Ob ?


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Would you stay and deliver or transport the following patient, and why:

24yoF, Pregnancy w/ contractions 3 min. apart and duration of 45 sec. Pt. is G3/P2, and 30 weeks pregnant. Water has not broken yet. Transport time of 35-45 minutes.
Do you have a pt history?

Edit: My first response would be to haul *** to the hospital because of the possibility of an early birth.
No HX, vitals: HR 98-136 (depending on contractoins), SPO 99% on 15lpm via NRB, RR 16, BP 120/70
No, I would not stay. Start toward the hospital, If/when there is crowning is when you pull over and deliver. Upon delivery - be prepared for PALS.

Which would you rather do? deliver and be 35 to 40 minutes to the hospital with 2 patients possibly in distress, or 5, 10 or 15 minutes away.
Margaritaville said:
No, I would not stay. Start toward the hospital, If/when there is crowning is when you pull over and deliver. Upon delivery - be prepared for PALS.

Which would you rather do? deliver and be 35 to 40 minutes to the hospital with 2 patients possibly in distress, or 5, 10 or 15 minutes away.
I second the motion
Margaritaville said:
No, I would not stay. Start toward the hospital, If/when there is crowning is when you pull over and deliver. Upon delivery - be prepared for PALS.

Which would you rather do? deliver and be 35 to 40 minutes to the hospital with 2 patients possibly in distress, or 5, 10 or 15 minutes away.

Nothing more needs to be said....
I always wondered why EMT's are so panicky about o.b.'s? No, I would not pull over with contractions 3 minutes apart, no water yet broke ?..

Carefully, monitor ... check contraction(s) and duration and periodically for crowning, have everything prepared.. then once she starts to begin to crown..it is time to take action. Since she is a high risk (30 week) you may want to advise ER ASAP, most will direct you to straight to O.B. (Actually, I suggest to be prepared for NRP in lieu of PALS)

Be safe,
R/r 911
Ridryder911 said:
I always wondered why EMT's are so panicky about o.b.'s?

Be safe,
R/r 911

I love a good generalized statement.... :rolleyes: Now we must bow down to the ever calm CCP... With awe and reverance. B) I do not remember FFEMT ever saying anything about panick, just wanted some opinions.
FYI, we did go ahead and transport although I don't know if she delivered priort to arriving at the hospital.

The reason I asked was that OB is my weakest area, and just wanted to see what everyone else thought on the matter.
I would agree with the others. Load and go, you can always stop and deliever if needed or you can arrive at the hospital and leave her in the hands of the hospital staff.

Now if her water broke I'm thinking that would be another story.