NEW EMT-B confused



Forum Probie
Since alot of you are still stuck on my spelling in this FORUM(not some official document or anything) then maybe you guys could team up and build a grammar army and attack Facebook :D


Community Leader Emeritus
I can not think of a single one of my FB friends who routinely uses poor English.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Are you serious? Who in the world gave you ultimate spell check regulatory power? You think nitpicking over forum spelling mistakes portrays you in a positive light? No shortcuts, huh? Does that include abbreviations? How about acronyms?

Yes, you're certainly proving a point, but it has little to do with spelling or grammar.

While we're not strict on proper grammar and spelling here, it is still a fact that people judge you on how you present yourself. For an online forum, you present yourself by how you write, and as a result that is all that we have to work with.

Another thing to consider is that employers (and supervisors) often visit this site to see what their employees (and even prospective employees) are saying about the company. Since we do not remove posts simply because a member asks us too, any post made in text speak is going to be here to stay, and viewable by all.

There is a fine line between nitpicking over every little spelling mistake, and trying to help a member improve how they present themselves in written communications. Often times, people disagree with where those lines are.


Forum Captain
There is a fine line between nitpicking over every little spelling mistake, and trying to help a member improve how they present themselves in written communications. Often times, people disagree with where those lines are.

Let's not forget to balance making new (and seasoned) members feel welcome to post here with helping a member improve how they present themselves. If a balance cannot be achieved, it might be time to prioritize.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Let's not forget to balance making new (and seasoned) members feel welcome to post here with helping a member improve how they present themselves. If a balance cannot be achieved, it might be time to prioritize.

That is a balance the Community Leaders are always working on.


Forum Ride Along
I'm a new Emt and am wondering if i shud begin send applications right away or if i shud try to build up my resume with volunteer work? and what kind of volunteer work would benefit me the most? im in the bay area and need advice.

Do both! I'm in the Bay Area also. When I became certified I applied everywhere and had no luck. I then volunteered in Oakland and met another EMT who referred me to this one place and I got the job. Volunteering will get you experience and you'll meet plenty of people who might be able to refer you to companies. Good luck!


Forum Probie
Do both! I'm in the Bay Area also. When I became certified I applied everywhere and had no luck. I then volunteered in Oakland and met another EMT who referred me to this one place and I got the job. Volunteering will get you experience and you'll meet plenty of people who might be able to refer you to companies. Good luck!

That's awesome! What did you volunteer as? Or I mean where and for what position


Community Leader Emeritus
Language is important in EMS.

Pre-CL, once someone identified themselves as being Spell-or grammar-challenged it was easier for me to be supportive as long as I saw some effort being taken.

When I encountered a name I was not familiar with and saw poor spelling and tough to grasp wording, I'd check back a bit to see if they have said something about it. If I saw an indication of working on it, I'd take a little extra time. If not, I would dread the messenger, skip the posts and potentially miss the message.

But I'm a CL now so I gotta read 'em all.

I don't like to have to work hard to translate and am also willing to be patient with those who make an effort. There's a difference between making spelling mistakes and inventing a language around them to cover it up. Count on my asking.


Forum Deputy Chief
Are you serious? Who in the world gave you ultimate spell check regulatory power? You think nitpicking over forum spelling mistakes portrays you in a positive light? No shortcuts, huh? Does that include abbreviations? How about acronyms?

Yes, you're certainly proving a point, but it has little to do with spelling or grammar.

It is a matter of professionalism and since you new and really do not know me, let me give you a very brief back story.

I am a medical business owner. I am very active in many EMS communities where many people wish to be hired.

I have personally assisted over three dozen people acquire jobs in very tough markets. I currently employ several people in my company who I met online.

I routinely address employment questions both domestic and abroad to my best capability or knowledge. When I do not know, I usually know someone who does...regarding overseas work.

How do you think I screened and employed the people I currently have? Through constant online interactions I get a great feel for their personality, I see how they handle issues, I see how they think, it tells me so much about their character.

Do not ever think potential employers are not watching.


Forum Captain
It is a matter of professionalism and since you new and really do not know me, let me give you a very brief back story.

