Saved on TNT

I'm a little concerned that this show is going to give a lot of people a very skewed perception about the profession in which we work. Kinda like the way ER made everything look different than the way life really is. And I only saw like 15 minutes of the show!

"FD- The bravest, PD- The finest, Sanatation- The strongest, then what the :censored: are we, The Forgotten?"
"We don't deserve to be called heroes; but then we don't deserve to be vomited on either."
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GaEMT said:
I just watched the first 10 minutes and I am absolutely mortified. We as an industry already have a severe image problem and this garbage has done wonders to enhance it Wearing t-shirts with no work related meaning unshaven hitting his drunk partner with drugs and fluid My god It will take a while to recover from this This is horrible I mean itis bad enough to have to overcome the image problem in our communities Then an nrealistic show like this comes along I cannot believe this

Nah, it's not that bad. Non-EMS people don't watch it... It's not that unrealistic either, depending what part of the country you are in - granted, for a paid service his attire is waaay too lax, but for a vollie squad, he looks about right. Again, it depends on your vollie squad - mine is very well attired, or you run the risk of being suspended, but there are others out there that aren't, and they still get the job done. In the end, that's what it comes down to, isn't it? Saving lives? Or looking like Rico Suave while doing it?

PS - you've never banana-bagged a friend? or you just won't admit it?
First the appearance is that is not a volly squad I mean even I am from South GA and I can perceive that Secondly, did you not see the part where he came in drunk and his partner started a line on him I mean come on.............I just think it potrays a negative image in a field which already has significant image problems Just my .02 cents worth
Ummmm Guess what.. you and I both know "medics" (B's, I's and P's) who have done this.. and if you say you don't know any then I'd have to say.... "not that you know of".... I know PLENTY who have come in maybe not drunk, but DEFINITELY hung over, and their partners have started lines on them. Not that unusual.

I will agree that the attire is less than appropriate.... and you're right, he's not on a "vollie" squad..... but c'mon man, this is TV.. no one believes what they see on TV (even the news!)... Wait... or do you really believe that Mork WAS from Ork, and that The Duke Boys never had to repaint the General Lee?
Come to Sparta, TN Guys. We don't have a bad EMS image in the community(Unless you are a drug seeker not getting your way.) EMS is considered as life saving rather than this political mess; the way it should be,
Come on over guys, I'll clear out the spare bedroom and make room in front of the TV. We can all watch ER and talk about our latest calls.
GaEMT said:
First the appearance is that is not a volly squad I mean even I am from South GA and I can perceive that Secondly, did you not see the part where he came in drunk and his partner started a line on him I mean come on.............I just think it potrays a negative image in a field which already has significant image problems Just my .02 cents worth

He didn't come to work drunk, he was going home after a night out. I'll rewatch that part to make sure, but that's what I thought I saw.
I finally got around to watching it last night. (I miss you, Tivo!) I thought that it was a decent show. After all, it's still just a TV show.

I just hate sitting through commercials. Ugh.
Still haven't seen it... but I haven't had much time, either...

Maybe I'll see it... eventually.
After thinking about some people's concern over the show giving EMS a bad name, I got to doing laundry. I was folding laundry and "Reno 911" came on the TV. Cops love that show, and I can't think of a worse representation of law enforcement.

I think EMS needs all of the attention it can get... besides those EMT shocking EMT stories... those were so last year.
rescuecpt said:
Best. Show. Ever.
I hate that show (Reno 911), with a passion. I tried to force myself through a whole show and couldn't do it.
I tried, but I never could get into it. Jay HATES it.
They use Bringing Out The Dead and Broken Vessles plot lines all to much. I couldn't tell by the pilot if it was something new, or just a remake of BOTD...

I give it:

Just remember, it's entertainment for "them".. i.e. everyone other than us. Even Emergency! was obviously fake, giving people false hopes since the first episode. I figure if they made it by the book, and I've already said this somewhere, by our book, and did it the way I do it... It would be so boring I would break my TV just so there wouldn't even be a remote possibility I could ever see it again.
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Tonights Episode

Wow; I think they have REAL medics advising the show; I didn't think they would pick up on using the Dixie cups in the eye injury.

