In my district, high fkow O2 is indicated for any suspected cardiac chest pain. Now, if my medical director wanted me to use clinical judgement, why didnt he put something in there about checking the pt's o2 sats/oxygenation before administering o2? I think alot of the issue derives from the old theory that oxygen will never hurt and once studies begin to overwelmingly support the withholding of o2 unless truly necessary the protocols will start to change.
On another note, I had an ed rn freak out on me because i didnt take a bgl on a pt that was aaox3 with no diabetic hx and a c/c of abnormal labs. I told her a bgl wasnt indicated and my captain agreed with me later. She still expected a bgl though. I think if I bring her a pt with cardiac c/p who is satting fine and on no oxygen, she might try to take my head off.