I am a medical business owner. I am very active in many EMS communities where many people wish to be hired.

I have personally assisted over three dozen people acquire jobs in very tough markets. I currently employ several people in my company who I met online.

I routinely address employment questions both domestic and abroad to my best capability or knowledge. When I do not know, I usually know someone who does...regarding overseas work.

How do you think I screened and employed the people I currently have? Through constant online interactions I get a great feel for their personality, I see how they handle issues, I see how they think, it tells me so much about their character.

Do not ever think potential employers are not watching.

* Golf Clap *


Forum Deputy Chief
Cute sarcasm...

My point is still valid.


Forum Ride Along

I'm a new Emt and am wondering if i shud begin send applications right away or if i shud try to build up my resume with volunteer work? and what kind of volunteer work would benefit me the most? im in the bay area and need advice.

First off, it might be a good idea to begin using proper english when you speak and write. I understand the whole: should (shud), prolly (probably), etc... lango of todays youth but, if you start filling out applications and run forms like that you won't last long. Anyway, definatly volunteer with a reputable ems agency. I don't know how it is where you live but, here in Illinois it isn't easy for basics to find jobs. Don't stop filling out applications but, you will get further if you have some experience to put down on it. You also may want to think about taking a job in the medical field that isn't ems such as cna while you are looking.


Forum Captain
Cute sarcasm...

My point is still valid.

And so is mine. If you absolutely must correct someone's spelling errors, wouldn't it be a good idea to also contribute something useful to their original post too?

And I see LOTS of spelling errors in this forum, yet I don't see a tremendous amount of policing, except when it's a new member posting.


Forum Captain
First off, it might be a good idea to begin using proper english when you speak and write. I understand the whole: should (shud), prolly (probably), etc... lango of todays youth but, if you start filling out applications and run forms like that you won't last long. Anyway, definatly volunteer with a reputable ems agency.

Since we're on the subject, it might be wise to spell the word definitely correctly, especially when attempting to correct others.


Community Leader Emeritus
One could argue that there is a difference between an accidental misspelling or typo and willful disregard for the rules of the English language.


Forum Probie
To address the OP's question:

Volunteer work builds experience. And most of the time paid EMS agencies would like to hire someone with experience. This does not mean that you should not start sending out applications, though. It is a good idea to go ahead and send some out.


I may be new to this forum, but I agree wholeheartedly with the idea that proper grammar and spelling is incredibly important. Especially when you are on a forum asking for professional advice (such as the best way to go about becoming employed). The way that you speak (both verbally and written) say a lot about who you are and how professional you come across. It also can determine how seriously people take you.

Take the OP's original post:

I'm a new Emt and am wondering if i shud begin send applications right away or if i shud try to build up my resume with volunteer work? and what kind of volunteer work would benefit me the most? im in the bay area and need advice.

How serious would you take this guy or girl?

Now, if the OP had posted this:
I am a new EMT and am wondering if I should begin to send out applications to paid EMS agencies right away or if I should try and build up my resume with volunteer work first. What type of volunteer work would benefit me the most? I am in the Bay Area and need advice.

NOW how serious would you take the poster?

Just saying...


Forum Deputy Chief
And so is mine. If you absolutely must correct someone's spelling errors, wouldn't it be a good idea to also contribute something useful to their original post too?

My post and others who chimed in were extremely useful. We pointed out that the OP will get no where if he/she does not clean up their presentation. Helping one learn how to look and be better, how to improve overall is far more useful advice than overlooking their abuse of the English language.

You should be proud of this profession and expect nothing less from newbies entering...if we do not clean up our act we will continue to grovel at the bottom, always asking why but never understanding.


Forum Captain
Since alot of you are still stuck on my spelling in this FORUM(not some official document or anything) then maybe you guys could team up and build a grammar army and attack Facebook :D

All people knew about you when you made your original post was that you decided to address a professional forum with poor spelling and grammar.

That's all... I believe it is called, making a first impression. Sure, this is just a forum but still... there is another saying... Put your best foot forward.


Forum Vice-Principal
Community Leader
Okay, I think we've beat the spelling and grammar horse into dog food, so let's get this thread back on the topic of the OP's original question.