Pregnant Women.

And I believe that it would be easier to to listen to our elders, respect their opinions, and follow their lead, if they approached educating the youngins in a more approachable manner. Age doesn't make you superior to me. Education doesn't make you superior to me. Power doesn't make you superior to me. I respect people whose personality and actions (and words on the forums - tone and attitude) warrent it. I give everyone the same base level of respect and consideration when I first meet them. Then, they speak and conduct themselves, actions that dictate to me if my respect for you rises or falls. If i respect you, I listen to you and value your insight. No respect... then no one listens to you... and I often skip over some folks posts for this reason.

NOTE: This is not dirrected to anyone in particular, especially not Reaper... :P

While I do respect the ideology behind your post, you really should be cautious as this can backfire on you. One day you may fail to listen to the wrong person because you do not respect them and find yourself out of a job.

I differ in opinion on one aspect though; a person with more education and experience is inherently superior by definition. What you do with the knowledge or insight given is your choice, but at least listening to someone who has walked that mile may prove to be worthwhile despite personal opinion of them as an individual.
Actually, call me ignorant, but you do have some control over what comes your way. Its called an informed decision and thoughts about contraception. Hate to be the a$$ of the thread, but the "its out of my control" statements are completely inaccurate.

I agree completely.
The only birth control that is 100% effective is abstinence. Every form has a failure rate. I don't regret that mine failed.
Actually, call me ignorant, but you do have some control over what comes your way. Its called an informed decision and thoughts about contraception. Hate to be the a$$ of the thread, but the "its out of my control" statements are completely inaccurate.

While I agree with you for the most part here and wish that women, in general, were more proactive and educated as far as family planning goes, I would like to point out that the only 100% effective form of birth control is abstinence, and even with perfect use all forms of contraception have a fail rate. Working the position I have in OB-GYN, in less than a year I have seen at least 5 pregnancies that occurred with perfect usage of OCPs, NuvaRing, etc, 10+ that have occurred with IUDs (they don't work when they are accidentally placed improperly or slip out of place), and at least 2 tubal ligation failures.

Laws in place to protect workers only require continuation of benefits and compensation, it does not require the same position. Also, I need to research it a little more, but I do believe there is an exemption to the rule for a medically related inability to continue the same duties. I guess I'll be hitting google tonight!

I absolutely agree that a pregnant woman should only be allowed to continue in the same position so long as she is absolutely capable of safely and competently performing the job duties. But the law does in fact state that pregnant women must be treated equally for all employment-related purposes "as other persons not so affected but similar in their ability or inability to work." The protection of the law does indeed extend beyond benefits and compensation, so long as they are able to work.
While I agree with you for the most part here and wish that women, in general, were more proactive and educated as far as family planning goes, I would like to point out that the only 100% effective form of birth control is abstinence, and even with perfect use all forms of contraception have a fail rate. Working the position I have in OB-GYN, in less than a year I have seen at least 5 pregnancies that occurred with perfect usage of OCPs, NuvaRing, etc, 10+ that have occurred with IUDs (they don't work when they are accidentally placed improperly or slip out of place), and at least 2 tubal ligation failures.

I absolutely agree that a pregnant woman should only be allowed to continue in the same position so long as she is absolutely capable of safely and competently performing the job duties. But the law does in fact state that pregnant women must be treated equally for all employment-related purposes "as other persons not so affected but similar in their ability or inability to work." The protection of the law does indeed extend beyond benefits and compensation, so long as they are able to work.

Very true, all do have a failure rate, albeit rather low when used perfectly or overseen by a healthcare professional. But, again, the second that you get the twinkle in your eye, the decision has to be made, and it is made based by you in a consentual action. Therefore, the old saying of "it takes two to tango" comes into play. Sorry, it is what it is, you make the decision. If a pregnancy is not an opportune idea at this time, perhaps abstinence is a good call.........................

For your reference...............

§ 91.3 Responsibility and authority of the pilot in command.

(a) The pilot in command of an aircraft is directly responsible for, and is the final authority as to, the operation of that aircraft.

Case closed, if the pregnant female cannot safely perform the required duties expected of her as a crewmember, then she doesn't fly. Simple as that. I've worked with nurses and medics that have had to work off of the aircraft because their pregnancy interfered with their ability to operate. Its nothing personal, but safety comes before your personal want of remaining in a particular position. We have enough risks out there, we will not add additional ones that we can control.
Its called an informed decision and thoughts about contraception.

I have to laugh at that... if only we lived in a perfect world that would come into play more often then not! Obviously, many of you guys (and perhaps girls) have never found ur self in positions that often with a hottie and you have to make that "in the moment decision"..... lets see how that would play.... "stop, time out... time for a family planning meeting before we go ne further"... "ok, cool... lets put our clothes back on and talk about this"... NOT!
I have to laugh at that... if only we lived in a perfect world that would come into play more often then not! Obviously, many of you guys (and perhaps girls) have never found ur self in positions that often with a hottie and you have to make that "in the moment decision"..... lets see how that would play.... "stop, time out... time for a family planning meeting before we go ne further"... "ok, cool... lets put our clothes back on and talk about this"... NOT!

