Our apparatus in Maryland all had headset intercom systems installed.
Everybody had push to talk headsets, which allowed them to talk on the intercom. Driver and Officer had voice activated intercom, and push to talk for the radio.
I am sure most of you have figured out where this is going....
Well I had been assigned as the nozzleman for the first half of my shift, and we had been out and about, and as I am sure most of you are, we get very vocal on the return from a run so we had been pushing and talking all day....well fast forward to me in the drivers seat...still pushing and talking, only this time the entire county is listning in, and we were not being at all polite or FCC compliant !!
I have done numerous stupid hand mic boogle's, thought I was on the radio, telling the driver in front my that I was responding, told the dispathcer to get the hell out of the way, asked Med Control to repeat an address, asked dispatch for orders....ah to many to recall !!