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- 1,174
- 113
This one was probably one of the sickest patient that still had a pulse I've seen in a long time.
I'm on my phone and at work so ill give y'all a brief intro let you go to town and report back with more later when I get to a computer. Still waiting on the ER for a final Dx, just ran this one a bit ago.
Dispatched priority 2 (code 3, possibly life threatening. For all you EMD guys it was a "charlie" response, 33C02T was the official coding) to a familiar SNF/rehab facility for "difficulty breathing". 3 man ILS engine crew already on scene.
62 year old F, supine in bed on her home CPAP for her sleep apnea. Pt at nursing home/rehab facility S/P total left knee replacement 2 weeks prior.
A&Ox4, GCS 14 (3/5/6)
BP 72/50
Hr 110
RR 20, unlabored, lungs clear to auscultation in all fields, speaks in full sentences.
SpO2 88% on nasal CPAP mask.
CBG 150 mg/dL
Skin ashen/severe mottling, cool, dry
Complaint of 8/10 "sharp" thoracic back pain with no hx of. Also difficulty breathing, nausea and needing to have a BM.
I'm on my phone and at work so ill give y'all a brief intro let you go to town and report back with more later when I get to a computer. Still waiting on the ER for a final Dx, just ran this one a bit ago.
Dispatched priority 2 (code 3, possibly life threatening. For all you EMD guys it was a "charlie" response, 33C02T was the official coding) to a familiar SNF/rehab facility for "difficulty breathing". 3 man ILS engine crew already on scene.
62 year old F, supine in bed on her home CPAP for her sleep apnea. Pt at nursing home/rehab facility S/P total left knee replacement 2 weeks prior.
A&Ox4, GCS 14 (3/5/6)
BP 72/50
Hr 110
RR 20, unlabored, lungs clear to auscultation in all fields, speaks in full sentences.
SpO2 88% on nasal CPAP mask.
CBG 150 mg/dL
Skin ashen/severe mottling, cool, dry
Complaint of 8/10 "sharp" thoracic back pain with no hx of. Also difficulty breathing, nausea and needing to have a BM.