Paramedics: Clear - the game

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I'm not marketing it here silly - this is a gamers game. However, there is always someone in every profession that is interested in games based on their profession. Have a nice day :)
So this is a "gamers game", meaning you need to be a gamer to thoroughly enjoy it and understand it?

So in my family of 5, there is only one gamer among son. And this game is so far beneath his gamer skill set. So how are we all to destress, play table top games together as a "family" which I believe you soft marketed early (do not deny you are marketing, this is all soft sales) when the game itself is a gamers game?

Look man, it is not about being a hater. The premise sucked. The video did nothing to excite me. Some things just should never be....this very well may be one of them.
yeah - it's not for everybody...Thanks for watching though...
Again, most of us in the field have a tough time with this stuff because it's a horribly inaccurate depiction of what the reality and nature of our job entails.

And 99.9% of the people on here don't buy in to things like this game and the typical "racing the reaper" crap.
I can't wait for the Nursing version. The bed pan is almost full! Hurry!!!
I can't wait for the Nursing version. The bed pan is almost full! Hurry!!!
Turn your patient before they get stage 4 decub!!!!
Did anyone else watch the video and say "SUSTAINED" out loud but also while using the Mortal Kombat "FATALITY" voice? No? Just me?
If anything you're pretty lucky to not have at least gotten the slap on the wrist from @Chimpie for spamming and the like.

It's okay. It's in the General Advertising section. But my responses are forthcoming....

And lets not insult anyone here- you're completely marketing to the EMS community.

I'm not marketing it here silly - this is a gamers game.

Marketing - it's exactly what you're doing. You've come to one of the most active websites in the EMS industry to post about your game. You know that sites that have lots of traffic get crawled by search engines like Google continuously. Searching "paramedics clear", this thread is already on page three in less than 72 hours.

Keep in mind that when you come to sites like ours you will get real, honest feedback. And you may not always like the feedback that you're going to get.
I can't wait for the Nursing version. The bed pan is almost full! Hurry!!!
I would argue that this is a time sensitive emergency..... you don't want that thing to over flow.....
I'm not marketing it here silly - this is a gamers game. However, there is always someone in every profession that is interested in games based on their profession. Have a nice day :)
So you asked what board games would allow people in EMS to relax... this obviously is not one of them. I watched the video, and I will never play this game.

It might be loosely based on EMS, but that's it. It isn't how EMS operates, it's ultra competitive (which many of us are), but it's in the wrong direction. Maybe some gamer's will like it...... but I can't see anyone in EMS actually wanting to play it.
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