Can, have, and will again in the future should the situation arise again. As I said, I have plans and I plan to stick to them, I'm responsible enough to say "Hey, I'm not ready for a baby so go get a condom" or "Perhaps another time"

And I also use birth control and condoms, the chance of both failing at the same exact time is pretty slim.
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I agree that if the medic cannot perform her duties (pregnant or not) then to another position she goes, but if she can and is fired, made to take another position, or receives less pay or benefits because she is pregnant it is discrimination. All jobs are based on your ability to perform the tasks asked of you. The day that you can't man or woman then it is time to re-evaluate. For my particular situation I had a long discussion with my Director and we went over many aspects and situations and both agreed that we would re-evaluate as time went on. As far as family planning if every one waited for the perfect time to have children there would be very few in the world. It wasnt a good time for me but we are making it work and loving every minute. And by the way I was very vigilant about my birth control and took it correctly at the same time every day and was followed by a healthcare profession. I may not have been ready but a higher power than I thought I would be the best choice to bring a new soul into the world and Im glad that for whatever reason one super sperm joined with one super egg and produced a perfect little boy.
If you decide to have sex, you decide to live with the consequences, both positive and negative. (For the most part)
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As far as family planning if every one waited for the perfect time to have children there would be very few in the world.

They're is something to be said about this statement. I have heard many ppl say how they have their plans of being financially stable, a good career, or whatever before having kids.... and as Medic744 said... our population would dwindle pretty fast. Its awesome that ppl can plan and follow through with it on their defined time table... but life usually does not go that way.

If I waited until I was financially stable or my life master plan to come to fruition before having kids, I would be without the three awesome kids I have now and missed a heck of a lot of great memories and defining moments.

People really need to understand that life happens and stop being all mighty and lose the attitude of "she should have made better choices" or "she should have used contraception" or "she's pregnant by her own choice or carelessness so who cares how her not working affects her personal life". If someone is pregnant in your service, be supportive of their decision whatever it may be... that's all we are really saying. If a woman decides to work EMS... then so be it.... who cares.... its not your baby she is carrying (or is it :) ) And the risks really aren't all that great in a normal pregnancy.
People really need to understand that life happens and stop being all mighty and lose the attitude of "she should have made better choices" or "she should have used contraception".

That's not the point being made at all (or atleast not the one I'm making)

It's, don't go complaining about how you couldn't continue with your original plans because of your kids, that one way or the other, you chose to have.

And, since my luck is JUST that fantastic, I'll probably have 3 kids of my own within 9 months just to shut me up. Oh yea, I'm that good.
While I do respect the ideology behind your post, you really should be cautious as this can backfire on you. One day you may fail to listen to the wrong person because you do not respect them and find yourself out of a job.

I differ in opinion on one aspect though; a person with more education and experience is inherently superior by definition. What you do with the knowledge or insight given is your choice, but at least listening to someone who has walked that mile may prove to be worthwhile despite personal opinion of them as an individual.

Interesting. So a high school graduate working at McDonalds is superior (which I take to mean a better human being) than some child living in Darfur? I do not agree at all with this. I look at government as an example. How many in government graduated from Yale, Harvard, and the like? They have more education and experience in life than me, yet I do not consider tehm seperior, nor do I have much respect for more than 95% of them. On the other hand, someone wiht a paramedic level of certification is legally superior to me in his legal capabilities... he is my superior... but that does not make him superior. There are many people in life (and some on these forums) that are more educated and experienced than me... and yet, I consider them (based on their atitude adn actions here) to be inferier human beings... On the other hand, there are some here with less education and experience (or the same amount) that I am proud to call fellow EMSers. Education might make you A SUPERIOR... but not SUPERIOR!
I agree Mountain. Education may allow you to have more book knowledge than some one else but nothing in a book can teach you to be a decent person and nothing translates to the real world and how to be a productive and generous member of society.
You know I love you! If it werent for your random texts I would be very bored.
i know right!!! anyways back to this form, I respect any one that can sit at home for 9 months and not do anything! thats just not for me i have a problem not doing something for 8 hours much less a day! second any female that will not go around microwaves and all that other bs is the same person that will keep their kid in a bubble for the rest of their life!
i know right!!! anyways back to this form, I respect any one that can sit at home for 9 months and not do anything! thats just not for me i have a problem not doing something for 8 hours much less a day! second any female that will not go around microwaves and all that other bs is the same person that will keep their kid in a bubble for the rest of their life!

Hey... living in a bubble ain't all that bad... and my mom said that it was just until my head hardened up a bit. It does make driving code a bit problematic... but "overcome challenges" and all that, right! it would be nice to breath non-filtered air just once though... ahhh... wishfully thinking... -_-