Post the # your test stopped at, and if you Passed/Failed

70 questions on the dot.

Only slept about 4 hours, checked NREMT around 8:30am.....PASSED!!

Off for a celebratory beer (or 2 or 3 or 4....) later tonight. Now the hard part, trying to get a job.
Took the NREMT-P last June. It stopped somewhere between 75-85. I don't remember where, but I passed. I had no idea where I stood when I was taking it.
I took it back in February and I was stopped at 75. I thought I failed at first because there was a couple of questions which I was not familiar with but anxiously checked the next day and I PASSED! ^_^
EMT-B, test stopped around 115-120 questions. Passed!

Add me to the list of people that walked out of the test center certain that I had failed. I don't know if other people were just being modest, but I was REALLY sure I had failed haha.. I'm glad I only had to wait a day for the results. This test would've driven me crazy if I had to wait any longer
Also, and it's probably too late if you're reading this, I really freaked myself out reading this forum before taking my test. The majority of people posting they passed said they did it within 60-80 questions, so when I went over the 100 question mark, I really started to get nervous. I could have done without all that extra stress during my test haha
took the nremt at 8 am, stopped at 90 and passed first time! thanks yall for being so involved in this forum, all the nremt practice resources were such a great help
I breezed thru my EMT-B class, passed with a 95. Passed my state exam with a 90 then a year later had to go sit thru my NREMT-B. So I put a little effort into studying and hit the computer. The test shut off after 69 or 70 questions and like less than 20 min into testing. I walked out of that center with no confidence what so ever in having passed... I've never felt that way about a test before in my life. A few hours later it was posted on the site that I passed but wow... I really wasn't sure until I saw it.
stopped at exactly 70 and passed
Stupid me didn't even look at what question I was on so I don't know what number I got cut off at. I either did really good or really bad lol. You guys know what I mean. CRAP! I was in the early 100's I believe. CRAAAAAAAP! I took the test on Friday so I might not get the results till Tuesday.... I hope I passed cause 70 bucks is a lot of money to pay to take it again. I'll post the outcome as soon as I know. ttyl
Seriously sick to my stomach right now. Grr. :censored:
Gosh does this test mess with you. I took my test Saturday. Was feeling pretty sure I failed it cut me off at 70 and I was like oh great it found out I'm stupid quicker than i hoped. So I spent Saturday and sunday bummed out. Even declined a Disneyland trip thinking man I'm not happy enough for the happiest place on earth. Woke up at 6 today drug my feet to the computer and thought i would just be verifying my failures. Low and behold "congratulations" man I'm stoked. Good thing my girlfriend talked me down from that ledge. Lol
Crap, I failed. I hate the way every question is set up to f*ck with you! GRRR!
I took my test this afternoon and have no clue what number I was on. I think I was in there for maybe an hour, if that. Can't wait to see if I passed, although I feel like I bombed.
And I already took and passed my practical, but the NREMT site isn't showing those results. Would they be on that same page?
Wow, looks like I'm the only one that failed this NREMT.
Your not the only one. A few people from my department who just went through EMT school failed it. And there have been a few others here who have. Don't stress about it too much. Study a little more in the areas that the test says you did bad in and try again!
70 passed first attempt. results were on the nremt website in less than 4 hours. emt achieve worked well for me as far as study guides go. stick to your abc's and you should be fine