Pregnant Women.

Did I ever say women who work in the field during pregnancy are selfish evil people who are inherently wrong?


What I said is Personally, I couldn't see taking the risk and that my fetus isn't worth money. That is MY opinion. I was never attacking or making generelizations about you, but you seem to think everyone was attacking you. I never said omg, you womens who work in the field are evil and should be ashamed!

So get it through your head, no one was making generalizations about you or people who worked during pregnancy in the field.
Doesn't matter, no life is worth money to me.

Then I hope you're planning to completely avoid caffeine, coming within 5 feet of microwave ovens, corn oil, pumping your own gas, food dyes, potatos, baking soda, table salt and table sugar during the entirety of your pregnancy. All are considered teratogenic and have been shown to cause risk to a developing fetus.

This is probably where Medic744 is feeling attacked. It seems as so though you are saying that she risked her own child's life for money, which is something you would not personally do. Every woman must make a rational evaluation of the possible risks she will inevitably take during pregnancy.
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Don't forget fish, cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust, most OTC drugs, hot hot showers or baths, and a whole other laundry list of things. Sasha Im sorry that you think that your opinion is the only one for you but I am going to take a wild guess and say you have never had to make this decision. When you do have to make the decision you may change your mind about how you feel. Also, as an old saying goes, "never ask a question that you don't want the answer to."
Since I am not in this situation (of having a wife that is pregnant... not of being pregnant :P) I can blab all day about what I would personally do, but it is all hypothetical. If that day should come (God, please no!) then I would want to be in a position where I could enable a pregnant wife to take as much time off as is needed an/or desired on her part. But I can not say, "This is what I would do and in no way should she work and endanger herself and the child" nor can I intelligently judge someone else in a completely different situation than me just because their decisions differs. Prelanning and living life are not two concepts that always go hand in hand and we all have to adapt to it while maintaining our values, no matter what plans and philosopies we have formulated prior.
Mountain... one of the best, to the point, and most well articulated posts on here in a long time!! And it didn't include telling someone they were wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated. How 'bout that.
Don't forget fish, cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust, most OTC drugs, hot hot showers or baths, and a whole other laundry list of things. Sasha Im sorry that you think that your opinion is the only one for you but I am going to take a wild guess and say you have never had to make this decision. When you do have to make the decision you may change your mind about how you feel. Also, as an old saying goes, "never ask a question that you don't want the answer to."

You're the one who feels your choice was the only right one. Never did I say your opinion or choice was wrong, but it is not the right one for me. Once I become pregnant and find out, I'm off the truck til after the baby is born.

Don't make assumptions based on YOUR experiences that I will change my mind.

Yes, there are a million things that are supposed to be bad for babies and pregnant women, but to me, putting myself in a position with an increased chance of being whacked in the stomach by a violent patient, crashing while driving code 3, poked with a contaminated needle, overly strained and stressed is not a choice I will ever consider.
And it didn't include telling someone they were wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated. How 'bout that.

Sorry where do you see that on this thread?
Mountain... one of the best, to the point, and most well articulated posts on here in a long time!! And it didn't include telling someone they were wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated. How 'bout that.

Take a picture of it. Lucid LOVES to tell people what to do ;)
But I can not say, "This is what I would do and in no way should she work and endanger herself and the child" nor can I intelligently judge someone else in a completely different situation than me just because their decisions differs. Prelanning and living life are not two concepts that always go hand in hand and we all have to adapt to it while maintaining our values, no matter what plans and philosopies we have formulated prior.

Who is judging her? No where did anyone say she was wrong or bad or selfish or evil or off her rocker for that. No where.
And it didn't include telling someone they were wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated. How 'bout that.

Here of late, ne time someone posts a comment or opinion, there are the few who always have to exert their superior being and intellect and tell everyone how wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated someone is or how they would do it so much better.

That's why it is refreshing to see a post such as Mountains.
Who is judging her? No where did anyone say she was wrong or bad or selfish or evil or off her rocker for that. No where.

Nor did I say that anyone else was... I was just making a statement as to my beliefs... same as you... only I tend to be a little more PC and polite... :P

Basically, I don't think is a good idea to be working past the 2 trimester in any job and probably no more than 1/2 way through the pregnancy for field EMSers... but it is not my call to make, and I will trust a responsible woman to make the best choice for her and a child to which she has a connection to that I don't.
Sasha... its best just to agree to disagree... u are being very condescending by making the statement that you would never work EMS if pregnant. That's why you irritated somebody. You have a great thought and hopefully you or ne woman for that matter would never have to work EMS when they really don't want to. But life is life and you can't always control what comes ur way and when. I remember saying certain things and having this perfect perception of my life when I was much younger.... and looking back I was so naive and unprepared... so point in being... its ur opinion... but also a naive one.

When the bills need paid and pregnancy needs insurance coverage, its not the time to take chances of finding another job when the job market sucks as it is.
I remember saying certain things and having this perfect perception of my life when I was much younger.... and looking back I was so naive and unprepared... so point in being... its ur opinion... but also a naive one.

