I have no issue with the rendezvous thing. I do it all the time.
Its this...
It's very rare to package prior to calling for ALS however major multisystem trauma especially MVC's come to mind if there's not a wait on extrication my priority is getting the patient out of there and on their way to proper care. These patients require care above the scope of ALS and as some (questionable) studies show ALS for trauma patients may not do as much good as we all like to think. If I roll on scene and the FD has the patient ready to roll we roll and place the call enroute.
As for the ALS not catching you not sure what the problem with that is, take away the joking comment about the way I drive and it's nearly impossible to make up 10 minutes time on 2 vehicles running the same direction. On a 30 mile transport to catch me at the hospital door you would have to be going 20mph faster than me. To catch me half way to the hospital you would have to average 40mph faster than me. It's not probable for them to catch you unless you wait which is the reason why that's the only time I would wait.
I'm a medic student, believe me I get all amped up about ALS just as much as you but we all have to realize it's limitations and realize that expeditious transport will do the patient more good than waiting for a medic so he can start an IV that the hospital will replace.