And I believe that it would be easier to to listen to our elders, respect their opinions, and follow their lead, if they approached educating the youngins in a more approachable manner. Age doesn't make you superior to me. Education doesn't make you superior to me. Power doesn't make you superior to me. I respect people whose personality and actions (and words on the forums - tone and attitude) warrent it. I give everyone the same base level of respect and consideration when I first meet them. Then, they speak and conduct themselves, actions that dictate to me if my respect for you rises or falls. If i respect you, I listen to you and value your insight. No respect... then no one listens to you... and I often skip over some folks posts for this reason.
NOTE: This is not dirrected to anyone in particular, especially not Reaper...![]()
While I do respect the ideology behind your post, you really should be cautious as this can backfire on you. One day you may fail to listen to the wrong person because you do not respect them and find yourself out of a job.
I differ in opinion on one aspect though; a person with more education and experience is inherently superior by definition. What you do with the knowledge or insight given is your choice, but at least listening to someone who has walked that mile may prove to be worthwhile despite personal opinion of them as an individual.