And sadly, it wouldn't matter that you were in that position where you had to make a tough decision, backed by med control. You would be crucified in the press. Can't you see the headlines? "Paramedics stand by idly while man dies". The family would undoubtedly sue, and even if you were found to be not liable… You would still be tried, And found guilty, in the court of journalism. Can't you just see the morons on Facebook having a field day with this?
Ultimately, that's not my problem. It's my job to provide care to my patients. That care extends well beyond drugs and guaze. If they truly offer informed consent, and they do not want medical care, then it's my duty to be that pt's advocate and ensure that their wishes are followed. There are people whose job includes worrying about the PR issue for my service, I'm not one of them. Except inasmuch as I go out there and provide excellent care so my service is known for providing excellent care.
The press can lambast me, they can say mean things about me on facebook, the general populace can spit on me in the streets. It's fine, I've got thick skin, and they don't understand the full reality of the situation. The people who will understand it are in the trucks and the EDs, those are the only people whose opinion of my care I need to worry about.
I've made decisions in my personal and professional life that looking back on, I'm sure I could have handled differently and better, that's how you learn, but that wouldn't be one of them.
Someone, and forgive me, I don't remember who, posited the two different scenarios about a pt going down after refusal. As I see it, in the first one, the pt refused transport but not care, and after he goes down, I would treat him, then transport him as the situation's changed enough that the information upon which the refusal was based is no longer valid, and thus the refusal is not valid. I'm not sure that's a legally sound argument, but I'm sure that ethically it is. In the second, the pt refused care, and while it's possible he'd have a moment of the atheist calling out to god on his deathbed, I'd've made damn sure he knew that death could come, not someday in a general ill-defined way, but today, from this. At that point, when he goes down, I'll do my best to see that his wishes are carried out.
Incidentally, something at my current service that I haven't seen anywhere else but really like, is that my refusal form has separate fields for refusal of assessment, care and transport, refusal of care and transport, refusal of transport, and refusal of care but not assessment or transport. It makes it a little unwieldy, but I really like the ability to be quite specific about what's being refused. Oh, and for what it's worth, I don't HAVE to have a pt signature on the refusal, if I don't get one, I have to document the hell out of it, have my signature, my partner's signature, a third party witnesses signature, and the name of the doc I put them on the phone with. I would imagine that if I started turning in a bunch of them without pt signatures, there would be some eyebrows raised. That being said, I've never actually failed to get one signed, I find that phrasing it such that they're doing me a favor by signing it is enough to get it done.