National Ambulance UAE


Crowd pleaser
I left to seek higher education. I liked it. I was not on EPS... I was on the military infrastructure contract.

I'll try to get some confirmation on the EPS thing.


Crowd pleaser


Crowd pleaser


Crowd pleaser
Just heard from two different former colleagues.

It is true.


I just herd the news myself. Rumor is all NA contractors for EPS will become direct employees of AD Police as of September. All the extra hours and other NA policies are also no longer in effect once this happens.


Crowd pleaser
Yes, I heard that as well.
So, in actuality this good for the employees that transition over.
Report is the police pay is 30000Dhs for a ALS medic (US or Commonwealth)
17500Dhs for EMT BLS. (Non US)

Will likely make it difficult for CEs and renewal though.


Forum Deputy Chief
Not a bad salary for living in UAE! Hmmm...wonder if I can double dip?


Crowd pleaser
True, haha.
I'm not sure what other options are included such as accommodation/travel/benefits.

All I heard was payscale.


Forum Ride Along
I left to seek higher education. I liked it. I was not on EPS... I was on the military infrastructure contract.

I'll try to get some confirmation on the EPS thing.
I left to seek higher education. I liked it. I was not on EPS... I was on the military infrastructure contract.

I'll try to get some confirmation on the EPS thing.
I don't think I mentioned that your were!


Forum Ride Along
It was never going to happen... NAC taking over the Ambulance operation. There is no way an Arab is going to hand over control of something to a Western organization..... it will never happen. It was just a matter of time before NAC got the arse from it. If you have ever worked in a Middle East country you will know that with Arab men it is all about saving face....they will lie and do anything to save face and be seen as correct, to let a Westerner/western owned business take control of a state entity would be loosing significant face.....they just do not like admitting someone else can do something better..... it was never going to happen. Coupled with the senior management of NAC having zero ambulance operational management experience it was doomed to failure. There was a significant amount of work done by middle management who have substantial ambulance experience, however they were not listened to by the two guys at the top, Graham Stewart and Rob Ball are at fault for having no clue. Rob Ball particularly with his bully tactics and his side kick the Finance Manager telling people if they don't like it to quote "**** off". There tactics would have seen them in the Industrial Relations Court in any western country.

If any one does decide to go and be employed direct by EPS, I wish you luck, salary may be comparable but you probably will not get the accommodation allowance.. and if they provide the accommodation instead of an WILL be ****....ask their existing direct employed staff...saw it myself...wouldn't let my dog sleep in there.

For those who are lambasting comments saying it is only negative and we make a few comments then's because we have moved on with our lives after trying to warn people about what it is really like with NAC...... "was really like now that they have been found out and given the arse". I personally moved back to a proper ambulance service on a salary of GBP 74,000/AUD$130,000/USD$99,000 in a Operational Management position, so it is far from sour grapes. I simply found that NAC management was incompetent when it came to Ambulance Operations and looking after staff safety & welfare.

So to the Paramedics left there, I hope it works out for you. I am trying to obtain positions for a couple of the guys who I worked with who have approached me, for those who stay your back with Emirates...things will be different once they are your direct employer...worse. Watch your back, document everything, have a witness.


Forum Deputy Chief
Once working for a government entity, be prepared to have them hold your passport for "safe keeping"...they would not want you to lose it and not be able to exit the country in a timely fashion... :)


Forum Ride Along
It was never going to happen... NAC taking over the Ambulance operation. There is no way an Arab is going to hand over control of something to a Western organization..... it will never happen. It was just a matter of time before NAC got the arse from it. If you have ever worked in a Middle East country you will know that with Arab men it is all about saving face....they will lie and do anything to save face and be seen as correct, to let a Westerner/western owned business take control of a state entity would be loosing significant face.....they just do not like admitting someone else can do something better..... it was never going to happen. Coupled with the senior management of NAC having zero ambulance operational management experience it was doomed to failure. There was a significant amount of work done by middle management who have substantial ambulance experience, however they were not listened to by the two guys at the top, Graham Stewart and Rob Ball are at fault for having no clue. Rob Ball particularly with his bully tactics and his side kick the Finance Manager telling people if they don't like it to quote "**** off". There tactics would have seen them in the Industrial Relations Court in any western country.

If any one does decide to go and be employed direct by EPS, I wish you luck, salary may be comparable but you probably will not get the accommodation allowance.. and if they provide the accommodation instead of an WILL be ****....ask their existing direct employed staff...saw it myself...wouldn't let my dog sleep in there.

For those who are lambasting comments saying it is only negative and we make a few comments then's because we have moved on with our lives after trying to warn people about what it is really like with NAC...... "was really like now that they have been found out and given the arse". I personally moved back to a proper ambulance service on a salary of GBP 74,000/AUD$130,000/USD$99,000 in a Operational Management position, so it is far from sour grapes. I simply found that NAC management was incompetent when it came to Ambulance Operations and looking after staff safety & welfare.

So to the Paramedics left there, I hope it works out for you. I am trying to obtain positions for a couple of the guys who I worked with who have approached me, for those who stay your back with Emirates...things will be different once they are your direct employer...worse. Watch your back, document everything, have a witness.
Well said! Actually NA is owned 80% Abu Dhabi Police and 20% Aspen Medical. Its an odd formula!


