Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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Hey Travis....yes we miss you guys! I am actually looking forward to getting back "home". We are wrapping things up getting ready to drive up to DC on Sunday. We still have to go to the Saudi Consulate to get Tipper's papers approved...I swear it is easier to get a person into Saudi than a dog. If any of you guys want us to bring something back for are running out of time...let me know ASAP.

Stay safe and we will see ya Thursday.
You guys drive safe...those roads from Florida to D.C. can be pretty dicey...

It would be rather ironic to survive the traffic here in Riyadh only to meet your maker while driving on some empty stretch of highway in America...

Can't wait to meet Tipper!

I have been here for 1 week. I am working everyday and start my role as a supervisor next week. I am a HEMS Dispatcher and have been hired by Action Aviation. If any of you are already in country please conyacy me. We all usr Skype. My Skype name is coffeyhouse21. Please make contact if you want. I hope everyone is having as much fun as we are. By the way. KSA stands for The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. B-safe
another week tagged onto the visa wait... my police letter did not have a stamp from the police department on it... go figure... anyone else make any headway with their visa?
Armor has been waiting on his for over a month and I have been waiting for my Visa paper work to arrive for over 3 weeks so I can even apply for it.
Hey Guys,

In an attempt to gain from your guys' knowledge here, I wanted to ask a few questions to see if I can get ahead of the paperwork game.

Right now I have submitted everything for a job offer accept my HS Diploma and Passport page. These items are about 2 weeks out at this time. SRCA HR has been great and very responsive and they have indicated that a job offer will have to wait until I get these last two items emailed. So...

1. Can anyone tell me about the job offer and interview? Just wanting to get an idea at what point in the process this occurs and what to expect the interview will be like?

2. During the time I am waiting for my HS Diploma and Passport to come in, assuming I am offered a job can anyone advise what I can be processing for the next phase of the paperwork process, which sounds like is the work visa?
When sending your paperwork to the visa handler be sure to send a copy of your National Registry Certificate (the one with the gold seal) in addition to a copy of your licensure.

We did speak with someone at Visa Obtainers yesterday. They told us that our Visas should be approved by next Wednesday, so we are hoping to get them back to us maybe by Friday.

Al & Christy
I just posted a similar request and just saw this one. In an attempt to prepare for the work visa paperwork, Could you post a listing of items needed for the work visa so I could begin gathering these items?

Hey Guys,

In an attempt to gain from your guys' knowledge here, I wanted to ask a few questions to see if I can get ahead of the paperwork game.

Right now I have submitted everything for a job offer accept my HS Diploma and Passport page. These items are about 2 weeks out at this time. SRCA HR has been great and very responsive and they have indicated that a job offer will have to wait until I get these last two items emailed. So...

1. Can anyone tell me about the job offer and interview? Just wanting to get an idea at what point in the process this occurs and what to expect the interview will be like?

2. During the time I am waiting for my HS Diploma and Passport to come in, assuming I am offered a job can anyone advise what I can be processing for the next phase of the paperwork process, which sounds like is the work visa?

The job offer consists of a preliminary offer emailed to you (salaries and allowances are in Saudi Riyals). Once you accept the preliminary offer, they send you a packet including the official offer and additional paperwork (health form, layout of documents the consulate needs in order to process your visa, etc.). Once you gather all the necessary documents you then mail them to the visa handler in DC, who then sends it to the consulate. Your visa is then processed and returned to you. Sounds like a quick process right? haha
The job offer consists of a preliminary offer emailed to you (salaries and allowances are in Saudi Riyals). Once you accept the preliminary offer, they send you a packet including the official offer and additional paperwork (health form, layout of documents the consulate needs in order to process your visa, etc.). Once you gather all the necessary documents you then mail them to the visa handler in DC, who then sends it to the consulate. Your visa is then processed and returned to you. Sounds like a quick process right? haha
I have no illusions, by reading all of the post here on this blog, that the visa will be a quick process. That is why i am seeking more information regarding what I can do now before I get the packet to prepare? Any suggestions?
Also most of the documents needed for the visa are ones you have already emailed scanned copies of to the SRCA...
Also most of the documents needed for the visa are ones you have already emailed scanned copies of to the SRCA...
Ok. I am aware of the law enforcement clearance which I am preparing now. So is that it?
little update on my status and maybe an FYI for some

talked with Gaby this morning who is basically the middle person between me and the SRCA and the visa processors. Its been awile that ive been waiting for my visa approval so I contacted her to see what was going on. the police report i sent in wasnt official enough, which is understandable. in CT we just get them from the local PD and its a usually a copy of my actual rap sheet, now hopefully most of you dont even have this but for me i havent exactly been in EMS all my life if you know what i mean. the police report needs to be certified and or notrarized from either state, sheriff, county, etc. has to have a seal and or raised stamp certifying it. also what i found is in CT you can also request what is called a "letter of good standing" which is a certified letter for those that dont have a rap sheet.
so tonight while im workin i have to go and get a fingerprint card from the PD and send that in with some money to the state, wait 1-2 weeks for my "official" rap sheet and send that to D.C.
she said i will be good to go after they get that

now for anyone starting or in the middle of this process i have some words of wisdom. now im from the northeast US, fast paced, impatient, everything done here is conducted as a high speed buissness mentality. slow down, in general Muslims and Arabs dont conduct buissness in this manner. its actually kinda nice. if you find yourself wondering whats going on, contact someone and just ask, email has worked well for me with everyone so far. if you dont hear back, conatct them again. many times i contact someone, wondering or inquiring and end up finding out there is something else needed. the process thus far has really taught me to be patient, things will eventually happen, quicker for some, longer for others.

