POV's lights in Texas blue? green? clear? amber? red? please help

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Wait a minute. He hasn't finished his EMT-B course yet? Why does his training column state that he's an EMT-B then?

Finally, someone does read what I threw out there so subtly.
Finally, someone does read what I threw out there so subtly.

It's been bugging me for a while, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might be in school for some other level until either someone else brought additional information.
It's been bugging me for a while, but I was giving him the benefit of the doubt that he might be in school for some other level until either someone else brought additional information.

Ditto. Could've just been an accident or misunderstanding on his behalf, too.
HAHAHAHA!!!!! I was actually...first is first thank you!!! I asked if any one knows about lights in TX on your POV and I get nonsense so thank you EMSLAW... now I live in a rural area our building its just a garage and supplies so we use our cars to go to the garage or assist when they need back up (like 300lbs patient its better to lift with 4 then 2 or 3) in my case not all our members can drive the rigg so its better that you get there first since you have your 1st responder bag with you at all times....

any ways i have my blue lights permit, i can put them after I finish my class and continue my education so i can be better than before!

for those specially who commented in this post and answered pure stupidities I started a new thread you should read it! what are your thoughts? here is mine
Here is the deal. If you do not want opinions on what you post, do not ask questions in a public forum where anyone is free to respond (within community guidelines). Unless you are paying me as a consultant, I am under no obligation to answer your questions and neither is anyone else.
Only city folks think people that help for free should not have lights on pov. This thought is retarded. If anyone thinks volenteers should not have lights I THINK U SHOULD RECONSIDER !!!!!!!!
Only city folks think people that help for free should not have lights on pov. This thought is retarded. If anyone thinks volenteers should not have lights I THINK U SHOULD RECONSIDER !!!!!!!!

I don't believe volunteers should have lights, because:

-LEOs, registered ambulances, and municipal service vehicles/safety vehicles use them because it makes them STAND OUT from everybody else. Once EVERYBODY ELSE has lights too, what's keeping our essential services safe? Case of crying wolf if you ask me.

-I am a volunteer myself, so don't blow your rape whistle on this one, but I think that giving special privileges to somebody, trained or not, gives them a superiority complex.

-If any ol' volunteer from the hall can have lights on their vehicle, why can't Joe Cool that volunteers coaching soccer have them too? Or the mailman? Or the UPS and FedEx trucks? If you give it to somebody that doesn't particularly need it, everybody automatically warrants equality. And we can agree that 90% of the vehicles on the road having flashing lights would be ridiculous.

If I am called to a high-profile or high-risk Search and Rescue event, I place my bag in the back, get in, and drive like a normal person to the muster area or SAR base. Having 150 volunteers racing toward the same place with lights on their Humvees, Jeeps, Toyotas, and mopeds seems idiotic, and overkill, and would shed a bad light on SAR.

When I am in my company's ambulance, returning a seriously injured or ill patient to the nearest medical facility, I flip on the wee-woos and the flashies, because this person will benefit from a 5-minute response time over a 10-minute one. Getting to the SAR base 10 minutes before everyone else is not worth the road rage and danger you will create with lights on your mom's Sebring.
I don't believe volunteers should have lights, because:

-LEOs, registered ambulances, and municipal service vehicles/safety vehicles use them because it makes them STAND OUT from everybody else. Once EVERYBODY ELSE has lights too, what's keeping our essential services safe? Case of crying wolf if you ask me.

-I am a volunteer myself, so don't blow your rape whistle on this one, but I think that giving special privileges to somebody, trained or not, gives them a superiority complex.

-If any ol' volunteer from the hall can have lights on their vehicle, why can't Joe Cool that volunteers coaching soccer have them too? Or the mailman? Or the UPS and FedEx trucks? If you give it to somebody that doesn't particularly need it, everybody automatically warrants equality. And we can agree that 90% of the vehicles on the road having flashing lights would be ridiculous.

If I am called to a high-profile or high-risk Search and Rescue event, I place my bag in the back, get in, and drive like a normal person to the muster area or SAR base. Having 150 volunteers racing toward the same place with lights on their Humvees, Jeeps, Toyotas, and mopeds seems idiotic, and overkill, and would shed a bad light on SAR.

When I am in my company's ambulance, returning a seriously injured or ill patient to the nearest medical facility, I flip on the wee-woos and the flashies, because this person will benefit from a 5-minute response time over a 10-minute one. Getting to the SAR base 10 minutes before everyone else is not worth the road rage and danger you will create with lights on your mom's Sebring.

also in the past few years there have been several cases of drivers being pulled over by people with emergency lights in their vehicles, who have then commited crimes against those they have pulled over.
Emergency lights in POV is just an all around bad idea.
WHAT kind If SAR u do. If someone is lost in the woods no 5mins 10mins even 1hr wont make a difference. this is what i do. FF,EMT,Paramedic student,SAR,dive rescue,and rapid intervention team. When there is a 10yr old girl trapped in a burning house being there even 1min faster makes a difference
Only city folks think people that help for free should not have lights on pov. This thought is retarded. If anyone thinks volenteers should not have lights I THINK U SHOULD RECONSIDER !!!!!!!!

Care to provide evidence to support this position? Because I can present evidence that says

1. Operating a vehicle with emergency lights on is dangerous and places the public and the responder at risk.
2. Operating with lights and sirens rarely if ever makes an impact on patient outcomes
3. Unless your lights are yellow, they actually do not make you safer while on scene

Lights and sirens have a limited role in a modern EMS system. How do you justify placing them on private vehicles?
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WHAT kind If SAR u do. If someone is lost in the woods no 5mins 10mins even 1hr wont make a difference. this is what i do. FF,EMT,Paramedic student,SAR,dive rescue,and rapid intervention team. When there is a 10yr old girl trapped in a burning house being there even 1min faster makes a difference

...and none of that matters when someone clobbers your Yugo because they weren't looking for a Yugo with a light on it.

Sorry, but even for emergency vehicles, the use of lights and sirens to meaningfully shorten response/transport times is in question.
Yeah. I know everybody on this site knows everything. LOL. We can talk when its your child that is in need of someone to help. AND HELP IS 5mins TO LATE
Yeah. I know everybody on this site knows everything. LOL. We can talk when its your child that is in need of someone to help. AND HELP IS 5mins TO LATE

Remember than EMS is medicine, and like everything in medicine, we follow the best available evidence. Anecdotes and scare tactics like what you describe above does not meet requirements to be called science, so these statements cannot be used to make decisions based in science.
Yeah. I know everybody on this site knows everything. LOL. We can talk when its your child that is in need of someone to help. AND HELP IS 5mins TO LATE

I guess ignorence is not a crime. <YOUR FREE TO GO> GOODBYE this site sucks anyway

No need to SHOUT. We get your point. Flashing emergency lights have a very specific purpose. But if you want them so badly, I doubt the fact that a handful of people on an internet forum disapprove will stop you from getting them.

Oh, well, leave the troll to the mods, I guess.
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