Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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You eluded to a turnover issue... what can you tell us about that?
I had heard that they were in the process of changing management or something of that nature, and it was stated that due to "internal reasons" they were putting a hold on their recruiting at this time... i dont know any more than that and the "turn over" is simply speculation on my part. I am sending them another email and asking for clarafication on this matter...
Also the person that you got your email from is different from the person i got mine from. I am not sure if this is the issue or not, it may help to send your indavidual an email and ask them if they can be of assistance with this.
Ok. That is good to hear that their is'nt any real turnover issues. I will send an email regarding this and see what i get back. Stay tuned...
LOL ok I will "stay tuned"... thanks for checking into that for me...
Guys I promise I am not that big of a "problem child" lol... but thanks
little update on my status and maybe an FYI for some

talked with Gaby this morning who is basically the middle person between me and the SRCA and the visa processors. Its been awile that ive been waiting for my visa approval so I contacted her to see what was going on. the police report i sent in wasnt official enough, which is understandable. in CT we just get them from the local PD and its a usually a copy of my actual rap sheet, now hopefully most of you dont even have this but for me i havent exactly been in EMS all my life if you know what i mean. the police report needs to be certified and or notrarized from either state, sheriff, county, etc. has to have a seal and or raised stamp certifying it. also what i found is in CT you can also request what is called a "letter of good standing" which is a certified letter for those that dont have a rap sheet.
so tonight while im workin i have to go and get a fingerprint card from the PD and send that in with some money to the state, wait 1-2 weeks for my "official" rap sheet and send that to D.C.
she said i will be good to go after they get that

now for anyone starting or in the middle of this process i have some words of wisdom. now im from the northeast US, fast paced, impatient, everything done here is conducted as a high speed buissness mentality. slow down, in general Muslims and Arabs dont conduct buissness in this manner. its actually kinda nice. if you find yourself wondering whats going on, contact someone and just ask, email has worked well for me with everyone so far. if you dont hear back, conatct them again. many times i contact someone, wondering or inquiring and end up finding out there is something else needed. the process thus far has really taught me to be patient, things will eventually happen, quicker for some, longer for others.

HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!:beerchug: CHEERS!

See, Im glad you posted this. I had a similar issue with my visa packet. I only obtained a "letter of good standing" that does not have a state or county seal on it. Guess its back to the PD for prints and a more intense background check. Thanks for the info and a Happy St Pattys day to you too
Hey guys just to let you know I got this today in my inbox
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email. At the moment all the recruitment processes are on hold due to some internal reasons. As soon as we begin recruiting again I will inform you.


Assma AL-Tuwaijri
Human Resources / Recruiting
Saudi Red Crescent Authority

I guess they r still having an issue with their turn over....
Could you please share with me the email addresss for Assma AL-Tuwaijri.
Could you please share with me the email addresss for Assma AL-Tuwaijri.
Hey all. I recieved an email back regarding the hold on the recruitment process. Here it is:

Dear Sir,
Giving job offers (which is the last stage) is on hold till the end of March but we are currently gathering the required documents so by that time your file will be ready and complete and we can give you a job offer.

International Recruitment
Human Resources
Saudi Red Crescent Authority
internal reasons+change in management= ?????Problems in the red crescent maybe
internal reasons+change in management= ?????Problems in the red crescent maybe
I will remain optimistic and hope that the change in management issue I keep hearing about is for the good. curiosity has been peaked and I have tried to read most of the pages but im not that patient. I was wondering what people were getting offered for EMT-I pay. I have 11 years of experience and also do rope rescue and hurst extrication. I have 3 kids and would love to take them and my wife with me. Anyone with any experience feel free to look me up on facebook or send me a email. Thanks in advance.
Joseph McCormick curiosity has been peaked and I have tried to read most of the pages but im not that patient. I was wondering what people were getting offered for EMT-I pay. I have 11 years of experience and also do rope rescue and hurst extrication. I have 3 kids and would love to take them and my wife with me. Anyone with any experience feel free to look me up on facebook or send me a email. Thanks in advance.
Joseph McCormick

If you are too impatient to read the pages of very valuable information for such an important decision, then this job is not for you. Reading would tell you that it will take weeks/months to acquire this position and a lack of patience will not fare you well in KSA either.

Also, a word of advice as a family man who has done a lot of globe trotting...asking about the pay is one of the lesser concerns when you consider these moves with your family. While pay is important, there are a dozen other issues which require extreme consideration prior to moving your family.

Based on this post and your other post, I think you need to sit down and really think about what you are considering as you seem to be flying by the seat of your pants.
I believe the SRCA is only considering paramedics at this time.
I Agree with AK on this one... If you do not have patients enough to read a few pages of info that is very well worth the read, then maybe you might want to rethink things... not putting you down, mind you, but just thinking that you might want to consider thinking it over a little more and taking in to consideration the family before figuring the money... I understand that the money is sometimes a deciding factor, but it is not the only one. It would be a great experience and worth the time, my wife was over there in '07 and loved every minut of it. It is truly worth the time to read the info... take care and good luck to you...
Hey Travis hows it going
whats up with the aviation side of things, i have heard a few rumblings from chad, he is an army buddy of mine
actually from what we are hearing they are not even making "job offers" at this time until the end of march... so at least there is a time line of sorts for that
Hey Travis we are eagerly waiting for your next blog post. This is really our one and only source for on the ground info over there. Get with it man.
Hey Travis we are eagerly waiting for your next blog post. This is really our one and only source for on the ground info over there. Get with it man.
I re-read my request Travis and I should have said please. has been down for atleast 2 days now. this is not a good sign?
Really. Well of course when information is hard to come by, human speculation begins to fill the void.


Did you read my earlier post that they have suspended offers until March?

Does cause more concern for those of us in process and anxiously waiting through the process.
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