Don't compare me to you. I plan out my life and take steps to assure those plans are followed. I may be young, but that doesn't make me naive.
Here of late, ne time someone posts a comment or opinion, there are the few who always have to exert their superior being and intellect and tell everyone how wrong, inexperienced, or uneducated someone is or how they would do it so much better.

That's why it is refreshing to see a post such as Mountains.

The following comment is in reference to posts in general, not to this thread:

IMHO, there is a lot of talk of being educated on the forums, but with education tends to come an aire of superiority; as if having more schooling (if not experience and common sense) gives you a better handle on the world and the right to voice and opinion on everything... an opinion that is not really an opinion, but a statement of fact... the world according to the poster. I believe that the smartest people in the world, the only folks I will listen to, are the ones willing to say "I do not know" and "You might be right" and "In my opinion... but I understand what you mean and respect that view." The world (and the forums) would be better off with a little more humility based on education. Then again, we are all type A folks and that may be too much to ask. :P
The following comment is in reference to posts in general, not to this thread:

IMHO, there is a lot of talk of being educated on the forums, but with education tends to come an aire of superiority; as if having more schooling (if not experience and common sense) gives you a better handle on the world and the right to voice and opinion on everything... an opinion that is not really an opinion, but a statement of fact... the world according to the poster. I believe that the smartest people in the world, the only folks I will listen to, are the ones willing to say "I do not know" and "You might be right" and "In my opinion... but I understand what you mean and respect that view." The world (and the forums) would be better off with a little more humility based on education. Then again, we are all type A folks and that may be too much to ask. :P

I beleive that the smartest people are the ones that learn from their elders, that have been there and done it! Instead of trying to make the same mistakes over again or reinvent the wheel!;)
I'm glad I'm not female.

I do feel it is unfair for a female to stay on the job when they hit the point they can no longer lift or crawl into cars, etc because of baby. But I also think it is unfair for a fat person that can not do their job either. And I also disagree with a scrawny weakling being in EMS. In short when a person can not do the job get out.

As to risks what research has been done to see just how much risk it is for the unborn?
As to risks what research has been done to see just how much risk it is for the unborn?

I will redirect you to the source for the information I previously posted, evidence-based guidelines posted by the UK's Royal College of Physicians and the NHS Plus Occupational Health Clinical Effectiveness Unit:

Physical and shift work in pregnancy
I beleive that the smartest people are the ones that learn from their elders, that have been there and done it! Instead of trying to make the same mistakes over again or reinvent the wheel!;)

And I believe that it would be easier to to listen to our elders, respect their opinions, and follow their lead, if they approached educating the youngins in a more approachable manner. Age doesn't make you superior to me. Education doesn't make you superior to me. Power doesn't make you superior to me. I respect people whose personality and actions (and words on the forums - tone and attitude) warrent it. I give everyone the same base level of respect and consideration when I first meet them. Then, they speak and conduct themselves, actions that dictate to me if my respect for you rises or falls. If i respect you, I listen to you and value your insight. No respect... then no one listens to you... and I often skip over some folks posts for this reason.

NOTE: This is not dirrected to anyone in particular, especially not Reaper... :P
But life is life and you can't always control what comes ur way and when.

When the bills need paid and pregnancy needs insurance coverage, its not the time to take chances of finding another job when the job market sucks as it is.

Actually, call me ignorant, but you do have some control over what comes your way. Its called an informed decision and thoughts about contraception. Hate to be the a$$ of the thread, but the "its out of my control" statements are completely inaccurate.

It is an individual decision whether to work or not, TO A POINT. If there is an issue with safe operation of a unit that is directly coorelated to a pregnant medic, then she needs to come off of the unit. In the air environment if there is a safety related issue, then she WILL come off of the unit, no questions asked. Laws in place to protect workers only require continuation of benefits and compensation, it does not require the same position. Also, I need to research it a little more, but I do believe there is an exemption to the rule for a medically related inability to continue the same duties. I guess I'll be hitting google tonight!

Sasha, despite some opinions, I commend you for planning out your life and establishing limits and goals. Hopefully life will not throw you a curve ball, but at least you are thinking about a way to deal with it. That is rare in our younger population these days.

Folks, some of ya need to take a summer vacation. Too much tension around here lately.
I have never said Im right and you are wrong, what I have said is that it is wrong to not consider every point of view. On this or any other subject. And no I am not comparing myself to any other job field because like I said I get a heads up, they dont. As for planning your life that is wonderful and I hope all goes as planned, but as you gain more life experience you will learn that things don't always go according to plan. That is not a knock on younger people but as life goes on you learn that what you once thought, felt and planned is no longer the same. That is ok. I had been told once "If you want to hear God laugh, tell him you have a plan." . I totally agree that it is not right for every woman to work (at any job) while pregnant, but if you can and it is a must, then go for it and there is not anybody out there that should be able to hold you back. The whole point is to have an open forum in which to exchange ideas and opinions and with a hope that everyone walks away with a new view of any situation. All I have been trying to get across is that you cannot judge someone until you have lived their life and had to face the challenges they have.