National Ambulance UAE


Forum Deputy Chief
Was not trying to apply that as a whole, I am familiar with Dubai and Abu Dhabi quite well....I do keep a flat there. I love the Non Muslim section inside Spinneys...I do get the weird looks and occasional comment when I shop there but that is usually because I am sporting a massive beard and they think I have lost my mind.

Dubai and Abu Dhabi are unique in the sense that for every true local there are 6-7 expats so yes, general observations are skewed as are you judging/assessing the behavior of a true local or an expat (Pakistani, Indian, or others)?

No, some stores do not close during prayer but they do keep minimal hours and the reason they stay open is because there are NO locals working them, it is all expats...usually Philippinos or Indians. You will be hard pressed to find any Emirati in a regular job, same as KSA or Kuwait.

My narcotic policy is from my extensive intereaction with several hospitals within the Emirates as I have case managed patients through their ordeals and recoveries. Admittedly I have not taken a patient thru the AD system...but the mindset is prevalent.

Yes I agree it is a community built on money and trying to get them in a western mindset (not American, but Western) is Huge ordeal. Trying to do business with the majority of them is such a pain in the arse.

Yes at the end of the day everyone there is their servant and if you ever thought differently, you were fooled.
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Forum Crew Member
While I agree with some of that, I do not find it that extreme here, at all. I find the emirates an open minded left wing liberal paradise compared to other countries such as Saudi Arabia. However even in KSA I had a full narcs set. In UAE we are hiring women paramedics here as ALS in the field. business and shops do not close during prayer time here. Your free to buy pork and booze, In addition to that your free to practice whatever religion you like. Also only around %20 of the people that live here are Emirati nationals. Guys like "'Green Sheikh'" are also doing a real good job informing the public about protecting the environment and reducing carbon foot prints. The locals I interact with on a daily basis are very use to western culture and and ways. No one gives me a second look because I am white or cares about my tattoo's even on duty. The majority of the locals here DO NOT drop everything go to pray when the prayer call comes on.
I feel safer here than I do in most of the USA. After my time in Egypt and Saudi, I am really proud of the UAE and I think there doing a great job here.

At the end of the day in my opinion this a country of foreigners from all over the world build on and around money. It just happens to be in the middle east. Most of the %20 of people that are lucky enough to be locals have plenty of money. In addition to that there is no possible way they could staff an entire EMS system here on there own, and why would they? So they could serve the other %80 of us that are foreigners? Depending upon how you look it. It is kind of the other way around as we are really there servants ;-)

Mike, you are 100% correct about UAE, but that's why we are here now instead of still in Saudi, right? AND lets not forget under the current EMS system here which is Governed by the locals, they only allow D-10, O2 and NS in their drug box pre hospital. Dubai is considerably differant and We as a company are doing all we can to change this, but it is going to be a long and slow processes.
The best part of it all is it is SATURDAY and we go back to the real world tomorrow! :rolleyes::rofl::ph34r:


Ya Doug last night on duty tonight then its our week off!:beerchug::beerchug::beerchug:


Forum Probie
I accepted the job offer from NAC today. Two years in AD is a long time but probably not nearly as long as one year in Kuwait was. We talked it over, my family will stay in Colorado so I guess it's time to re-activate my Skype account.

So shulz, are you boys going to run my butt off? Perhaps I'll get lost in the sea of FNG faces. That's MY plan, anyway.

I've got a ton of questions that hopefully will be mostly answered by the employee manual. But for now, anybody have a copy of the protocols they can email me so I can be up to speed when I hit the ground?

Is that laughter I hear? Really? You're gonna start making fun of me already?


Forum Crew Member
Nice one Skimedic. Hope it goes well for you. Reading some if the posts here the only that really made me think about it was the part saying that the pre hosp meds were very restrictive !! Can anyone actually involved with this contract in NAC give us an idea of what protocols and med kits the public contract will be using in Abu Dabi


All we have herd is speculation because the new system contract will not start until summer. I did however hear that it might be a full ALS drug kit minus the narcs. It could however include NMDA receptor antagonist and Benzo's. This is however all speculation and hear say at this point at my level.

I will say that I was working public emergency response in Saudi Arabia before this and we received a full narc set with morphine, fentanyl, all the benzo's, ketamine, full set of RSI drugs and more. Saudi is a much stricter country. It took a little while for us to get those drugs out in the field but it did happen eventually.
PS: at present time the health authority of abu dhabi is using NREMT for skill sheets and assessing but jrcalc(the UK) guidelines for most of the drugs. All of this could change in the future but thats how things are right now
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Forum Probie
Are they still recruiting?