Crowd pleaser
True, the Emirates owned 80%, it was only managed by the Westerners. What what said about Arabs' business culture is absolutely true though.
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Forum Ride Along
I believe Aspen own quite a bit more than is more like 50%. But not really relevant. It's typical of Arab culture that they fight amongst themselves. The supreme ruler and national health body specifically wanted a modern ambulance service and went looking to engage a western entity that could establish one for them.... But Arabs being what they are, in fighting and power trips stuffed it for their own people. Just don't get sick in the UAE, their own internal health care is 3 rd world country at best. Examples of what I saw:
- backed up a Doctor (I use that term loosley) at a Cardiac Arrest.... He was doing CPR on a corpse with dependant lividity and rigormortis.
- cardiac arrest in hospital.... saw Doctors arguing over giving Adrenaline now or later, took 5 attempts to intubate
- the EPS emt's are basic first aid at best - I backed up one of their crews at a cardiac arrest en-route, met them why they had been traveling towards me for 20 minutes, the defibrillator was hanging on the wall in the ambulance...!!
- EPS Medcal Director is Tenizian... and hopelessly out of date.... he did not recognise a Lateral Infarct pattern till it was pointed out to him, does not know basic pharmacology. The Tenizian EMT's are significantly under educated compared to the much higher educated and skilled Phillipine EMT..... but looked down on.... Racism in the UAE is at plague levels.... many an argument was had when they tried to tell me the Pakistani pt I had could not go to a certain hospital.... Because it was for white men only..... many times I arrived at a scene to find the EPS ambulance and Emerati Tenizian crew had taken the Emirati with a scratch to hospital from a crash, but the Paki or Indian with life threatening injuries was literally left on the side of the road. Went to more Phillipine nanny rapes than I care to remember (raped by their Emirate sponsor...they see them as only slave labour...same as they treat Pakis and Indians). UAE is one of the most racist countries n the world...bonded slavery is alive and well...... Have a look at CIA travel warnings.
The list goes on
EPS Rescue... At a major rescue...most of them stood around not knowing what to do, panick, and blame each other

The UAE wanted to be seen by the rest of the world as developing health care due to the growing need to depend on Tourism..... but it's just a back water behind the scenes, all shiny and glamorous on the surface but puss underneath.


Forum Deputy Chief
Spot on. Wish I could elaborate, however your perspective is spot on. It gets no better when you move from the street into the hospital....there are a couple VERY RARE exceptions where true "western" medicine is practiced, but overall healthcare and the culture is as you describe it.

I mean just think on this....having to argue, plead and damn near beg for a doctor to give a fractured femur pain control, something stronger than motrin or tylenol. And FINALLY getting the doctor to agree (meanwhile the patient is in obvious agony) so he authorizes and administers 2mg of morphine...seriously!! 2 mg of morphine for a femur fracture with orders to give more in 4-6 hours IF needed!!!!

Farking is all about hiring the cheap slave labor and then treating them as such.


Forum Ride Along
Man...that is so true of the hospitals also....ok here is another hospital example.... They actually had a very competent USA Doctor I got to know... Being an outsider as well..... He came over to me when we first met, as we had just watched an Emirate 'Doctor' (loose term over there) try to put a chest drain in and frrk it up...took 3 or 4 of them to work it out...the USA Doctor was shaking his head, walked over to me and said..... I've seen you come in here a few times with proper packaged patients, please ...if you come to me in the street after I have an accident, please don't bring me to this hospital... He was in charge of the ED. At another hospital, I was criticised for not having intubate a patient I took in, I only had an LMA in.... I explained to the Doctor...well let's see you try to intubate in the back of an ambulance being driven like it was stolen at 130 and a police driver who doesn't give a damn, and I've just watched you try to put one in 5 times while the patient is laying flat and still on a hospital bed and you can't even do piss off!.... I'd had enough by this stage


Forum Probie
I would appreciate a feedback if any one knows the minimum qualification for a Advanced Paramedic position with NAC(or renamed EMS under Abudhabi Police). Is it mandatory to have a Bachelor degree in Paramedic?


Crowd pleaser
That standard is in regards to degrees in paramedicine. Most other countries outside of the U.S. have degree programs for paramedics, like the UK, Aussies, and Kiwis - pretty much equivalent more or less to an Associate's Degree in the U.S.

It isn't the same thing as you're thinking, such as comparing it to an advanced science like mechanical engineering or biochemistry.

However, they're all well qualified and top notch educations focusing on the core paramedic curriculum based on US standards.... Some a little more, some a little less.

NREMT-P (or now NR-P) trumps all in regards to worldly certifications at face value. The HAAD (Health Authority of Abu Dhabi) standards closely mimic (and in some cases are exactly) NREMT standards. A lot of US medics undervalue their national reg I think, in my experience. It really is of value to not let it lapse.

I would appreciate a feedback if any one knows the minimum qualification for a Advanced Paramedic position with NAC(or renamed EMS under Abudhabi Police). Is it mandatory to have a Bachelor degree in Paramedic?
From earlier in the thread.