@Smash Most likely you didnt watch the latest episode but tell me if you think a medic buying toys, with his own money, for potential pediatric patients is an egregious lack of professionalism? Or the medics that attempt to fix an electrical breaker on a call for a patient? This is real life stuff. EMS calls are rarely well orchestrated perfect ground breaking acts of medicine, its all customer service. Now I'm not saying everyone should call 911 if their toilet is broken, but these acts previously mentioned show true professionalism by "helping" the pt by any means. Remember at the end of the day were here to help people and not count up how many badass "tubes i dropped" or "lines i started". What would be unprofessional was if no effort was made to "help" someone on a non medical 911. Alot of people, from other public services as well, could have easily pawned off the work due to "thats not my job".
The cliches has slowed and havent seen any more random doctors showing up out of nowhere for intubations. Show to me shows the real side of a busy city EMS system