I forgot to mention in my previous reply we ARE taking Female Paramedics for the open jobs..ALSO there is a uplift for Critical Care or degree Paramedics. I don't know the details on that because the guidelines haven't been established yet.

Hi dtrojan I'm thinking of a move and wondered if your guys are still recruiting?

and what the deal is. I've been looking around and it seems like a relatively new service out there. Would a female paramedic be dealing with purely female "issues" or are they deployed to all? From my research i haven't been able to find their scope of practice either?



Forum Crew Member
I've been trying to think the best way to answer you questions and it is hard due to i am really not familiar with your systems in the UK. However, this is the middle east. EMS is virtuly non exsistent as WE know EMS. There is NO ACLS No MEDs NO Narcs NO ALS NOTHING! This country is only 40yrs old.
We are here to attempt to change that. There are no rules there is no scope of practice. The rules are being written and changed daily. Of course our goal is to have a top notch EMS system here but things take time.
NOW as far as recruiting..for the current project all the primary offers have gone out according to the acting project manager. However, we have been contacted about expanding into the northern emirates and when that goes online there will be a many more openings for medics and EMTs.
Hope that helps..

Hi dtrojan I'm thinking of a move and wondered if your guys are still recruiting?

and what the deal is. I've been looking around and it seems like a relatively new service out there. Would a female paramedic be dealing with purely female "issues" or are they deployed to all? From my research i haven't been able to find their scope of practice either?



Forum Probie
Thanks for your reply

Thanks for getting back to me. Wow it must be quite tough. How are you dealing with the loss of skills? They've come a long way in 40 years so i'm sure it won't be long before these issues are resolved. Seems odd to recruit paramedics and EMT's when they can't use any skills (ie dont use it you lose it). What are the hospitals like? I've read they're advanced but not sure how much to believe if this is how the prehospital care situation is. What is the structure of the ambulance service over there? From what I read it seemed that it was one big organisation, but from reading on here seems it doesn't sound that way? How well are your ambulances equipped? 12 Leads etc?

Sorry for all the questions.

I think the main differences with our system is EMT's. They are practically being fazed out and the ones we do have are generally trained up to be on a par with paramedics minus IV/IO benzo's, narcs, ALS drugs, needle chest decompression, needle cric and intubation. Having said that a lot of paramedics aren't being taught intubation either. The general movement is SGA's which some EMT's have too. I think we do more treating and referring over here too (EMT's and Paramedics). Even though EMT's aren't registered they are generally as autonomous as paramedics often solo responders or working with another EMT. We all run under JRCALC guidelines with minimal regional differences. Not too sure how we compare to the rest of the world skills wise.

I've been trying to think the best way to answer you questions and it is hard due to i am really not familiar with your systems in the UK. However, this is the middle east. EMS is virtuly non exsistent as WE know EMS. There is NO ACLS No MEDs NO Narcs NO ALS NOTHING! This country is only 40yrs old.
We are here to attempt to change that. There are no rules there is no scope of practice. The rules are being written and changed daily. Of course our goal is to have a top notch EMS system here but things take time.
NOW as far as recruiting..for the current project all the primary offers have gone out according to the acting project manager. However, we have been contacted about expanding into the northern emirates and when that goes online there will be a many more openings for medics and EMTs.
Hope that helps..
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Forum Probie
I accepted the job offer from NAC today. Two years in AD is a long time but probably not nearly as long as one year in Kuwait was. We talked it over, my family will stay in Colorado so I guess it's time to re-activate my Skype account.

So shulz, are you boys going to run my butt off? Perhaps I'll get lost in the sea of FNG faces. That's MY plan, anyway.

I've got a ton of questions that hopefully will be mostly answered by the employee manual. But for now, anybody have a copy of the protocols they can email me so I can be up to speed when I hit the ground?

Is that laughter I hear? Really? You're gonna start making fun of me already?
I applied for the position after hearing about it through a co-worker at the end of April. Unfortunately, the first intake was complete prior to getting my CV in. Damn! Would have offered my first born for the opportunity. (Although I didn't tell my son that). Hopefully, there will be a second intake in the future. Still work for the same ambulance service for 19 years and they've given me the go ahead to head over if given the opportunity and will have my job waiting for me when (if?) I come back.
Crossing my fingers!!


Forum Crew Member
Just a FYI, there will be another round sooner than expected!

I applied for the position after hearing about it through a co-worker at the end of April. Unfortunately, the first intake was complete prior to getting my CV in. Damn! Would have offered my first born for the opportunity. (Although I didn't tell my son that). Hopefully, there will be a second intake in the future. Still work for the same ambulance service for 19 years and they've given me the go ahead to head over if given the opportunity and will have my job waiting for me when (if?) I come back.
Crossing my fingers!!


