Pocket knives

some of us(me) cant use chat :(

leatherman? a nice and simple one
This thread goes back to 2006!

Question is, how big is your pocket? (haha).

Victorinox Armee Suisse officers knife, "Tinkerer" version. You want tools, bring a brand name ViseGrips with wire cutter and a geologist's pick.
I have a Leatherman Surge (about $90) and I find it's great. Sharp knife and good tools.

I also have a rescue knife, rounded tip and rounded blade that helps seatbelt cutting. It's about $10 on eBay!
Shocking thread, clear.....ZZZZZZAP!....it's ALIVE!

I almost forgot my first knife:

Anyone try using an "ear tag c utter/remover" sold at feed stores as a cheap thin V blade? I have one ($5), fits into kit nicely, someday I'll gt it out and TRY it. (Comes in a variety of colors too, at the local store).

Smith & Wesson "SWAT" knife... Got it when I was 16 and it's been a great knife. Only problem is that it will get gunk built up at the swivel point over time so cleaning is necessary from time to time... but I suppose all knives are like that.

My Choice

The two pocket knives that I carry, almost religiously, is my Leatherman Super Tool, and my Smith & Wesson 911. The S&W is an odd shape blade design, but it is extremely effective, and it will cut through almost anything, and it has a built in center punch, that has come in handy, especially when I am off duty.

There are a bunch on the market, but over the years these two have been the most effective to me.
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Carry a S&W SWAT folding knife; and a leatherman.
place I used to work didn't want us to carry anything with a blade over 2" long; so we all carried 'seat belt cutters'. you could carry a machete, as long as it was called a seat belt cutter. one ff carried his dad's old K-bar on his bunker suspenders.
I carry just a cheapo knife.. three inch blade half serrated and another fold out razor blade. Use it a lot when improvising solutions in tricky situations.
I have always carried a pocket knife and go through them like candy. I use them for everything under the sun, from digging a hole to prying something open and once in a while I will use it to cut something. The best knives I have used to date are Columbia River Knife Company I find them durable, and easy to use, one handed folding and unfolding is really well designed to work well. I have been looking a a Smith & Wesson lately though, it's a fixed blade though.

My Macgyver Handy-Dandy Swiss Army Knife. It's got the tweezers, toothpick, and corkscrew.
I have had a Kershaw Junkyard Dog II for a while, but just bought a Schrade X-Timer yesterday.
On the Amb I only carry a little Buck folding knife, but that is only cause I'm used to having a knife. I use it for sutff like cutting threads off my uniform, opening soda cans, (neither while in the back.^_^) etc. If it needs to be cut in the rig, trauma shears do the trick. In my turnouts and extrication gear I carry a Benchmade Nitrous Stryker assisted open knife.B) (Wish it was an auto open.:P) Cuts seatbelts like nothing. Plus I LOVE Benchmade.
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I use what Rambo uses


just kidding... I have talked to a lot of EMT's here and many say that the Smith and Wesson 1st responder is a good knife to have... just in general as well.

Some people say that it overkill when it takes 2 FFs and a Supervisor to transport this from the rig to the scene, but with this I can crack open a crushed vehilce and extricate the victim before the FFs can fire up the Jaws!

I carry on my belt a Gerber Multi-tool, and in my right, and left pockets are S&W S.W.A.T. knives with the black finish.
I carry on my belt a Gerber Multi-tool, and in my right, and left pockets are S&W S.W.A.T. knives with the black finish.

Wow, 3 knives? And people look at me funny for carrying one.
The multi-tool is great for the pliers, and screawdrivers. I have also lost one knive before, and not noticed untill I reached for it...Do'H. It's also a side effect from my time serving as a Auxiliary Officer, and in public safety. Some habits are hard to break I guess.