The union I am referring to - not neccesarily a part or or advocate of - is NEMSA, which is technically a craft union/mutual aid association completely made up of EMS professionals who know the difference btw EMT, MEDIC, IFT, 911 contract, BLS, ALS, CCT, bs, etc. And happier employees, who have collectively organized to solve many issues that mgmt could not - supply requisition, ambulance repair, scheduling conflicts - can offer better pt care. EMS mgmt is inept as far as I have seen it, partly because the care and transportation of sick and injured individuals is a concept that can never mesh with profits.
Really? What do you think businesses such as hospitals and other transport agencies consider themselves if profit and reimbursement are not considered.
Thats great that there are associations interested in supporting issues in EMS. They get their funding from elsewhere, so what? Is it taxdollars? Is it grants? Donations? Who cares? The union does not take profits. It pays its full-time employees a living wage as it should, and it pays its lawyers their fees. All their financial information is available for anyone to see. I'm happy to pay for their services. Put somewhat dramatically: People who help people help people deserve to get paid for it. Deserve much more than a typical hedge fund manager.
You are too naive to even discuss finances with. Just a living wage for the managers of unions?
So what I have mentioned women, minorities and the community that attends the SF Pride Parade!? Personal issues!? WTF are you talking about!? Obviously I work in San Francisco, where a majority of my patients fall into one of those three categories. Yes I am concerned for them and yes I make a point of highlighting them because if you haven't figured out from my other post (pro-union), I am interetsed in helping people who many others forget about, i.e. women, minorities, GLBT community, and most importantly, workers. Isn't EMS about the non-judgemental assitance to those in need? Do you ask your pts about there sexual orientation before you treat them? You got the issues Ventmedic.
You made your post seem like working the Pride festival as disgusting work.
You also fail to know where the unions have stood where women are concerned in EMS and the FDs. In the early years, women could only find jobs at the NON union EMS agencies because the unions consisting of mostly male members were against women joining. The same for the FDs. The unions cited safety and a lot of other inferior crap to "marital" problems or whatever else. This went on for over 10 years.
As far as volunteering goes: check out SF Pride Medical Committee. All-volunteer medical staff there for the whole weekend. Skill levels from MD to First Responder, from as far away as British Colombia. There are volunteers who have been working there for 25 yrs - FOR FREE. All supplies are donated including ECG's, fluids and IVs, splinting gear, AED's, backboards, cushman carts that act as ambulances to get through the 250,000 people (biggest outdoor festival in CA). As far as other festivals go, check out RockMeds, and Mutual Aid, who are at every outdoor concert in CA DONATING time, skill, and supplies.
I already know some of the medical sponsor there which are CPMC, Kaiser and SFGH. CHW did a couple of events but they are not part of the regulars. MDs and RNs did donate their time. Some of the equipment like back boards and AEDs, was "loaned" not donated. The crews on the ambulances were paid. Those that did want to help out at the booths for free could do also but don't make it sound like anyone was forced to work for free. The companies that donated the supplies also got a decent tax benefit.
Again, what are you talking about? Better education? If the person has an RN education, go be a nurse. If the person has a BA in European Literature, go be a professor. If the person has just got there Medic license they will be promoted to Paramedic over any EMT, there is no dispute there. What is this dependence on education? Unless it is the education to move to a different job class within the company, what education are you talking about? CE's? Everyone does those already? How is 20yrs as a medic not count as education?
Just once I wish someone could equate education and EMS as going together. WTF are you talking about? RN is a different profession. BA in European literature? An RN would get a BSN which is something that goes with the nursing profession. Someone in EMS should get at least a two year degree in EMS. Right now it takes just a mere 1060 hours to be a Paramedic in California which is less than the clinical hours other professions need in their two year degree program. Look at the pathetic state scope of practice for EMS. It is a true embarrassment. It is not secret that the unions do not want a push for education because of all the "hardship" it would cause making the EMTs do all that studying when they can still be union members after just 110 hours of training. As well, those who advance their education may actually see how the unions actually work against them.
As long as the unions are as strong as they are and EMS providers continue to support them instead of a national organization for EMS, this profession will remain at a "tech" level and be considered just a job rather than a career. For a middle aged profession, it is now way behind any of the much younger healthcare professions that did not rely on unions.
If there is a medic who is old and lazy, there are steps that can happen before we start promoting those who have worked less. Everyone who posts about or complains about seniority always focuses on a "deadbeat" as you say. What about the hardworking Medic who just got married and whose wife is having a baby? In a non-seniority based model, mgmt decides who will get promoted, not the amount of time and dedication you put in. Vent, when your back goes out, and they start looking for brand new medics to take your shifts, I hope you can recall what you stated in this post.
So a married medic should get promoted before a single one? What does the number of kids he has have to do with him being a Paramedic? What about his contributions as a medic and striving to continue his education? By education I don't mean taking a weekend cert or an online CEU.
If a pt is put in danger or your partner is put in danger, yes then the union will not protect you solely because you pay dues. The union's interest is in job equality for all employees. Which is most easily attained when employees are not putting anyone in danger. That is not the point here. The point is to communicate w your partner before it gets to that level.
You just seem to miss the patient care issue. Do you also understand a responsibility to the certification or license you hold? That goes beyond the buddy buddy thing.
What issues in SF? Non-union companies like Protransport who pay their EE's garbage, who don't help them keep up on their skills and training, who will buy a new ambulance before they invest in an EE's future with the company and teach them how to drive it C3? My union steward is interested in helping me keep my job. That includes keeping up w all my certs, skills, CE's and all job-related disciplines to a minimum. Non-union does the disservice.
They may not be the best company but do you think someone with just 110 hours of training can do better? Even McDonalds offers more hours of training and expects more accountability from its employees. If one of their employees did something to endanger customers or stole property, do you think there wouldn't be an issue to where "talking to your co-worker" is advised?
There are also situations where the legal system and the state licensing board will hold you just as responsible as the other person because you failed to report an issue involving patient care.
I'm talking about unions at the local level. A good deal of organizing has to be done before we can even start talking about national politics. Thats for the teamsters and SEIU, not for NEMSA yet. First, we have to get people on board who fail to see that the reason they work 40 hours in the week and then get time and a half is because of gains taken by unionism. You do like the weekend don't you?
The reason people get time and a half after 40 is now due to the labor laws of this country. Any one can file a complaint with the Dept. of Labor and it doesn't take a union insulting you by saying the words are too big for union members to understand.
Many health care professionals are required to work some weekends in most fields. Do you thing the union can change that? No health care offered on weekends? No hospitals? No ambulances? Is this one of their campaign promises that you are falling for?