I think it's interesting how they do a flashback of each patients life; it really
allows the viewer to create a round character out of someone they have
just seen.
disassociative said:
Wow; I think they have REAL medics advising the show; I didn't think they would pick up on using the Dixie cups in the eye injury.

I think it's interesting how they do a flashback of each patients life; it really
allows the viewer to create a round character out of someone they have
just seen.

A lot of what they do is correct, but dramaticized.... :)

Well except for tonight when they found the guy laying in the rocks and dude just flipped him over with no thought abt C-Spine immobilization.
"Anti-Virals" what the hell?
EMT-Basic setting a "big bore line"
Intubating into the right lung only, huh??
narcan working in less than 3 seconds
literally no BSI, ever
His partner stops CPR while enroute, hands down. pt dies, of course.
Pee breaks during a "code 3"
the list goes on and on and on and on

I don't know who the technical advisor for the show is, but he needs to be fired.
SwissEMT said:
"Anti-Virals" what the hell?
EMT-Basic setting a "big bore line"
Intubating into the right lung only, huh??
narcan working in less than 3 seconds
literally no BSI, ever
His partner stops CPR while enroute, hands down. pt dies, of course.
Pee breaks during a "code 3"
the list goes on and on and on and on

I don't know who the technical advisor for the show is, but he needs to be fired.

EMT-Basic setting a "big bore line"- I don't remember them saying he was a basic, just that he was an EMT. I'm an EMT, my fiance is an EMT, but we both practice ALS, me as a Critical Care EMT, and him as a Paramedic. So, who knows, he could be an EMT-I or above. They never really established that.

"Anti-Virals" what the hell? - Yes, this is done to prevent certain viruses after an exposure, as the doc felt that he had due to all of the blood and not knowing the HIV status of the patient. The drugs are pretty hard core and it sucks to have to take them (I know, and some others here might know as well). I found this nice website that will explain it for you.

Intubating into the right lung only, huh?? - Ummm, I've done that in the OR, and since it was an ER doc who did that procedure, for a reason.... I've also used a dual-lumen tube (not on the street, in the OR) and deflated one lung, breathed for the pt with the other, and then switched. The docs were cleaning scar tissue out of the patients pleural space. It's widely done, so I don't get why it's one of your points? Also - lots of medics do it by accident by inserting the tube too far and due to anatomy - you just back it up a bit and then you have both lungs again...

narcan working in less than 3 seconds - I've seen it work pretty darn fast, depending which vein you put it in and how high their BP is... I can't remember though if the show did it IV or IM, if IM, then yeah, good point.

literally no BSI, ever - I yell at people all the time for this one in the real world.

His partner stops CPR while enroute, hands down. pt dies, of course. - Maybe medics don't need online medical control to determine whether to stop CPR in their world. I know they Paramedic IIs they are creating here will have a LOT more power to do things like that. But remember, the patient was dead anyway. She didn't die because CPR was stopped, she just wasn't resurrected.

Pee breaks during a "code 3" - yeah, that one is pretty bad. I've almost peed myself a couple times on calls. :)

C-Spine - I was quite shocked at the guy on the rocks that they just rolled... but... honestly, tell me you've never seen that in the field.
a'ight folks..

everyone repeat after me... "It's just a TV show."

I don't think people expect every bar they visit to be like "Cheers." And no office is like "The Drew Carey Show." If Phoebe was singing "Smelly Cat" at any coffee shop around here, she would have been clubbed to death.

Then again...
"CSI" is loaded with flaws and other factual issues. It's actually become a problem because the 12 moonrocks in the average jury box have come to expect forensic science to be like what they saw on TV. And it's not. (lawyer friend has described running into the same issue.)

But "Saved" is on a cable channel at 10pm on a Monday night. Not exactly prime-time major network viewership there.

The show could be a whole lot worse than it is. Like, a LOT worse. I hope it doesn't go that way.

I'd like to see an EMS show; where they give Medics baseball bats and 5 minutes alone with their "favorite" pt's. That would be hilarious