If a patient wants to go to a hospital that is 30 minutes away because his insurance covers it, and there is a hospital that is 5 minutes away what do you do? you take him to his hospital. it's called customer service. it's called pleasing and satisfying the customer. it's how your company gets business and generates an income. that customer will tell someone about your service and so on. it is what you are paid to do. we are in the business of customer service. you can tell which companies train their employees to think like that and which companies don't. the companies that don't have 15 year old ambulances. the companies that don't, don't have many contracts. on the other hand, the companies that do (like mine) have over 100 ambulances and contracts in over 60 cities both 911 and IFT. The company that does train their employees to think about customer service have not 1 single ambulance older than 3 years old. companies that know how to please a customer stay in business for a long time and have an excellent reputation.
just sayin'...
i love the company i work for and i love the values they instill in their employees. i couldn't be happier!
just sayin'...

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