This is more about preplanning via EMA/Fire and less about EMS, but still relevant to have a discussion about it. This is not the first time I've heard stories like this either.
I really do not think there is an evil mustache-twirling villain at the power company just dying (hah!) to disconnect the power. If they know there is a critical patient they WON'T turn the power off, yet this still happens and the burden is on the victim.
Most of the houses that I've been to that have O2 gen have some kind of visiting nurse or patient advocate. I'm going to look into this and see if there are any mandatory reporting protocols.
This is more about preplanning via EMA/Fire and less about EMS, but still relevant to have a discussion about it. This is not the first time I've heard stories like this either.
I really do not think there is an evil mustache-twirling villain at the power company just dying (hah!) to disconnect the power. If they know there is a critical patient they WON'T turn the power off, yet this still happens and the burden is on the victim.
Most of the houses that I've been to that have O2 gen have some kind of visiting nurse or patient advocate. I'm going to look into this and see if there are any mandatory reporting protocols.