someone has to cover the calls. it might be a neighboring volly,, how does that look to the people who fund your crew?? there taxes and donations are going for a service who does not want to work??
this is not your responcability anyway, the director knows no one wants to work, and he/she passed the problem on to you..
we are a volly also, and no problem getting weekends covered, most of the time we have 3 on the scedule. but we are paid $3 an hour for weekend oncall, and $25 per run. but only the first 2 lines are paid, the third is oncall, and gets paid only if there is a call.
it's a budget thing,, how bad does your community want this service? then they are going to have to offer incentives,,, but not at somone elses expence, yours!!
yup, you inherited a known problem and expected to fix it..
I stand by my 5 weekends a year. if you have more emts,, then it'll be less obviously...