Re: "Paintballers!" thread lock

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Forum Asst. Chief
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In response to MMiz's locking post in aforementioned thread regarding the thread's "on-topic-ness", I didn't realise any and all threads posts on this website, notably the "Break Room" sub-forum in the "EMS Lounge" forum (description says to sit back, relax and start up conversation with fellow medics) had to be strictly EMS-related (EMS Talk, anyone?) and the only thread you can post in (and easily lose track of conversations) was the 100% Directionless Thread... In all honesty, that seems rather uptight and simply contradicts the description of said forum. What exactly constitutes as "on topic" in a break room? The thread itself was on topic, but apparently not an approved topic? If that were the case, such censorship is rather absurd (and contradicts the "Remember that this forum is only as good as you make it" line in the Community rules - how can we make it better with user-appreciated topics if we're not allowed to make them?). Call me blind, but I fail to see where in the Community Rules that it says every thread must be EMS-related or strictly on-topic). I thought making-up-the-rules-as-we-play-the-game was more appropriate on the playground rather than a self-professed "professional" online community forum.

Do we need to appease the EMTLife (para)Gods?
"You can talk about whatever you want here, but you can't talk about whatever you want unless it has EMS-related conversation; say, remember during that paintball game that medic guy ran out into the middle of the field and performed a tracheotomy with a ballpoint pen? Oh yeah, Tippmanns are really nice markers!"

This is not meant to be an attack on MMiz, or any other moderators or community members - and I do apologise if it appears that way - but rather an unimpressed complaint over the inability to speak freely about topics quite a few members would like to chat about in a thread of their own (hence why those threads were created in the first place...).

I, while thinking paintball is a silly game, also was surprised to see it get locked. I always thought the lounge was for any topic. All posts remained on the subject as well. No one hijacked a thread. So I guess I to am shocked at the lock.
Someone is going to get sick of our 3+ pages of PB discussion in the directionless thread lol.

and paintball is silly, till you play it.
i also thought the lounge was for any topic.

So you guys who have invaded the directionless thread with paintball stuff...

well you have to post the rules and what the difference between pump and whatever else there is, because if i have to read it, i want to know what i'm reading.

in all seriousness moderators.... why does the "lounge" have to be ems related?
Someone is going to get sick of our 3+ pages of PB discussion in the directionless thread lol.

and paintball is silly, till you play it.

my real question is, "why play at killing"

don't get me wrong, just occurred to me
my real question is, "why play at killing"

don't get me wrong, just occurred to me

Are you suggesting they use real guns and bullets?:unsure:

my real question is, "why play at killing"

don't get me wrong, just occurred to me

...because it's fun. There's plenty of games that deal with play killing. Cops and robbers, laser tag, paint ball, capture the flag (which paint ball essentially is with the ability to tag at a distance), first person shooters, water gun fights, snow ball fights, and the list goes on.
Tournament paintball is nothing like woods-based paintball, as well. People assume all paintball is dressing like soldiers and trying to kill the other guys. Not so true, while the point of tournament ball is still to shoot others, the strategy and focus of the game is much different. Its more of a sport and plays like a chess match.
Is this the new on topic paintball thread/??
Tournament paintball is nothing like woods-based paintball, as well. People assume all paintball is dressing like soldiers and trying to kill the other guys. Not so true, while the point of tournament ball is still to shoot others, the strategy and focus of the game is much different. Its more of a sport and plays like a chess match.

But woodsball isn't too bad either :) I got started with an urban style field, which lead to scenario ball. I didn't get into speedball for a while, after I started playing pump.
For many years we've maintained the view that they are a million forums out there, and that this one would be for "EMS-related discussion" only. Sure we get off topic at times, but I'd like to stay true to that vision.
For many years we've maintained the view that they are a million forums out there, and that this one would be for "EMS-related discussion" only. Sure we get off topic at times, but I'd like to stay true to that vision.

Point of clarification, if anything non-EMS is "off topic" then could you give an example of an on-topic subject that would belong in the lounge outside of introduction threads?
By limiting only to ems dooms this site to the fate of many others. Why not allow fellow ems'ers to share their interests?
By limiting only to ems dooms this site to the fate of many others. Why not allow fellow ems'ers to share their interests?

We're going on six years of doing just that. I'd say we're doing okay. ;)
For many years we've maintained the view that they are a million forums out there, and that this one would be for "EMS-related discussion" only. Sure we get off topic at times, but I'd like to stay true to that vision.

So by that right, any and all HAM and other amateur radio threads should be locked because they're not "EMS-related discussion". Not only that, but the motorcycle thread (unless you happen to roll up on scene on a Harley on a regular basis:rolleyes:), the "Happy birthday, Isreal!" thread (unless Isreal happens to have a stroke on her birthday), Linuss' "Going to Vegas" thread, tattoo and other body modification threads, the thread created in light of the release of the Apple iPad praising it's interface, or the thread created by Epi-do titled "Where I spent my morning (not EMS related)". Note that these are all within the EMS Lounge sub-forum.

