To be perfectly honest, you sound pretty annoying. "your" truck? overstocking beyond par numbers (you know those numbers are there for a reason, right)? all for IFTs? please. It's a truck, your an employee, and as long as both work, the world is good. claiming "your truck" makes me think you have an overinflated opinion of yourself, especially as someone who has only been at the company for a year. The trucks belong to your company, and are assigned by a supervisor/dispatcher.
When I was FT on the truck, we (my unit) had an assigned primary truck and an assigned backup truck. We were a city 911 truck, and kept a few extra items (for example, we had a stairchair with treads, and a stairchair without treads), as well as had updated maps of our city and our street guide (which I updated). We had 8 full time staff assigned to the truck, with the occasional part-timer who worked with a full-timer. Our backup truck was occasionally used by other units (the damn thing would not die), but we tried to avoid our primary truck being given to other units.
By your own words, you do a truck check every day, so you know where all of your equipment is, and you have everything you need. if you want to hang a BVM from the grab bar, go nuts, it takes 20 seconds to do at the beginning of the shift. If you think every truck should have a megamover, speak to your management, so they can purchase one for every truck (note: I said truck, not unit, as every physical truck should have a mega mover, and they should stay with that truck).
I did 3 months of IFTs, and I don't think I opened my bags once. never used a BVM. didn't care what truck I was in, as long as it worked. Later on, I did another year or so of IFT/911, where I was 70% IFT and 30% 911, and I tried to get one of the newer trucks, but to be honest, I was assigned to a POS more times than I can recall (there were more old POS truck in our fleet than new ones, because, at the time, we didn't believe in having a long term truck replacement plan). I also floated around to our suburban 911 trucks, and worked in type 2s and type 3s, depending on the day, with some being better than others, before getting a spot on the city 911 truck.
as for my IFT BLS must haves: a working suction unit, oxygen in the portable and onboard, diesel in the tank. AC in the summer, heat in the winter. As long as it meets the state standards for equipment, I'm happy. I'm happier not spending 12 hrs in a POS, but as long as it works....