Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Camp Phoenix, AFG
Will see you on saturday back in riyadh. Maybe your right about what you said. But I don't really care and you and I will have talk. Plan on it!! And it's not going to be just the sit down and drink coffee type either!

I'm beginning to think we are dealing with alot of kindergarden adults on this thread.

Grow up and suck it up. Bad things happen to good people, it's not fair, but learn from it and move on. Why do you have to attack others?
I'm beginning to think we are dealing with alot of kindergarden adults on this thread.

Grow up and suck it up. Bad things happen to good people, it's not fair, but learn from it and move on. Why do you have to attack others?

Well bugger off and read another thread then!!!
You are so right....I have seen the light. Thank you for insight and knowledge. Hell....You would be a great High School teacher
Hubbly I think you must of spent some time in Saudi. You are so right. A contract means nothing to a Saudi. Also non payment or late payment is common. It has happened to me. I knew Dr. Al-Byoot (Forgive the spelling) who was running the show for the Red Crescent. He was an American trained ER Doc and a good guy. So I thought things would be different for you guys. They have since fired him, thats when things started to go wrong.

Once you get to Saudi you cannot change jobs. You must leave the country for two years before you can return. I to had some great times in Saudi. But I know what the Saudis are like. They very much want you to think the best of them. But if you get on their wrong side their true nature comes out. I was in Saudi in 9/11 when they cheered as the world trade centers fell.

When I was there I was treated well to my face, when I wanted to leave I was a filthy dog and the Saudi's I thought were my friends turned on me.

The most important thing is your housing. It will make all the difference in you quality of life. They should have your housing set up before you get there. See pictures e-mail people who live there. I was there when they did the compound bombings. It is not smart to advertise where Americans live.

If you think there are no terrorist in Saudi your wrong, caution is very important. It is musch safer now, still they arrested 113 terrorist just recently.

I hate giving advice because this is an important choice your making. I will just tell you what I would do.

Contact Medhunters in Canada. Ask if they have any jobs at the National Guard hospital in Riyadh. The King runs the National guard. they have nice housing, great social life. You see tons of trauma in the ER, and you might get to work on the Kings medical team as well. Check Aramco also.

Next, check out Hamad EMS in Qatar. They run the EMS service for Qatar and they have a HEMS service. They are hiring paramedics now. Qatar is a very safe country and more open (They sell beer)

If you choose to go to Red Crescent. I wish you guys all they luck. Expect lots of frustrations. They are a Saudi run organization and really dont know how to help western expats. They are used to hiring staff from other Arab countries. Hand them a salary and they fend for themselves. You cant treat a western expat that way. Who does not know the language, culture and system.

Good luck guys, I honestly have tried to give my best advice. I dont claim to know everything. Im just an old dog who has spent many years in the Middle East.

What is the website for Hamad EMS? I've tried Googling it with no luck.
SARC, stay away

I worked in the KSA for over 16 years. During that time I did several stints with the SARC. Each and every time I left pulling my hair out. Why the glutton for punishment? The SARC is the only EMS show in town. Every time I was told 'things changed'. What a joke that was. Since it's inception the SARC has been strife with mismanagement and corruption. The amount of money that has been poured into this dead horse would make your head spin off your shoulders. For example, AEDs were introduced, but due to ineptness (putting the pads on every patient encountered) they are now rotting in a closet. Same for pulse oximeters and glucometers. Drivers with no medical training decide whether a patient is transported to the hospital. Adult cardiac arrest patients being ventilated with pediatric BVM's. You have managers whose only qualification is being Saudi. Indian medical students were coerced into working on the ambulances, and most went on 'vacation' and never returned. The EMS system is so pathetic that most Saudis think the emergency number for the ambulance is 911 (it's actually 997). Maybe in about 100 years they will be at level the US was 50 years ago. My advise, stay away from the SARC. Sure the money sounds great, but the reality is not worth it. If you are really set on working in KSA, try a job with KAAMC or KFSH. They are large well respected and stable hospitals.
Hey guy's, I'm just posting that I made it. I have been here for almost two days now. I'm living on the compound, my room is nice. It's just starting to get warm here. We went into the office today and I have my medical scheduled for tomorrow. Everyone has been great. If anyone has any questions on the process, or I can help anyone let me know. Oh yes when you get here and have a chance, try a Shawarmer they rock.
Hey guy's, I'm just posting that I made it. I have been here for almost two days now. I'm living on the compound, my room is nice. It's just starting to get warm here. We went into the office today and I have my medical scheduled for tomorrow. Everyone has been great. If anyone has any questions on the process, or I can help anyone let me know. Oh yes when you get here and have a chance, try a Shawarmer they rock.

It would be helpful if you could post all the things step by step that you are required to have/do when a guy gets there. Maybe some suggestions as to how us future guys can best be organized/prepared so that we can hit the ground prepared.
I'm beginning to think we are dealing with alot of kindergarden adults on this thread.

