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Hey gang,

I'm currently laid up in the hospital with a broken humerous. getting it fixated tonight.

how'd I do it, you ask? I was taking the IPMBA EMS Cyclist class, doing stair descents, and I seperated from my bike about 8 steps from the bottom... landed on my outstretched arm, I think.

Its really weird seeing the EMS and the hospital from the patient's view - it kinda sucks.

It looks like I'll be out of work for a while... so I'll probably be online here more often... i just need to learn how to type one-handed.
Heal up soon man! Sorry to hear about this
OUCH!!! I hope you have a full & speedy recovery!
Oh crap Jon. Stair descents? Isn't that where you get off the bicycle and walk it down briskly? Oh well, hang in there and heal up.
Will it be appearing on max X?

Just kidding, :rolleyes:

Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
Ouch man....get well soon.
Um, voice recognition software?

To my coworker:
"In my next life I want to come back as a perfect touch typist. Of course with my luck they will have discarded that for voice recognition word processing, and I'll have a harelip".
Well, drink your milk and DO YOUR PT!!B)
Get well soon! And remember to keep the rubber side down next time. :)
Best of luck to you.


I'm just curious...how did you type this? One-hand?
Hope you have a speedy and uneventful recovery; get well soonest!

P.S. No chance we'll be seeing this on Youtube? :P
That's one heck of a way to get hurt. Jon, I hope you recover quickly!
well, I'm out of the hospital. One-handed typing sucks... especially with your non-dominant hand.

My arm now has a plate... and yup, I got screwed too... x6. Lucky me.

anyway... not sure what I'm gonna do now... it's unclear how long I'm out... sounds like a month or two... anyone else been through this?
Xrays! Xrays!

If it isn't too embarassing, can you tell us how this happened?
At least it should mostly be over before the hottest weather comes...unless you are in Aussieland
Get better soon!

i hope u have a speedy recovery!

ive broken a few bones when i was younger, best thing u can do is focus on recovery and just relaxxx