question regarding glucometer


aspiring needlefairy
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I know its a long shot but is it possible to get a free glucometer? And if so from where? The ones that my company has on trucks are bad, always giving inaccurate readings. If worse comes to worse I'll buy one. Any idea?
I got a couple of free ones years back on one of those freebie samples sites. I'm sure you could get one ridiculously cheap on ebay. Not sure crappy equipment is your responsibility though.
The glucometer might be cheap or free, but strips are freaking expensive, as is QA solution
I know its a long shot but is it possible to get a free glucometer? And if so from where? The ones that my company has on trucks are bad, always giving inaccurate readings. If worse comes to worse I'll buy one. Any idea?
If they are really inaccurate they need to be recalibrated. Also the glucometers are typically free it's the test strips that cost money. Each brand of test strip only will work with one type of glucometer
I got a couple of free ones years back on one of those freebie samples sites. I'm sure you could get one ridiculously cheap on ebay. Not sure crappy equipment is your responsibility though.
It not my responsibility whatsoever but I care about providing a good service, so I am willing to put money into equipment.
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What are you using to compare your readings to?

Are you letting the prep dry before you stick them? Are you using the first blood that shows or are you using a 4x4 to wipe it away then using what comes next? Are you "milking" the finger?

Improper prep/use can cause inaccurate readings.
I know exactly what you mean.
But it's the strips that are expensive. So forget about it unless you want to purchase and always carry your own glucometer and strips.
Will your department/company authorize the use of EMT owned biomedical equipment? Who calibrates it?

Sounds like a can of worms that you don't want to open.
DEmedic brings up a very good point with use of unauthorized equipment. There would be significant liability if you're using your own equipment that the company doesn't provide. Not to mention that if you were ever sued on a call you personally would be held responsible since you used non-company provided equipment. Lawyers love stuff like that because no matter what your excuse or reason would be the lawyers could tear it to shreds and make it look like you didn't know what you were doing and should be found liable.
Thanks for the last two points guys.
What are you using to compare your readings to?

Are you letting the prep dry before you stick them? Are you using the first blood that shows or are you using a 4x4 to wipe it away then using what comes next? Are you "milking" the finger?

Improper prep/use can cause inaccurate readings.

We're not supposed to milk the fingers or use the initial spurt? I was never taught these things.
We're not supposed to milk the fingers or use the initial spurt? I was never taught these things.
They can give you slightly inaccurate readings from what I have been told
I know its a long shot but is it possible to get a free glucometer? And if so from where? The ones that my company has on trucks are bad, always giving inaccurate readings. If worse comes to worse I'll buy one. Any idea?

first, they are usually free when your company buys the strips. I know my operation doesnt even buy the little batteries for the, when the battery dies we just grab a new glucometer off the shelf. I go through a few glucometers per year.

Second, CVS will give you one for free if you ask. but as others said unless it uses the same strips your company provides you are SOL and you have to read your states CLIA waver from CMS you may have to use one that is listed.