Saudi Red Crescent Authority

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These are all good things. It looks like the operation on the ground over there is coming along great!

I received my work visa today by FedEx and I have sent my requested travel information to the SRCA, so we will see how long it takes them to purchase my tickets and send me a confirmation. Once I get travel confirmation, I will call it official!

How is everyone else doing in the process?
I am having an issue getting one of my employers to get me a letter, other than that everything else is coming along. I hope to have everything hammered out soon and catch up to you guys in this process
I am going through Action Aviation. I received an email from SRCA about the paperwork needed. It's my understanding that is if you go through them for employment. Anyone have an idea if I still need all the letters even though AA is not asking for it? I just sent for my passport so I'm hoping if all goes well, I will have an official offer and be out there by Feb 1st.
How do you keep in touch with back home, Is anyone renting a satellite phone? How does the cell service work?

Before my contract with CHS got held up in Kuwait I was instructed the other medics where using something called "Magic jack"

I believe it lets you call home for free or a really low price using your computer as a phone almost anywhere in the world.
Been using SKYPE for a couple years now myself.

For $12 a month I can call anyone in the USA or Canada (diff plans to choose from). I can call their computer or their phones. It also allows instant messaging and text messaging.

For $67 a year, I also bought a phone number with my local area code for my computer. Now anyone can call me from any phone without having to go online. If I am not signed into SKYPE, it goes to my voice mail. If I am signed in, my computer rings...
How do you keep in touch with back home, Is anyone renting a satellite phone? How does the cell service work?

Umm, Saudi arabia is a modern country. They have landlines, cellphones and internet at reasonable broadband speed. They even have satellite TV!

Cell service is pretty good in Riyadh and major cities. Most of us use prepaid cards that you can recharge just like in the US.

Are you guys being flown over business class? I heard some of the guys have in the past. Worth joining an airline rewards program too

Merry christmas guys
I just got my last notarized letter from my last employer. For some reason all my employers were willing to give me an employment verification letter, but when I mentioned that it had to be notarized. They were like "OH!", but I eventually got them, I also got my Paramedic scope letter notarized by my training officer. I haven't received my packet yet, but I did e-mail them and they did say my paperwork was being processed through the Ministry. So With the Holidays going on, I hope to have it in a few days. I have made an appointment with my DR, for after the new year, and I'm going to get finger printed after Christmas, so I can get my Background check going. Thats pretty much where I'm at. Good Luck everyone.
Your the German that got fired. I met two of the German guys at a compond but I don't think it was you. Great guys having fun maybe with a different attitude to yours.

Saudi arabia is not the easiest country to work in. You need the right mentality and attitude as things are done different to where we come from.

I hope you enjoyed your time here. Are you working in EMS again in Germany. Do they hire US female Paramedics? I would be interested in working in Germany. What part of Germany do you work in?

Are you the German that loaned money from the bank and left or is that someone else?

Thinks can be different. That is no problem. And we had a lot of informations before because one of the other guys was working in Kuwait and Irak before and also in Pakistan and Kosovo. But if they take your passport and dont want you to travel the show is over. We had to involve the embassy and that makes it not funny. Saudi Arabia looks modern at the top but it is a deep Islamic Country! Never forget about that! And they will drop you at the moment when you are not going the way they want it!!! Ask Rhonda if she is working as a paramedic. She is not as I know. Big troubles in a country where slavery is normal.

Good luck and a good time. And I took only the money that was for me!!!

Have a nice Christmas!
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But if they take your passport and dont want you to travel the show is over. We had to involve the embassy and that makes it not funny.

What kind of s^%$t is that ??? Nobody is taking my passport or my freedom to move away from me!

Saudi Arabia looks modern at the top but it is a deep Islamic Country! Never forget about that! Big troubles in a country where slavery is normal.

Hey people, lets talk honestly about life over there, lets get into the details. Please, i need to know what to expect, i hate to leave all i have here for something i might regret.;)
Please take time to answer

1. I want to make sure that we will be treated equally, NO hating will take place at work because of our nationality. How exactly are we being treated over there as employees?
2. Tell me what our future employer dont want us to know?? As far as signing contract in arabic, taxes on my pay check, vacation time , and so on....
3. How far is work from our compound ? How will we get to work?(taxi?rent a car?)
4. People that live or used to live there, give me list of negative things u dont or didnt like( in work and during off time) be honest please. I am just preparing myself for this long trip.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS !:rolleyes:
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1. I want to make sure that we will be treated equally, NO hating will take place at work because of our nationality. How exactly are we being treated over there as employees?
2. Tell me what our future employer dont want us to know?? As far as signing contract in arabic, taxes on my pay check, vacation time , and so on....
3. How far is work from our compound ? How will we get to work?(taxi?rent a car?)
4. People that live or used to live there, give me list of negative things u dont or didnt like( in work and during off time) be honest please. I am just preparing myself for this long trip.

