Sorry, I don't get my rocks of on being able to pass the advanced first aid course known as EMT-B. My patients deserve better than that.
If I was your patient and I knew how much disdain you had for people "underneath" you, I would just assume that since I was not as physically capable you would think less of me too. Then I'd tell you to F off.
Also, what sort of hubris puts you on equal footing as an RN, physician, or other higher level provider? There's absolutely nothing wrong with understanding that EMT-B is low man on the totem pole. Sorry, but when I was working as an EMT-B, I fully understood where my spot on the totem pole was and was perfectly fine with it. For you, I dare you to walk up to a physician next time you pick up at the ER and tell him that you're an equal because you're an EMT-B.
Read the post again Doogie Howser. I'll go up to one of the many physicians I am friends with and ask them how their family is, or what are their holiday plans, or if they have been surfing anywhere good lately, or do you need help in talking to that Mexican family, or could you help me out with this section of microbio I am having trouble with, or anything else that people say to other people. If at that very minute a GSW walked through the ER and collapsed we would both work AS A TEAM (team has strong union connotations doesn't it) to render the best care possible. Me to the total capacity of my scope (which for this patient would be abc maintenence and hemorrhage control, which is exactly what he needs) and the Doc to his. On a volunteer medical mission to Honduras last year I worked alongside 4 amazing MD's whom I assisted in numerous capacities, sometimes going way above my scope (it happens in 3rd world countries when necessary) and forming strong friendships with all involved. NO, I am not parallell to their skill level, but I WORKED HARD alongside them and all of them wrote me awesome letters of recommendation. We all shared the same experiences, sat through the same freezing rain, walked through the same mud, and helped the same families. Not to get too preachy or melodramatic, but, again, you are no better than anyone else. If you can't appreciate this simple fact - like you can't grasp union power, or teamwork, or solidarity amongst coworkers - than you will make a poor, poor provider.
I trash the position of EMT-B because the extreme inadequacies in education making it deserving to be trashed.
AND YOU ARE ONLY 24 y/o, right!? You must be Doogie Howser. You have it more figured out than the NHTSA, the DOT, the DOH, the AAP, the AAEM, NREMT, the AHA, all local EMS agencies, medical dierctors, medical consultants, Fire Departments, assemblymen, supervisors, researchers etc.? Get the F off of your high horse.
If EMT-B is the sole source of pride in your life that any slight against your holy of holys level is a direct personal offense, then sorry, I don't know how to help you.
I don't need your help, and unless I get a sore back or need my chi realigned, I never will.
I'm willing to bet that the AED (a common medical device with a level of public access growing to match fire extinguishers) did the vast majority of the work. Good save though.
You are too arrogant to even put into words. You belittle a fellow healthcare provider's successful attempt at preserving a life (this really happened) because of your own inability to admit when you are wrong and your limitless self-importance. When you are doing your clinicals at the hospitals, I hope someone watches you clean up a Chux completely soaked with diarrhea, and then tells his buddy, "The Chux does the vast majority of the work".