So what exactly is this website? A community? Or a job? Heck, it doesn't even matter, if I started talking paintball, motorcycles, body mods, places for vacation, new non-work-related technology or places that I've been, a supervisor wouldn't come up and give us the what-for that we're off-topic because we're not talking about work.

We all know a bunch of us are on this website simply because we like to have an escape from the job while still conversing with others who are like-minded and know and understand what we all go through on a daily basis. That is the point of a community, and that's the point of a lounge (to relax and get away). And we all know I'm not alone in the disappointment in the moderation, nor am I the only one who has noticed a decrease in posts from once regular users. Back in July of 2009 when I joined this website, there seemed to be new topics daily whereas now there seem to be a few new threads every so often. I hadn't been on this website for a couple months due to disinterest in the way this website was being ran as a totalitarian state, and coming back to it isn't reinforcing my enjoyment here. Now I know I'm not being forced to stay here, and I know that I (or you, if you deem such drastic measures are needed - and surely they aren't) can silence and/or remove myself from this community at any time.

However, it is my interest in the job, the people, and the friendships gained that keep me here. It's rather upsetting to see such a great outlet being controlled so harshly, strongly and inappropriately - and this isn't being spoken out of ignorance to the job of a moderator. I was once a forum moderator for a (still) very popular Canadian teen social networking and forum community by the name of (no plug intended) and had been for some years until I no longer had the time to dedicate to it. This is what I have learned in that time: if you limit a forum to only a few certain kinds of "approved" threads, users will run out of genuine threads and every other thread will be locked due to repeats. If you are too strict on that "unwritten policy", there will be no more genuine threads and the forum will cease to operate. Simply put: if you suffocate, you're gonna kill. From my observations, the lack of chat users, the lack of new threads, and the lack of frequent posters is indicative of that.

There is discontent from the community members, and one man's vision may not necessarily be what is best for said community. Just my $0.02.
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As I posted in the thread:

As if you didn't see this coming, the thread is off-topic and being locked. We've always had a policy of limiting off-topic conversation, and have let it slide in the infamous 100% directionless thread. You're welcome to take this conversation there.

The 100% directionless thread is your spot for for 100% directionless topics.

I have learned that I can't make everyone happy, and that we may not share the same vision. That's life. EMTLife.
As I posted in the thread:

The 100% directionless thread is your spot for for 100% directionless topics.

I have learned that I can't make everyone happy, and that we may not share the same vision. That's life. EMTLife.

You so conveniently neglected to talk about anything I had mentioned.

Again, as clarification, how is a paintball thread for paintball discussion amongst paintballers, in any way, 100% directionless? I think it's pretty clear that the direction of said thread is just that - for paintballing EMS folk to discuss their love for the sport. Just like there's a thread for EMS folk who like to discuss motorcycles and their love for those machines (which just so happens to be a hot topic with over 75 posts!). Or a thread for EMS folk who like to discuss HAM and other amateur radios, and their love for the hobby. There are no differences between those two threads and the paintball thread aside from the fact that it's about paintball - do you just not like paintballing, MMiz?

It's obvious you'll never make everyone happen, but, from my observation, it's becoming clear that a general consensus is that of discontent, hence the aforementioned exodus to EMTCity and other EMS-related online discussion forums. This website is like your kingdom, understandably, but a continued discontent of its users will leave you sitting at your throne with an empty kingdom, wearing a tarnished crown.

I would like to make it clear again that this is not a personal attack by any means, but rather simple, unimpressed criticism of the totalitarianistic moderation of this website.
I would like to make it clear again that this is not a personal attack by any means, but rather simple, unimpressed criticism of the totalitarianistic moderation of this website.

Yes, we know now. You've vented your disapproval three times in this very thread. You remind me of one of my daughters... won't shut up until she gets her way.
Despite having done is personally, and enjoying the activity, I don't see a connection between EMS and paintball.

In the past 24 hours I've posted threads on the internet related to server optimization, screen printing, and graphic design. None of those were posted at EMTLife, because I didn't see a connection between the topics and EMS. Sure, topics slip through, but I still fail to see how the thread is related to EMS. If we had an off-topic forum, that might work, but we don't have one right now.

Over... and over... and over people speak of a mass exodus and other forums. Participate in other forums! EMTCity, EMS Responder, EMSVillage, JEMS, and many others. EMTLife doesn't charge, doesn't bring in money, and doesn't feed my ego. EMTLife is something that was created several years ago as an outlet for me to connect with others interested in EMS. We are not the EMTLife SuperCenter or the MegaEMTLife catering to every subject in the world. That's why there are a million other forums out there more capable of meeting your needs.

We're EMTLife.
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