Grow up and suck it up. Bad things happen to good people, it's not fair, but learn from it and move on. Why do you have to attack others?

Travis...Water under the bridge...I didn't know your dad was sick. I am sorry and I hope he feels better. As far as my comment is concerned...forget about it, not the right words at the right time.

Lovemymedic: You would be a great replacement for Oprah
Congratulations !!!!

Hey guy's, I'm just posting that I made it. I have been here for almost two days now. I'm living on the compound, my room is nice. It's just starting to get warm here. We went into the office today and I have my medical scheduled for tomorrow. Everyone has been great. If anyone has any questions on the process, or I can help anyone let me know. Oh yes when you get here and have a chance, try a Shawarmer they rock.

Dear Armor10,

Congratulations for your accomplishment & all the bast for your future.
1 quik question, is SRCA recruiting critical care paramedics.

SRCA and Action Aviation

It goes a little further than what has been said on here so far. Here is a taste.
I deny any knowledge of this.
There was active sabotage by SRCA and AA reportedly refused to pay a bribe sought by a certain body outside the SRCA. As the program was funded by the King..imagine the ramifications. AA had to do the professional Paramedic recruiting as the salary offered by SRCA was a disgrace
I heard.....

It goes a little further than what has been said on here so far. Here is a taste.
I deny any knowledge of this.
There was active sabotage by SRCA and AA reportedly refused to pay a bribe sought by a certain body outside the SRCA. As the program was funded by the King..imagine the ramifications. AA had to do the professional Paramedic recruiting as the salary offered by SRCA was a disgrace

I heard the figure was 5 million.

Did you know? The SRCA SOP (self operating program) was suppose to operate outside SRCA politics and corruption, and was staffed with personnel with integrity. Guess that all changed with the new management.
SRCA and Action Aviation

The bribe I'm aware of was 1 million to the Prince overlooking the whole program, he is a drug addict. Wouldn't be surprised if there were others. There is a lot of dodging going on to keep information getting to the King. Essentially, the sabotage is against the King's program as he very much wants it.... and the bribe is against the King himself as it is ultimately his money. No wonder there is active protection of information from him. AA had an up-hill battle no matter who was involved in the SRCA etc, it has been proven that the Saudi's pay no attention to contracts once people are n the country, they generalising (there are exceptions of course)..have no honour, no business acumen. The program to be successful and set up for the purpose the King desired... to provide a professional world class helicopter para service to his people needs to be run independently from anything to do with SRCA. SRCA do not have the skill level, experience or business sense to anything other than a simple road first aid unit. To the professional paras working for them, best of luck wish you well. A heli para service with it's associated dangers can not skimp on safety in the slightest, must have highly experienced pilots, not a relative of some body with 5 minutes experience, must have highly tertiary educated and experienced paras. The Saudis have already demonstrated that when they try.. they crashed and killed the whole crew. They are only going to get high level of experience and professionalism by going outside (as the King did, he is a wise man) and paying appropriate salaries. SRCA just is not up to the task of this level of negotiation, they essentially are only a low level public service entity only thinking about their own pocket rather than the bigger picture of the service to the Saudi people wanted by the King. The truth will get out, information has a way of filtering through, they can't isolate info from the King for ever, he will at some point, if not already, wonder why his helicopters etc aren't dong what they were supposed to. The Saudis may lack honour and trust, but they are not stupid.
heli para service with it's associated dangers can not skimp on safety in the slightest, must have highly experienced pilots, not a relative of some body with 5 minutes experience, must have highly tertiary educated and experienced paras. The Saudis have already demonstrated that when they try.. they crashed and killed the whole crew.

Are you by any chance referring to the likes of Captain/Doctor/Playboy Fantastic????????:unsure:

The truth will get out, information has a way of filtering through, they can't isolate info from the King for ever, he will at some point, if not already, wonder why his helicopters etc aren't dong what they were supposed to. The Saudis may lack honour and trust, but they are not stupid.

After such fanfare and promotion of the Saudi Air Ambulance Service( note not SRCA Air Ambulance) the community will be wondering WTF happened to those helicopters that were going to save lives. It will be get back to Malik Abduhllah ....insh'alla.

The figures quoted for the pocket that SAR or $$$ ?
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Did you know? The SRCA SOP (self operating program) was suppose to operate outside SRCA politics and corruption, and was staffed with personnel with integrity. Guess that all changed with the new management.


This was exactly the plan of the man that set it up. The mininions that felt threatened as they were incompetent to be a part of the SOP, teamed up and had him booted out. Then proceeded to do the same to all associated with him.
From the April 2010 issue of EMS Magazine: Paramedic Patrick Tom Notestine, who spent 10 years working as a contract paramedic in Saudi Arabia before writing "Paramedic to the Prince", recently learned his book has been banned in Saudi Arabia. Read a review here.
Haven't heard from Travis in a while... wonder if he can put a positive spin on any of this?
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