Princess Cruises?

Soooo... What is the pay?
They told me at the EMS Expo booth around 3000-4000 per month.
Given you only pay federal taxes on it(depending on your states laws) and room and board is covered.
Just hired in... Looks like an interesting job. If you guys have advice for daily life plz pM me.
Pay and perks

Pay is between 3200 and 3700 a month with usually only about 500 taken out for taxes. As this job is still fairly new (we just started early last year), there are still some kinks being worked out. Even on the worst of days, I am still a paramedic getting paid decent money to see places in a month that I probably would not be able to see in a year. This job will not make you rich but it will let you do some of the coolest things imaginable while still giving you the opportunity to intubate someone off the coast of Croatia or Monte Carlo, Monaco (both of which we have done this year).

As this is a new position on cruise ships, they do their best to maintain open lines of communication. They are adding more and more equipment that we as US paramedics are used to so that the job is easier for us to do. We have recently gotten EZ IO drills and needles in all sizes and they are exploring other tools as well. Logistically this is great as they are trying to give us equipment that we are used to in the back of a rig so that we are in our element regardless of where we are location wise.

The best advice I can give anyone is to not get discouraged. If you can imagine being the sole group of people getting resumes from all over the country while also having to address issues and concerns with paramedics currently at sea literally all over the world, you can see how easily it could be to get overwhelmed. The same individuals that screen applicants and do the interviews are also tasked with coordinating every medical need on the ships including emergency disembarks and equipment needs. They are also the same individuals that are tasked with flying to the ships to do new employee training or any kind of training that we need on the ships. It is just as frustrating for us on the ships to wait for communication as it is for those applying for the job. Be patient and make sure you stay in contact with them so that they know you're interested. Several of us on ships do try our best to monitor this thread so don't hesitate to contact us.

I know that I speak for all of us when I say that we want good people and we will do what we can to clear up any questions you may have.

Good luck.
New to the site and thread. I must say Jay (hope you aren't offended by me calling you Jay, truth be told I forgot all the other letters when I started typing) and Sea Medic have provided a wealth of information regarding PCL (Princess Cruise Line) positions, experience, etc.

I had my clinical interview today which went very well and received an email shortly afterwards regarding 3 professional references as well as a pic of my tattoo, on my arm not visible when in uniform. My fire dept doesn't allow tats to be shown either, I specifically had it done with the intention of it not being exposed for this's on reason. Everything they have said as well as a few others employed has been the info provided to me by those interviewing me. I'm beyond excited to hear back from them as to whether I am offered a position. I'm passionate about traveling and even moreso about expanding my scope of practice and skill set!

Hope to be working with some of you soon, great great thread and it's reassuring to see there are medics out there who have a genuine interest in the success of others. I'll update as well concerning progression of interviews.

Initial application sent: 23 Sept 2013
Phone interview: 23 Oct 2013
1st Skype interview: 4 Nov 2013
2nd Skype interview: 5 Nov 2013

Hoping to hear back anywhere from within the week to 2 weeks, will touch base with them in a week as well.
You know the second I sent that I was like, crap I should've included ladies too. Sorry sorry lol

Ladies and gentleman I'm very glad to be working with you soon. Trying to get this all done so I can be on the December Xmas contract.
You know the second I sent that I was like, crap I should've included ladies too. Sorry sorry lol

Ladies and gentleman I'm very glad to be working with you soon. Trying to get this all done so I can be on the December Xmas contract.

LOL! :) just giving you trouble! Congrats and keep everyone posted
Deception Medic,

Congrats! Hope to see you on the high seas. 4th contract now and it's still a blast. Obviously, there are ups and downs just like any other job, but it comes down to your own outlook. The medics that stay seem to see the best in the job. I am now over 20 countries and 50 cities traveled to since working with Princess. I would have never been able to do that otherwise. Back on the Hawaii/Mexico route again and no other job allows me to handover in the morning and hit the waves 30 minutes later, hiking up volcanoes, or kissing a beautiful woman under a Hawaiian water fall :D Good luck to those applying and to those starting out........sail safe!

Do any of you princess medics have a blog? I would be interested in following it if so.
Thanks I look forward very much to working with all of you ladies and gentleman. I remembered this time lol. I have my medical exam this Monday and after that all I do is wait for the results then it's set sail!

I'm packing up things now so what would you recommend packing. I have a couple suits, shorts, t shirts, workout attire, handful of sweaters and toiletries. Any other suggestions?

ExpactMedic I intend on starting one once I'm onboard.
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As someone who was in this thread about a year ago looking at this job, I'm super excited to see the increased activity.

I think we're months, maybe a couple years away from this becoming a mainstream thing on all the cruise lines.

I think PCL was an experiment, and now that it is proving successful all the other lines under the same parent company will pick it up.

Here's hoping.

Unfortunately, due to life circumstances, I had to turn down my offer from PCL last year.. now I'm considering it again..
Thanks I look forward very much to working with all of you ladies and gentleman. I remembered this time lol. I have my medical exam this Monday and after that all I do is wait for the results then it's set sail!

I'm packing up things now so what would you recommend packing. I have a couple suits, shorts, t shirts, workout attire, handful of sweaters and toiletries. Any other suggestions?

ExpactMedic I intend on starting one once I'm onboard.

Please do!
Still waiting for my medical certificate to arrive in the mail then it's bon voyage! The anticipation and excitement is starting to get to me. Rest assured I will be setting up a blog, once I figure out how to set one up .
Hi All,

Loved this thread, joined this site just to ask some questions on this topic. Applied a couple of weeks ago, just got an email yesterday asking me to fill out an online assessment for the medic job on PCL... Is this the "next step", does it mean my application has been reviewed and how long after submitting my assessment should I expect to hear a response?

Just wondering if anyone else had this step in the process prior to the interview or not...

Thanks a lot!

Canadian medic
I applied for them on Monday. I received an E-mail that same day requesting a brief phone screening which was done Tuesday. Today I received an E-mail requesting a Skype interview. Does anyone have any tips or advice for the Skype interview?
Thanks!!! This thread has been full of great information.