Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

Hey, update. Took NREMT yesterday for paramedic and the test stopped at 80 on the money. I passed.
Thanks to the links tacked up top I passed today. 70 questions. They gave me a total of 120 minutes to do it. I think i did it in like 50+/-. Passed. Two of my classmates had it shut off at 70 as well. they both passed.
This is awesome to know this so I know if it stops between 0-100 I passed because if you aren't passing it will make you take the entire test.
This is awesome to know this so I know if it stops between 0-100 I passed because if you aren't passing it will make you take the entire test.

Nope. The test can stop you at any number of questions and you can still fail. I had a friend take the test 2 weeks ago. She stopped at 81 questions and she failed it.
yeah it can stop anywhere and go either way

just do your best and trust your gut
Yeah no worries everyone tells me that our school test was harder then the NREMT and I got a 92 on that so Im confident.
My NREMT-B stopped at 68. PASSED! What up!
Mine took a Half hour and I got about 1-2 Questions a Min

so my guess was any were from 30-70 (Probably on the Higher End)

and Passed
Had 70 questions exactly and was the most anxious five hours to find out I passed that afternoon.
I took it today, the test seemed so easy it felt like 20 times easier than my class tests. I do not know if I passed or failed I am still waiting I stopped at around 70ish I believe
4th time taking it, I stopped at 76.

I got a lot of infant and pedi questions and I had a few typos on the test. No results yet.

This time I went back to my textbook and made flashcards of a lot of things I wasn't clear on, I only used my success for the EMT to study on my operations, which was the only category I got below passing in last time.
took it yesterday afternoon, didn't walk out happy at all and my test stopped at 70..

got out of bed today expecting to have to take it again, but it turns out i passed! :) all the studying does pay off!

I'm new to the site after I stumbled across this topic and I see a little bit of feedback on both sides...took it the first time stopped at 72 and failed. I have been back at it since November. I know I can do it.
First time I took it stopped around 70 ques and I failed.
Second time I took it stopped at 103 and passed.