HAPPY ST PATRICKS DAY!!!!!!!!!:beerchug: CHEERS!
Get a notarized background check with your fingers print cards from the Oregon state police, this is going to take a couple weeks. After your preliminary offer ask HR to send you the medical form by email so you can complete it before your visa paper work arrives to save time, if you do not have a passport and need one ASAP buy a 28$ greyhound ticket 1 way to Vancouver BC then make an appointment to the regional passport center in seattle. Get your passport photos taken to bring with you, bring your bus tickets to the passport appointment showing international travel in less than 2 weeks and they give you a passport same day for $170ish or instead of the Canada routine you can ask the SRCA for a letter stating you need one right away for your visa and your accepted to arrive immediately. get color copys of all your documents including employer letters and notarize everything, if your in doubt notarize it.

Here is my time line for an example of how long things take:

I started communication in November with the SRCA, I Applied first week of December got my preliminary offer 3 weeks ago, accepted that and now am waiting for my visa paper work to arrive so I can send off for that. I already know whats in the packet so I completed my medical form, background check, notary, and official documents already. My passport and HS diploma slowed me down some, prob by a couple weeks to sort that all out.

Armor applied less than a week before me, he got a call today saying his visa is approved...

In closing you need the below, start on everything now to save time.

1. Notarized letters from all employers you want to use as experience.

2. Three professional letters of reference

3. Official sealed college transcripts from all colleges

4. Official sealed Paramedic program transcripts if not from a college I.E. fire dept, hospital, vocational training.

5. Notarized color copys of, ACLS, PALS, PHTLS, ect... and your National and State Paramedic certification with the raised seals, high school diploma, and any other official documents that pertain.

6. The originals of your Diploma, Paramedic Cert, Passport, all your certs, and College degree if you have one. ( I would get your birth certificate and SSN card just in case also)

7. If you do have a college degree you need to get it verified by a 3rd party online, you can ask the visa handler for more info.

8. Medical form completed in triple all signed by hand by the doctor and completed to include chest xrays with disc, fecal labs, urine labs, blood labs, physical exam, and 3 passport photos of you

9. Completed SRCA application and experience form in your own hand writing

10. 10 passport photos of you

11. 2 finger prints cards sent in to your local law enforcement agency (OSP for us) that are returned with a clean background check attached that is notarized by the police.

FINAL STEPS: 12. Receive your Final contract with Visa paper work in the mail. Complete this with everything above and send it to the visa handler in DC.

13. Get your work visa in the mail call Gabby and get your plane tickets.

I think thats everything, feel free to chime in anyone if I missed something.

I have completed everything and am on step 12 about to move to step 13 hopefully.
looks we will be probally gettin over there about the same time

im psyched man, cant wait

This is exactly what I was looking for, thank you for taking the time to produce a comprehensive list of items needed for the visa process.

Why two fingerprint cards? I downloaded the OSP request for criminal history report and it indicates one fingerprint card and that it will be returned with the report.
Hey guys just to let you know I got this today in my inbox
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email. At the moment all the recruitment processes are on hold due to some internal reasons. As soon as we begin recruiting again I will inform you.


Assma AL-Tuwaijri
Human Resources / Recruiting
Saudi Red Crescent Authority

I guess they r still having an issue with their turn over....
I guess this will give me time to ensure that I have everything that I need to get this up and running... was set up with AA and had that going through but when that got squished I had to change gears and along with dealing with everything here... So I will wait and see what happens... and thanks again for all the info... and good luck to you guys. I will keep posting what happens
Hey guys just to let you know I got this today in my inbox
Dear Sir,

Thank you for your email. At the moment all the recruitment processes are on hold due to some internal reasons. As soon as we begin recruiting again I will inform you.


Assma AL-Tuwaijri
Human Resources / Recruiting
Saudi Red Crescent Authority

I guess they r still having an issue with their turn over....
Hoppymedic. What is the issue with the turnover you mentioned?

I sent SRCA HR this message yesterday which was Tuesday 3/16/10:

I believe I am now just waiting for one last employment letter, my HS Diploma and Passport to come in the mail. I estimate to have these items to you in about 2 weeks time.
And I got this message reply on the same day:

Dear Sir,
Thank you for your email. We will be waiting.

Wadha Al Sowayan
Human Resources
International Recruitment
Saudi Red Crescent Authority

So I wonder what is going on?
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