Former medic seven years 911 service in houston
You should see the list of prescription drugs they don't allow in. some make sense like narcotics but they also ban things life viagra and menopause hormones and many antidepressants. You can apply for exceptions but I understand its just best to leave all meds of any kind at home and buy your asprin locally.


Forum Deputy Chief
First about the article...basically referencing extreme cases. yes they have happened but the prosecution is rare.

The last part about pork is hogwash in UAE as the grocery stores have Non Muslim sections where you can buy pork to your content. FYI, this is also where you will find pop tarts as it contains pork by product...surprise, who knew!?

Regarding the meds BBG listed, you are incorrect as those medications are sold over the counter there. Viagra, cialis, steroids, menopause meds...all legally sold without a prescription any day of the week.

As long as your medicines are in a properly labeled container without outrageous quantities being brought in - there is no issue...even with Adderall for ADHD which is a stimulant and is very difficult to obtain in UAE.

It is the people who put their pills in containers or baggies which cause eyebrows to raise. Searches upon arrivals are very rare and a bit of a farce.

I forgot to mention about 2 years ago the airport authorities acquired machines which can identify over 4000 different pills within minutes, they take a sample, pop it in the machine and then they verify if you are lying or not.
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Forum Lieutenant
Just reading all this and it sure looks like an adventure for sure. Might have to consider this after medic and some experience if not tied down with a family.


Forum Crew Member
Yes i agree these are extreme cases but since I have been here, I can tell you about a few incidents that has happened. MOSTly these things happen in the rural areas where things are more tribal.
As far as meds go i wasn't reffering to the over the counter meds you can get here. BUT the pain meds like vicodin and Ty3 That are banned from bringing into the country...Unless something has changed since i got here
Also Spinneys is Great i go there shopping every week. I do buy my share of product from the NON-Muslim section.
But the one thing that the stories keep saying that i guess was missed is if a local accuses you of something you did it and your guilty and thats it! OR maybe it just for Britts since all the victims were British :huh:

My point of posting that article is we have many new people coming over here with not a clue what life is like here. If people do what they always do without reguard to where they are trouble will soon follow.
Next time your in Dubai AK we need to meet up and ill tell you some stories.. :p

First about the article...basically referencing extreme cases. yes they have happened but the prosecution is rare.

The last part about pork is hogwash in UAE as the grocery stores have Non Muslim sections where you can buy pork to your content. FYI, this is also where you will find pop tarts as it contains pork by product...surprise, who knew!?

Regarding the meds BBG listed, you are incorrect as those medications are sold over the counter there. Viagra, cialis, steroids, menopause meds...all legally sold without a prescription any day of the week.

As long as your medicines are in a properly labeled container without outrageous quantities being brought in - there is no issue...even with Adderall for ADHD which is a stimulant and is very difficult to obtain in UAE.

It is the people who put their pills in containers or baggies which cause eyebrows to raise. Searches upon arrivals are very rare and a bit of a farce.

I forgot to mention about 2 years ago the airport authorities acquired machines which can identify over 4000 different pills within minutes, they take a sample, pop it in the machine and then they verify if you are lying or not.


Forum Deputy Chief
You can bring them in as long as they are of reasonable quantity and properly labeled in original containers. Too many people on chronic pain meds for them to be that strict.

I understand you issuing the cautions, they are I have seen my share of idiots over the years...remember I have been transiting Dubai for almost 7 years now and am also a resident now. Many fools sit in jail for stupidity...most for thinking because they are American all is good and if they get in trouble the consulate will help them---WRONG!

In all seriousness however, I do see way more Brits in the papers than I dunno??

I will be there in a few to restock my flat, pay some bills, do some meetings and then go check on the projects in theater.


Forum Crew Member
You can bring them in as long as they are of reasonable quantity and properly labeled in original containers. Too many people on chronic pain meds for them to be that strict.

I understand you issuing the cautions, they are I have seen my share of idiots over the years...remember I have been transiting Dubai for almost 7 years now and am also a resident now. Many fools sit in jail for stupidity...most for thinking because they are American all is good and if they get in trouble the consulate will help them---WRONG!

In all seriousness however, I do see way more Brits in the papers than I dunno??

I will be there in a few to restock my flat, pay some bills, do some meetings and then go check on the projects in theater.

Awesome, this is my off week so if Im not flying lets meet up..Call or SMS me when you get to town..


Forum Lieutenant
I've tried to land a nursing gig in Abu Dhabi but the companies that I've talked with have not exactly blown any skirts up in the way of compensation packages.

What's the pay like over there for medics if you don't mind me asking?