Owning pets with our sh*tty schedules...


Murse 'n medic
So I'm currently looking to adopt a pet. I'm relatively young (25), single, and own my own house with no roommates. And therein lies the issue... We work a 24, 48 off schedule with the occasional 48hr shift for OT. I'd really like a dog but I'm worried about not being home enough and 24 hours away at a time being too long for a puppy or younger dog. I'm leaning towards a cat currently but wondering how a kitten would do in a cage for up to 24 hours. I have an insulated garage available that I could keep them in with minimal "destruction" opportunities. Just curious what situations, experiences, or advice you've had with pets and our odd hours. Thanks guys!
I personally would not want to leave an animal in a cage for 24 hours. We have 2 cats and we go on trips to where no one may be able to check on them for 48 hours. However they have full roam of the house.
What about a goldfish (kidding)? It can be done. Perhaps ask some friends to help you out when you're on your days on.

If I was single, had a similar schedule, and wanted a dog I would opt for an older house-broken dog; so much more mellow, easier, practical, and hey, they need a home, too!

If single parents with kids can do it there's absolutely no reason you can't.
Agreed. I wouldn't want to keep it caged for more than the first few weeks or so. Preferably just until it gets to know me, I know it, and I feel comfortable leaving it alone in my house without it wreaking all havoc. It seems to be that the general consensus is cats are going to handle the lengthy times apart much better than a dog would, especially a puppy.
I might look into an older housebroken dog. I'd really much rather have a dog than a cat, a cat just seemed more feasible. And all of my house with the exception of bedrooms are tile, so with a few shut doors, accidents shouldn't be much of an issue. Any breeds in particular you have in mind? @VentMonkey
Old (or at least house-trained) dog, fenced yard (electric or physical), plus doggy door would make it easy, no?
When I worked 48s, I would board my dog at an awesome kennel. My dog loved it.

Sometimes, I wish I could board the kid.
I have three dogs and two cats. Luckily the girlfriend is home a lot to walk them and give them attention. The times she's out of town and I'm on a 36 or 24 I usually walk them before work and then have someone come take them out for a while in the middle

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Any breeds in particular you have in mind? @VentMonkey
Anything with short hair that's fairly mellow which is why I would opt for an older housebroken dog from an adoption kennel; most of them seem like sweethearts.

We went to the pet store to buy our current walrus of a dog food and they had one I wanted to take home pretty badly. She seemed mellow and sweet; older mix, but our current dog is mainly outdoors and I couldn't do that to the poor fella.

But to answer your question in short, the first paragraph.
Adopt an older cat from a shelter. Old enough to be independent that can have free range of the garage, but doesn't have to be a super old sleep all day either, I've heard shelter rescues are still pretty affectionate. Have a few toys and a clean litter box and some food out and good to go. Our cat loves those fuzzy tail things on a stick toys, especially if it's got a feather on it.

Just adopt one of these guys and give him free reign around your apartment...he'll be fine.
It's pretty easy to own a pet working in this career. I mean a pet like @DesertMedic66 is pretty easy to take care of. He just kinda roams around, finds his own food, doesn't **** on the lawn, and doesn't live in the house. Really low maintenance. He just kinda showed up one day and haven't left...
It's pretty easy to own a pet working in this career. I mean a pet like @DesertMedic66 is pretty easy to take care of. He just kinda roams around, finds his own food, doesn't **** on the lawn, and doesn't live in the house. Really low maintenance. He just kinda showed up one day and haven't left...
Well now I am gonna **** on your lawn..