HAPPY HOLIDAYS !:rolleyes:

I think this forum thread maybe our best bet for information. I am glad the German posted here with views that aren't always positive so we can all realize this may not be a trip down lolly pop lane.
I am still excited and want to get over there, but I am always expecting the unexpected and some surprises.
I think the German Paramedic, Jay from Action Avation, Omar the local at SRCA, and the female RN/EMT-P are all great resources for information and questions from all sides.

Mclenin does bring up some interesting points.
I would like to hear some responses from those who may know the answers to some of his above questions.
The passport problem is widespread. In hospitals it is handed in to the hospital passport office and returned when you apply for a visa to go on vacation or exit the country. It is not usually a problem. It is written in our contracts therefore we are aware of it.

Check with the Red crescent if this is required. The guys I know didn't have to and are able to obtain mutiple entry exit visas (valid for 6 months). If it is not in your contract do not worry.

Communication can be a problem here. Rules change and nobody informs anyone.

If Rhonda is not working as a Paramedic is it because she is a female? I am and I know I can't work the streets with the Red crescent. It's the way it is here, we can't change it. She should get a job at the hospital where females do respond to calls and do transfers.

Its an adventure and a challenge, worth it if you have the right attitude.
Alrighty....a lot of action has been going on here lately!

So I received my e tickets from the SRCA today, I travel January 13th, arrive January 14th. I am not looking forward to a 15 hour airplane ride!

As for the contracts being completely in Arabic, one of the guys currently there says that used to be the case, but now they are split, side by side English and Arabic, similar to the documents many have received in the mail from SRCA. He said they have changed this because of the MANY complaints they received, so the process seems to be on the level and honest now.

I have seen some posts with concerns. I have been talking to a few people, some who have been over there in the past, and some who are over there currently. THe person I am spoke with who is over there currently is a paramedic supervisor with SRCA, and he is American. He has been there 18 months, and his wife works there also. He said when he arrived they basically re negotiated his relocation allowance and housing, because he cam with his spouse. Basically he was under the understanding that both he and his spouse would be getting relocation and housing allowances. The Saudi's did not do this, and only gave them one relocation and housing allowance. He did not say they adjusted his pay, only that small problem with the relocation and housing.

Now, he also said that he was over there for 8 weeks before he finally got his first paycheck. He said the paychecks have been on time and everything since, but 8 weeks is a long time. He also said that things seem to be getting better, and he does not think that would happen today, but there are no promises.

I am going to try and see if I can get him on here to post a few things. I know he has stayed with SRCA, even after all the initial problems, so we will see.

Now, as for the German folks. I will not pass judgement on the situation, as I was not there, but based on what other people have said about your possible behavior while in country, and also based on the fact that you basically admitted to taking out a loan and then leaving the country without intent to repay it, the situation must have been pretty bad, but I am not sure I would have dealt with it the same way... just my two cents...

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1. I want to make sure that we will be treated equally, NO hating will take place at work because of our nationality. How exactly are we being treated over there as employees?
2. Tell me what our future employer dont want us to know?? As far as signing contract in arabic, taxes on my pay check, vacation time , and so on....
3. How far is work from our compound ? How will we get to work?(taxi?rent a car?)
4. People that live or used to live there, give me list of negative things u dont or didnt like( in work and during off time) be honest please. I am just preparing myself for this long trip.

First of all! Everybody has to make his own decision. I only want to inform you as good as I can. Some things changed after we made trouble with the embassy and other things. But the Saudis dont like that! Because they are the one. You gonna see it.

1.) You are never equal to a Saudi. There is a stairway and they are on top. After that US, German, Canadian, Australien etc. at the end Bangladesh with about 250$ a month to live with.
2.) The change with the contract is right. I rember they changed it a short time before I left. But only because of our trouble we made! Rember the insurance question! If you dont get a insurance card you are not insured!!! And they will tell you if you do something wrong outside they will pay the bloodmoney of 100000SR. But how often?? Ask them about that.
3.) Normaly you get with Taxi to work. Or you have to rent a car. All costs are your own!
4.) I told you some things. And it is a far way of 500km to get a legal beer ;-)

Guys be careful! It is a experience no doubt about. But be careful with your passport. I hope it changed and you have no trouble anymore. Otherwise try to talk to Dr. Rasheed at the headquarter. He is ok. Any other Dr. from Syria or Egypt is not able to deside anything.
Rember the insurance question! If you dont get a insurance card you are not insured!!! And they will tell you if you do something wrong outside they will pay the bloodmoney of 100000SR. But how often?? Ask them about that.

I need more info on this topic, please.

Will we get payed overtime? Is it 40 hours a week?

I am having trouble understanding the travel issue. For example, in the middle of my stay over there, i will need to leave home for a week due to family emergency. Do I have to apply for a visa again?
The week, I believe, is a 48 hour work week. I was told they offer 6,8,12 and 24 hour shifts. As of now there are opportunities for overtime at a rate of time and a half. They also may compensate extra time worked in a week by giving you days off.
They also may compensate extra time worked in a week by giving you days off
is it optional? or they can enforce it ?
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